Can Dr. Manhattan defeat Superman?

In short, in a straight-up battle, Dr. Manhattan could easily destroy Superman. All he would have to do is disintegrate him and no matter how powerful Superman might be compared to other beings, Dr. Manhattan is simply too powerful.
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Can Doctor Manhattan beat Superman?

However, other mainstream superheroes are probably mightier than him, since they can achieve feats he can't In short, in a straight-up battle, Dr. Manhattan could easily destroy Superman.
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Why is Dr. Manhattan afraid of Superman?

In Doomsday Clock, Manhattan feared Superman would destroy him. If Superman possessed this power in the main DC Comics continuity, surely Darkseid, in his strongest form, would be powerful enough to destroy Dr. Manhattan, especially with the forces of Apokolips at his heels.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat Thanos?

Thanos should not be underestimated in any fight, but unless he's wearing the Infinity Gauntlet or has a literal sack full of Cosmic Cubes, he isn't beating Dr. Manhattan. Without the aid of any super powerful objects, or pants for that matter, Dr. Manhattan could easily snap Thanos out of existence.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat Thor?

Can Rune King Thor beat Dr. Manhattan? - Quora. No, Dr Manhattan Godstomp any iteration of Thor you put in.
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Superman vs Dr. Manhattan - Everything Ends

Can Hulk beat Dr. Manhattan?

Unfortunately, as formidable as the Hulk has been in all his incarnations, brute force may not be as effective against Dr. Manhattan as his other adversaries. Manhattan could conceivably split Banner from the Hulk as Onslaught did in the '90s, or disintegrate the Hulk from existence altogether.
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Who is stronger Odin or Dr. Manhattan?

Who would win in a fight between Dr. Manhattan and Odin? Doctor Manhattan wins, he is almost infinitely more powerful than Odin. Odin has nothing in his arsenal to even hurt Doctor Manhattan, physical attacks, disintegration, reality erasures, magic, none of it affects the doc.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Dr. Manhattan?

His abilities to manipulate reality at a fundamental level make him nearly invincible. While Ghost Rider is a powerful supernatural entity with his flaming skull and hellfire, it's unlikely his abilities could match the sheer omnipotence of Dr. Manhattan.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat infinity ultron?

Doctor Manhattan tried erasing Superman but Superman popped right up every single time and Dr. Manhattan>Infinity Ultron. Tanked the anti-life equation that can end reality and would easily one shot Infinity Ultron.
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Who would win, Scarlet Witch or Dr. Manhattan?

Thus, it seems Doctor Manhattan has the clear edge in even a fight that would literally shred the very fabric of reality. No matter what the Scarlet Witch did, Doctor Manhattan would retain clear perceptions of what was going on and be unaffected by Wanda's manipulations.
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Who did Superman fear?

Superman is afraid of Martian Manhunter and his abilities because he understands just how powerful he can be at full strength. The Man of Steel truly respects Martian Manhunter's powers and won't ever underestimate him in battle.
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Who is Superman afraid of?

Superman is almost impossible to kill, but his death at the hands of Doomsday forever scarred him, and the notion of his death preventing him from saving Lois Lane is truly his greatest fear.
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Who killed Dr. Manhattan?

Although he's obliterated by Lady Trieu's centrifuge, the process is destroyed by Adrian's frozen squids before it can be completed, killing Trieu and destroying the machine. Dr. Manhattan is most definitely dead, but the question of his powers remains unclear for a bit.
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What is Dr. Manhattan's weakness?

Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons invented the cast of Watchmen to evoke familiar superheroic themes that their audience would recognize. Everybody knows that all good superheroes have a secret weakness, so even the godlike Doctor Manhattan had one, too. To put it in Superman terms: Tachyons are his kryptonite.
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Can Thanos beat Superman?

While Thanos might have the brute strength to defeat Thor, for example, it's a different matter when it comes to the Big Blue Boy Scout. That's because Superman remains much more powerful than Thanos — meaning that, in a straight fight, the former is bound to take the latter down.
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Who is the strongest DC character?

When counting down the most powerful DC cosmic characters of all time, the number one has to be DC's version of God, known as The Presence. While there are numerous Gods in the DC pantheon, mostly from the Greek versions of Zeus and his offspring, the Presence is more powerful than them all.
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Who would win, Silver Surfer or Dr. Manhattan?

Boomstick: This was a super-difficult dual to deduce, but in due time Doctor Manhattan could spell the doom of the Herald of Galactus. In fact, he made the Silver Surfer look tachyon in comparison. Wiz: The winner is Doctor Manhattan.
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Can Thanos beat Ghost Rider?

In the epic battle toward the end of the "Thanos Wins" arc, The Fallen One destroyed the Cosmic Ghost Rider with relative ease.
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Can any Marvel character beat Dr. Manhattan?

Fans who are left wondering "who can defeat Dr. Manhattan?" have only to look towards the character known as The Beyonder, who is largely considered to be one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.
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Who can beat Galactus?

With just the flick of a finger, Thanos could make Galactus disappear in an instant. With the might of all the Infinity Stones and his natural strength, Thanos is nearly unstoppable, and arguably no single hero or villain in the Marvel world could defeat him alone.
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Who can defeat one above all?

Who is more powerful than One-Above-All? No one is more powerful than the One-Above-All. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe. He can defeat the Beyonder very easily, who is known as the second most powerful being in the Marvel Universe.
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Is Dr. Manhattan immortal?

He is also an omnikinetic. He does not need air, water, food, or sleep, and is immortal.
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Who wins Hulk or Doomsday?

Hulk is Stronger , Smarter, Harder to kill and he has more experience fighting foes like himself though Doomsday's tougher than Hulk slightly more , Hulk could get tougher overtime matching Doomsday durability or even surpass it .
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Who can destroy the Hulk?

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.
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Who is the strongest person Hulk has beaten?

10 Strongest Characters The Hulk Has Beaten
  • 7 Armageddon Never Stood A Chance. ...
  • 6 Hulk Beat Three Super-Strong Mutants At Once. ...
  • 5 Hulk Pummeled The Prince Of Power. ...
  • 4 Hulk Threw Gladiator Into A Nuclear Reactor. ...
  • 3 Hulk and Thing Have A Long History. ...
  • 2 Abomination Is Hulk's Perfect Rival. ...
  • 1 Hulk Smashed Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
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