Can Elves come back to life?

Elves are immortal but can be killed in battle, in which case they go to the Halls of Mandos in Aman for an afterlife. They may be restored by the Will of the Valar, and then go to live with the Valar in Valinor, like an Earthly Paradise, though just being in the place does not confer immortality, as Men supposed.
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Do elves get reincarnated?

"soul") of a dead Elf may return from the Halls of Mandos by being born anew. In later prose explorations, such as the Athrabeth and "The Converse of Manwë and Eru" (HoME 10.361-366), Elves may only be reincarnated by special permission of the Valar and that in a reconstituted body ( hrondo).
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Which Elf came back to life?

Glorfindel was among the mightiest of the Elves, and was once the lord of the House of the Golden Flower in Gondolin. After his death in the First Age, he was re-embodied by the Valar and returned to Middle-earth millennia afterward.
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Can elves regenerate?

Elves are immortal, and remain unwearied with age. They can recover from wounds which would be fatal to a Man, but can be killed in battle. Spirits of dead Elves go to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor.
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Can they return from the Undying Lands?

Elves are already immortal and, therefore, can live forever in the Undying Lands in peace. The Men, Hobbits, and Dwarves of Lord of the Rings could live there, and they have, but when their time comes to see Mandos, their souls are moved into the mysterious afterlife for which Tolkien gives no description.
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Why Did the Elves (& Frodo, Gandalf) Leave Middle-earth? Middle-earth Explained

Can you live forever in the Undying Lands?

Aman is known as "the Undying Lands", but the land itself does not cause mortals to live forever. However, only immortal beings are generally allowed to reside there. Exceptions are made for the surviving bearers of the One Ring: Bilbo and Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee, who dwell there for a time, and the dwarf Gimli.
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Why can't Aragorn go to the Undying Lands?

Men were never allowed to enter the Undying Lands after the fall of Numenor and any attempts to reach the lands would result in failure or disaster. Aragorn, despite his heroic deeds, likely wouldn't have accepted an invitation to ensure his duties as king.
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Can elves lose their immortality?

Elves are immortal but can be killed in battle, in which case they go to the Halls of Mandos in Aman for an afterlife. They may be restored by the Will of the Valar, and then go to live with the Valar in Valinor, like an Earthly Paradise, though just being in the place does not confer immortality, as Men supposed.
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Do elves have an afterlife?

So yes, if an elf is killed in battle, her death will separate her from any loved ones she has on Middle-earth as her spirit travels to Valinor to be re-embodied.
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How long is an elf pregnancy?

Elves are basically immortal beings who age into a state of ethereal hotness and then stop the clock. They live for millennia, so being pregnant for one hundred years is actually not that bad when you look at it that way. Both parents are also aware of the baby elf growing in the womb the whole time.
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What is the rarest elf?

"Rockseer elves are the rarest of all elvenkind. They are far taller than most of their kin, with a few reaching almost to eight feet in height. An average weight for a Rockseer is between 120 and 140 pounds, with little gender difference.
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What happens if an elf dies?

However, if an Elf manages to not violently die or waste away in grief, they will endure as long as the world does. If they do die before the end of the world, they then go to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor. However, Elves do not need to perish violently in order to go to the Halls of Mandos.
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What is the rarest elf in the world?

The rarest type of elf known as the high or summer elves the Eladrin for a time all but vanished from the world, recently they have been sighted again in civilisation.
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Do elves have a soul?

Elven souls are immortal. The elves believe that when they die, their soul is reincarnated into the body of a newborn elf. Indeed, when an elf goes into their sleep-like trance state, they are bathed in memories from the lives they have never lived.
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How long can elves live?

Elves in most settings are fairly long lived, in the 5e players handbook (Which gets this number from the forgotten realms) it's said that elves can live up to the age of 750 years old.
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Why do Elves age if they live forever?

Elves did not physically age after they reached maturity, but they did age in a different sense than Men. They became ever more weary of the world and burdened by its sorrows.
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How do Elves age if they are immortal?

The first cycle for Elves is childhood and adolescence, lasting around 100 years, though most elves are fully grown after their first 50 years. The second cycle of an Elves' life is adulthood which can span thousands of years, all while not physically aging.
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Can Elves still sleep?

Elves do sleep. Tolkien wrote accounts when elves where “asleep” but their sleep is some what different to men. Tolkien wrote that Legolas whilenwith the fellowship “slept as was the way of elves” on his back while both hands resting on his body. His eyes open and in a deep dreamlike state.
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Why do elves give up immortality?

Elves eventually become weary of Middle-earth and desire to go beyond it, but never can. Many fear that the destruction of Middle-earth will be the end of them. Men think that Elves live forever, but for the Elves, their longer lifespan still leaves behind uncertainties over what comes next.
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Why is Arwen dying in LOTR?

Her situation in the Lord of the Rings is a little bit different in that she's not tied to the One Ring at all. It's not sucking out her life force as it gets closer to its own doom. Rather, she's chosen mortality to stay on Middle Earth with Aragorn and has begun to feel the passing of time.
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Are house elves immortal?

According to the WOMBAT test, it is possible that house-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, cannot be ordered to kill themselves, breed infrequently and only with their master's permission, can override wizard enchantments, and have an allegiance to their home rather than its inhabitants.
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Why is Aragorn not in the Hobbit?

If you were wondering why Aragorn was not a part of "The Hobbit" film, wonder no more. Viggo Mortensen, the actor behind the man who would be king, explains why. And it's pretty simple. Because his character does not appear in the J.R.R. Tolkien novel.
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Can Galadriel go to the Undying Lands?

She then traveled to Minas Tirith for the wedding of King Elessar and Lady Arwen and returned to Lórien until TA 3021 when she journeyed to the Grey Havens and, with the remaining Ring-bearers, took a ship and returned at last to the Undying Lands whence she had come so long ago.
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