Can elves have children with men?

In Middle-earth, half-elves are the children of Elves and Men, and can choose either Elvish immortality or the mortal life of Men.
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Can men and Elves breed?

That is, two populations are different species if they cannot interbreed, producing fertile offspring. Clearly, elves and humans may successfully interbreed, producing fertile half-elves in at least three documented unions (Idril and Tuor; Luthien and Beren; Arwen1 and Aragorn) (Tolkien 1955, Appendix A).
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Can Elves have elf babies?

Summary. Elves in Middle-earth rarely have children because it takes a great deal of thought and consideration. Elven children age slowly and mature at 100, which means they have a longer period to grow. Arwen's choice to have children with Aragorn reflects the Elven race's careful approach to parenting.
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Can an elf and a human have a baby in Lord of the Rings?

Yes, they could, although it was a very rare occurrence due to the difference in Elf and Mortal lifespans. In every case, the liaison was between significant people, involved significant deeds, and/or produced significant offspring.
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How many Elves married men?

Elf-human marriages of any sort were very rare. There are only three marriages noted between the Eldar and Edain (Beren and Luthien, Idril and Tuor, Arwen and Aragorn) and one marriage between a Man and a Silvan Elf (Imrazor and Mithrellas).
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Why Are There No Elf Children in the Lord of the Rings?

Are Elves monogamous?

Monogamy is practised and adultery is unthinkable. By their very nature, they are "seldom swayed by the desires of the body" or influenced by lust. They marry only once for it was ruled by Manwë that, "'since the Elves are by nature permanent in life within Arda, so also is their unmarred marriage.
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Are Elves polygamous?

Even then, structured Elven families can have multiple husbands and/or wives, with multiple child-bearers, and complex family lineages. Courting ages are considered firm in Elven society, with families encouraging their children to practice strictly romantic, non-consummated relations until at least the age of 50.
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How long is an elf pregnancy?

Elves are basically immortal beings who age into a state of ethereal hotness and then stop the clock. They live for millennia, so being pregnant for one hundred years is actually not that bad when you look at it that way. Both parents are also aware of the baby elf growing in the womb the whole time.
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What happens if a dwarf and an elf mate?

Half-dwarves (also known as halfbloods) were hybrid humanoids born through the union of a dwarf and another humanoid race. Half-dwarves of dwarf-elf hybridization were sometimes more specifically called dwelves ( sing : dwelf).
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Why do elves have so few children?

Elves, being immortal, did not feel a real need to reproduce as the mortal races did. They married late or not at all, and had few children when they did. It just wasn't an imperative for them.
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What are the rules for elf babies?

The only rule for children is that they can't touch their elf or else the magic might disappear. Elf babies aren't an official toy from the Elf on the Shelf store, though many are dressed in the red outfits that match the signature elf.
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How does an elf give birth?

Elven Births

It is said that the pregnancy of Elves begins with a vision from the goddess, foretelling of the woman's child. Information such as the gender and due date of the child are later divined by the expectant mother through the aid of a Cleric that has been chosen to serve as a midwife.
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Do elves respect men?

At first, only the Ñoldor had dealings with Men, as the other Elves feared them, but over the generations, Men served the Ñoldor and gained their respect.
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What races can elves mate with?

Elves mostly only mate with their own kind and cannot interbreed with most distict races. they can mate with humans and dwarves,but because of their physical similarities to these other races,their children are not born with many special abilities.
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What if two half-elves have a kid?

Half-elves can have children of their own. When they form families with other half-elves, their offspring will be half-elves themselves. However, if a half-elf has children with someone of different ancestry, even a member of their parental races, the results can vary.
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How do elves mate?

Elves marry freely, monogamously, only once, and for love early in life; adultery is unthinkable. Betrothal, with the exchange of rings, lasts at least a year, and is revocable by the return of the rings, but is rarely broken.
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Can elves fall in love twice?

Long story short, I came across a post talking about how in The Hobbit Part 3 (which in my opinion was nothing short of an abomination, for the record) Tauriel is so heartbroken over Kili dying because elves can only fall in true love once, which (according to whomever wrote the post) is something that Tolkien himself ...
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Why can't elves breed?

The physiology of elves, then, is very different from those of humans, and even though they live long lives, they are only fertile while they're young. This is seen as one of the biggest weaknesses of elves, as they can be easily dominated by other races because they don't have enough population to compete.
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How often do Elves menstruate?

Tolkien's elves are immortal and only rarely have children, which means they wouldn't have regular periods. D&D's elves are as mortal as humans and just live longer, and can have half-elf children with humans, which implies its elven babies are made the same way as human babies and with similar biological rhythms.
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Can Elves go into heat?

Once an elf reaches sexual maturity between the ages of 70 and 80, they begin to experience írpuhlë, a type of 'heat' that overtakes them for between a week and a month every 10 years in a cycle, during which the elf's libido is greatly enhanced.
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Do elf children age slowly?

Elves' First Cycle of Life Is Childhood and Adolescence

Thus, their mental maturation was faster than the race of Men, but their physical maturation happened much slower. For instance, while Elves looked like young human children at 20 years old, they were skilled in language and craft.
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Can elves fall in love with humans?

While romantic partnerships between humans and elves are rare, there have been instances of marriage between the two species, such as the relationship between Aragorn and Arwen.
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What age do elves marry?

1. Most Elves choose their spouse while they are still young – 50 to 100 years old. There are a few exceptions, and marrying late seems to be connected to ill chances or strange fates.
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How do elves propose?

When the two Elves involved decide that they are going to marry for certain, they promise to marry each other. The act is called betrothal. They give each other silver rings. They hold a betrothal feast, in which they announce their betrothal to the world, and their families meet.
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