Can Frankenstein's monster cry?

Like Victor, the monster comes to regard knowledge as dangerous, as it can have unforeseen negative consequences. After realizing that he is horribly different from human beings, the monster cries, “Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock.”
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Did Frankenstein's monster have emotions?

The Creature defines himself through the emotions he feels inside his body as well as in relation to outside responses to his appearance. He experiences the physical identity imposed on him through his body, remembers his crimes but also says that his loneliness is unbearable.
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Is Frankenstein's Monster sensitive?

Assembled from corpses and jolted to life, Frankenstein's Monster is many things—intelligent, sensitive, immortal—but mostly, he's a patchwork man seeking his place in the world.
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What does the monster feel when Victor dies?

Fate: The monster's and Victor's fates are inextricably linked. Victor believes it is his fate to live the rest of his life pursuing the monster, and as the one who brought the monster into the world, is set on destroying him. After Victor's death, the monster feels he must die as well.
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Why does the creature weep at the end?

Investigating the noise, Walton is startled to find the monster, as hideous as Victor had described, weeping over his dead creator's body. The monster begins to tell him of all his sufferings. He says that he deeply regrets having become an instrument of evil and that, with his creator dead, he is ready to die.
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994) - Done With Man Scene | Movieclips

Why does the creature cry over Victor's body?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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What are the creature's final words?

I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. Soon these burning miseries will be extinct. I shall ascend my funeral pile triumphantly and exult in the agony of the torturing flames.
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Did Frankenstein's monster have a name?

Mary Shelley's original novel never gives the monster a name, although when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the monster does say "I ought to be thy Adam" (in reference to the first man created in the Bible).
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Why does Victor still fear death?

Victor feels extreme guilt for the deaths of William, Justine, and Henry. He is scared that the monster will continue to kill people until he gets his final revenge on Victor since the monster threatened this revenge would take place on Victor's wedding night.
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Who died of a broken heart in Frankenstein?

Lesson Summary

Victor return to Geneva in a fit of grief and exhaustion. His news about Elizabeth's murder leads Alphonse to die of a broken heart and turns Victor's mind from grief to vengeance.
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Why is Frankenstein's head flat?

The flat-top was supposed to indicate the top of the head having been sliced off – like a boiled egg – in order to facilitate the brain of the freshly deceased criminal cut down from the gibbet. The top of the cranium is then replaced with a flat sheet of metal ( don't ask me how the hair was supposed to be attached ).
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What does Frankenstein's monster hate?

The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and ...
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What does Frankenstein's monster love?

More than anything, the Monster desires love and companionship like this family has for each other. ''You must create a female for me with whom I can live in interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being.
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Why does Frankenstein's monster hate humans?

Human beings made him declare “war” by treating him like an enemy. The Monster feels completely alienated: “none among the myriads of men” will take pity on him. In this way he resembles Frankenstein, who alienates himself by pursuing forbidden knowledge.
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Is Frankenstein's monster remorseful?

Torn between vengefulness and compassion, the monster ends up lonely and tormented by remorse.
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Is Frankenstein's monster lonely?

Although he is lonely, the creature initially sees himself as a part of the family, and he helps them by discretely gathering wood for fire. However, he is ultimately scorned by the family and then violently pushed away by other people. He comes to find that loneliness is his fate.
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What are Victor's dying words?

'Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed. '
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Why did Victor go crazy?

Victor Frankenstein, like John Forbes Nash, Jr. endured experiences early in life which gradually tipped him over the edge from normalcy to insanity. As his mind spiraled out of control with his obsessive work, he neglected his family, health and all things previously dear to him.
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Is the monster sad when Victor dies?

Once he learns that Victor is dead, the creature feels that he no longer has a purpose. He both hates and pities Frankenstein and knows that ultimately he cannot live without his creator, no matter how much the two of them hated each other.
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Why is Frankenstein's monster green?

In some productions he was painted a corpse-like white, while in others he appeared as blue or green, colors that helped him stand out from the rest of the cast. For that reason, art from that era depicts Frankenstein in a variety of colors.
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How tall was Frankenstein's monster?

Frankenstein's Monster is described as being 8 foot (2.4 m) tall in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein (1818). Frankenstein's Monster was first portrayed by 5 foot 11 inch (1.8 m) tall Boris Karloff in Frankenstein (1931) with the assistance of lifted boots.
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Why is Frankenstein's monster not a monster?

The creature is intelligent and is able to speak and reason, yet is not recognized as a human by society. He is able to voice his concerns, but due to the way he looks he cannot be considered human and is therefore denied the rights of man. This means he is unable to defend his crimes as a human normally would.
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What does Victor say on his deathbed?

On his deathbed, Victor also acknowledges that he is not just responsible for the creature but also responsible to him: “I … was bound towards him, to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well-being” (p. 181).
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What does Victor say before dying?

His last line is more ambiguous – “Yet why do I say this? I have myself blasted in these homes, yet another may succeed.
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What does Victor say before he dies?

''Yet why do I say this? I myself have been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed. '' These are the last words Victor says before he dies, spoken to the ship captain Walton, who picks him up in the Arctic after he gets hypothermia chasing the creature.
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