Can Draco Malfoy do wandless magic?

It's never explicitly mentioned, but it's possible that Draco Malfoy can perform wandless magic. After spotting an invisible Harry in his compartment, Draco shuts the door and closes the blinds to block out sight so he can confront Harry.
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Can Draco do wandless magic?

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Draco Malfoy appears to close the shutters on the Hogwarts Express without a wand, though it is possible another form of magic was used to close the curtains, not performed by Malfoy.
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Who can perform wandless magic?

Non-human wandless magic

Elves and Goblins are able to perform magic without wands. Goblins sometimes refer to wizards and witches as "wand bearers" and humans' failure to share wand knowledge with goblins is a source of ill-feeling between the two species.
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Can Hermione perform wandless magic?

Wandless magic is very difficult to produce. Only a very powerful individual can produce wandless magic as a student. Hence since Hermione had the best wandless magic, she was considered the most powerful of the three.
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Could Snape do wandless magic?

Some other wizards known to have used wandless magic include Gellert Grindelwald, Queenie Goldstein, Alastor Moody, Barty Crouch Jr., Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, and Quirinus Quirrell.
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How will professors react if you use Avada Kedavra in front of them - Hogwarts Legacy

How can Snape be in Slytherin if he is half blood?

Because Slytherin was NOT the house for ONLY pure-bloods. If that were the case, then Slytherin would NEVER have a full house. Look, Slytherin house IS willing to accept half bloods. There are even reports of rare muggle borns entering their house.
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What is the rarest ability in Harry Potter?

Those that are gifted with the power of flight are perhaps more rare than any other wizard that has any other power. Able to fly purely because of their own powers and not reliant on any type of enchanted item or spell at all, the number of these special wizards known to exist can be counted on one hand.
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What happens if a Muggle touches a wand?

A Muggle gaining one wouldn't just effectively have a stick in their hand but could produce an uncontrollable magical effect."
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Can you resist Expelliarmus?

Can one defend against Expelliarmus? Yes, a skilled witch or wizard can counter or block the Expelliarmus spell, using spells such as **Protego** (the Shield Charm) or by simply evading it. The effectiveness of the defense often relies on the caster's skill and timing.
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Is wandless magic weaker in Harry Potter?

in the harry potter universe its stated wandless magic is weaker though in this game natty states in uganda they only use wandless magic and it was about the same in power. so really it comes down to the user.
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Why doesn't Hogwarts teach wandless magic?

The level of difficulty is high, and at times, it can be unstable — a possible reason why wandless magic is not taught at Hogwarts. We wouldn't recommend Neville try this type of magic, for example.
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How hard is wandless magic?

Wandless magic is supposed to be difficult and unruly in the HP universe. But according to Hogwarts Legacy writers, there is no difference between wandless magic and magic used with wands.
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What type of spell is expelliarmus?

The Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus) was a charm that forced whatever an opponent was holding to fly out of their hand. It was common to see this spell used in duels to make an opponent lose their wand.
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What spell almost killed Draco?

Malfoy spots Harry and casts a Cruciatus curse; Harry, defending himself, using the Half-Blood Prince's Sectumsempra spell without knowing its effects. To his horror, it gashes Draco's face and chest, spilling his blood everywhere. Moaning Myrtle flies off, screaming.
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Is Draco as strong as Harry?

He's Actually A Powerful Wizard

Though it may seem like Harry Potter always comes out on top, it is often overlooked how powerful of a wizard Draco Malfoy really is. Though Draco Malfoy's intentions aren't as pure as Harry's, he is often just as skilled despite the unpopular opinions surrounding the character.
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Does Draco become nicer?

Having gone through the horrors of the second wizarding war as a Death Eater, Draco abandoned the pure-blood beliefs he was originally devoted to, and grew to become a better person than he was in his youth, growing more tolerant and accepting of the non-pure-bloods of the wizarding world.
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Can Hagrid resist Avada Kedavra?

Yes, if the curse is powerful enough. Hagrid is half-giant, and it is said that giant-blood can “absorb” some of the power in spells.
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What is immune to Avada Kedavra?

Phoenixes were semi-protected from the Killing Curse, due to them being immortal.
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How did Expelliarmus defeat Avada Kedavra?

Expelliarmus did not beat Avada Kedavra. Voldemort's wand (the elder wand) recognized its true master (that was Harry) and refused to attack it. In a way Voldemort killed himself as his own spell backfired on him.
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What if a Muggle killed a wizard?

If the muggle knew about the magic world then he would be sentenced by wizard. If he did not know and just, lets say robbed a wizard and shot him with no knowledge of it. Then the cops would report who it was and what he had, Ministry of Magic would hear about it through their connections in the muggle world.
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Can a Muggle go to Azkaban?

Those who could not prove that they had magical heritage — in other words, any Muggle-born and potentially some half-bloods — were sentenced to Azkaban for having "stolen" magic. Some, however, were apparently released after being stripped of their wands and their jobs, and ended up homeless.
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Can a Muggle see Hogwarts?

Hogwarts Castle appears as abandoned ruins to any Muggles close enough to see. Although wizarding society lives for the most part directly alongside Muggles, the interaction between the two communities is virtually non-existent since the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was introduced in 1692.
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What is the rarest core in Harry Potter?

Phoenix feather

This is the rarest core type of our Wizarding World fans, and in the wizarding world itself: 'Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this.
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Who is the most badass wizard in Harry Potter?

First on our list is Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Known for his wisdom and powerful magical abilities, Dumbledore is respected and feared by many in the magical community.
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Who was the most powerful Hogwarts student?

Hermione is one of Harry Potter's best friends and is the most powerful of the three characters. She is the smartest and most skilled student and easily the most competent magic user of the trio.
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