How could Thanos cut Captain America's shield?

Although vibranium is susceptible to damage, it's depicted as the most durable material in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fact that Thanos possesses enough power to beak vibranium is a testament to the strength of the Mad Titan, but more importantly, the weapon itself.
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How was Thanos able to break Captain America's shield Reddit?

With each usage in years and multiple impacts caused Shields molecular integrity to compromise. While during fight with Thanos the Shield completely weakened which caused Thanos blade to shatter caps shield.
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Can Captain America shield cut?

Therefore, theoretically, Captain America's shield, with its sharp edges, which have been shown to be able to slice through an entire tank in a single throw by Captain America... could definitely cut through Wolverine's claws.
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Could Hulk break Captain America's shield?

Throughout Marvel Comics, the Hulk has tried and failed to break Captain America's shield but has never even come close, and since Superman is only a little bit stronger than the Hulk in his base form, it makes sense that Superman wouldn't be able to break the shield either.
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How was Thanos able to destroy vibranium?

Because Thanos sword is made up with URU metal whereas cap's shield is made up of Vibranium. And Vibranium is the strongest metal of earth only. Whereas Uru is universe's strongest metal (may be not sure though).
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Why Thanos sword can break Captain America shield?

Although vibranium is susceptible to damage, it's depicted as the most durable material in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fact that Thanos possesses enough power to beak vibranium is a testament to the strength of the Mad Titan, but more importantly, the weapon itself.
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Can vibranium cut Hulk?

They can cut through steel like butter. They have been shown to pierce Terrax, and damage Ultron, two highly durable & invulnerable characters (New Avengers v3#5 & Avengers v3#21); why not also Hulk? A vibranium weapon imbued with the power of the Wakandan gods. It's been shown to cut through anything.
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Can Wolverine lift Mjolnir?

While Wolverine would never be worthy of Mjolnir, he wouldn't hesitate to support and fight alongside anyone who wielded it.
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Can Superman bend vibranium?

It depends on which type of vibranium you are taking about. Vibranium in wakanda can be broken by superman until an unless suri full off Tricks to make it more durable. In movies Captain sheild is made of Exclusively Vibranium of Wakanda. But antartic vibranium is much more durable compare to his othe…
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Can Thor break vibranium?

Yes. Uru metal can quite easily break vibranium. So How did Captain America take a hit from Thor's hammer? Because it was dead-set in the middle.
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Can Wolverine cut Captain America's shield?

The comics have told a different story: ferocious slashes and bashes from Wolverine's claws can beat most supervillains and super-mutants, but most of the time they can't break through Captain America's trusty shield. At best, scratching off some of the surface paint.
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Is Thanos sword stronger than vibranium?

According to the commentary track on the Endgame Blu-Ray, Thanos' sword comes from somewhere off-world, making it stronger than vibranium and quite a number of other things as well. Thor's weapons can't scratch them, for instance. Thanos' sword could thus be made of adamantium, which also seems unlikely.
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Can Superman break Captain America's shield?

Regular Superman? No, you need either Skyfather level power or matter manipulation to break CA's shield. The shield survived a full power lightning blast from Thor without a dent.
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Is Thors Hammer vibranium?

Once Thor had proven his worth, Mjolnir itself returned to him of its own accord and his powers were restored, though he required the hammer to achieve his full strength. Although indestructible and with unmatched power, the hammer has proven unable to break Captain America's shield due to its vibranium composition.
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Could Thanos have snapped Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel's power came from one of the infinity stones. So she probably could not beat Thanos with the gauntlet. Against Thor, they would probably be evenly match as long as Thor is only using Mjolnir. If he is using Stormbreaker, he'll have an edge in power over Capt Marvel.
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Can Mjölnir destroy Captain America's Shield?

Thor ultimately leaves the hammer with Captain America. Captain America's shield is near-indestructible, as it was designed to counter some of the strongest attacks possible. However, villains and heroes have used Mjolnir and other weapons to shatter it before.
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Could Wolverine cut Superman?

On top of that, Logan's claws can cut through nearly anything, including the skin of beings like the Hulk. Piercing Superman's flesh would be difficult but far from impossible for Wolverine, making the Man of Tomorrow vulnerable to every slash and stab attack Logan lands on him.
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Can Hulk bend Captain America's shield?

Captain America's shield is basically unbreakable. Pure, raw strength has never broken it. It's always been some kind of godlike being (magic) or someone who can rearrange molecules (Molecule Man). The Hulk has punched his shield with no damage at all to the shield.
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Can Thanos crush Vibranium?

It would need to be a more durable metal in order to break Vibranium and that's without a doubt. Even though Vibranium is said to be the strongest natural metal of all time and has energy absorbing abilities. In Avengers: Endgame, Thanos was able to cut/break apart Captain America's vibranium shield.
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Can Groot lift Mjolnir?

groot was able to pick it up very easily in the movie and also use his arm as the handle.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can Deadpool lift Mjolnir?

In the end, Deadpool wasn't worthy. While he seemingly had control of Mjolnir and the strength of Thor, it was all a mirage put on by Loki to distract Thor.
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Can Spiderman take Hulks punch?

Spider-Man Can Take Hulk's Hits (And Deal Just as Much Damage) If Spider-Man can survive a blast from a cannon designed to take out the Incredible Hulk, and his super-durable genetic makeup, it's logical to assume he has similar durability (broken ribs notwithstanding, though they heal fast).
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What color is Hulks blood?

The Hulks are iconic green monsters. Their skin is green. They bleed green. Even their feces are green.
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Why can't Hulk bleed?

Due to the gamma radiation that birthed him, his skin is nearly indestructible and takes massive force to break. Throughout Hulk's many on-screen fights, he has only bled twice, and both circumstances prove it takes a unique set of variables to accomplish that.
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