Can Hulk beat Black Dwarf?

While Black Dwarf has impressive durability, being able to tank blasts from Gladiator's extremely potent eye beams, his strength hasn't been shown anywhere near in the same class as the Hulk. His punches have created large craters in the ground, but the Hulk's have cracked an asteroid twice the size of the Earth.
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How powerful is a black dwarf?

Black Dwarf's skin is unbreakable; he has been attacked by the universe's most powerful heroes at the same time and has come out unscathed. He's also impossibly strong and has near-unlimited endurance. Black Dwarf also wields massive bladed and blunt force weapons of incalculable power that are almost as big as he is.
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Who can Hulk not defeat?

But in other cases, they are just too powerful, even for him.
  • 5 Even Hulk Should Be Wary Of Fighting Zeus.
  • 6 Hawkeye Killed The Hulk. ...
  • 7 Doctor Doom Can Outthink Any Opponent. ...
  • 8 Bruce Banner Beat The Sentry, But The Hulk Did Not. ...
  • 9 Pitting Anyone Against Galactus Just Isn't Fair. ...
  • 10 Thanos The Mad Titan Is Too Much For Hulk. ...
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Can Hulk beat Black Adam?

Hulk has a violent reputation among Marvel's heroes. He's the strongest one there is, and his power is pretty much infinite. Fighting him is basically an exercise in futility, as any blow that doesn't take him out makes him angry, and he just gets stronger. However, that's exactly why Black Adam would win.
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Has Hulk ever beaten Black Bolt?

However, the Hulk would finally get revenge on Blackagar Boltagon when he returned from Earth during World War Hulk from Marvel Comics, where he finally made his way through a moon-shattering scream to take down the Inhuman leader.
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MCU Hulk Vs. Cull Obsidian (Black Dwarf): Who Would Win?

Could Black Bolt beat Thanos?

Calling this one a victory is admittedly a stretch, but Black Bolt was able to slow Thanos down. Unfortunately, Thanos survived the blast and beat Black Bolt into unconsciousness, proving that Thanos can alloy victory with defeat.
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Can Hulk survive Black Bolt scream?

The Hulk's durability wasn't able to suddenly withstand Black Bolt's scream, one of the most powerful attacks in the Marvel Universe; instead, it took on a cheap version of the power and hero and won.
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Is Hulk stronger than Shazam?

The Hulk is the strongest one there is in the Marvel universe. His strength is potentially infinite and he has a powerful healing factor that means he doesn't stay hurt for long. Shazam has a lot of powers at his disposal, but he's just not ready to deal with the Hulk.
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Can Thanos beat Black Adam?

Black Adam stands no chance, even with his godlike strength. Thanos and Black Adam would be one of the most brutal match-ups of any considered here. The Mad Titan is relentless, and Black Adam would test every ounce of strength he has.
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Is Doomsday faster than Hulk?

In fact, the only foe that fast who Hulk's ever seemed to keep pace with in a one-on-one match was Sentry, and that was when he was at his most powerful stage, Worldbreaker Hulk. Boomstick: So overall, Hulk had strength and Doomsday had speed, but neither completely outclassed the other.
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Could Hulk beat Galactus?

The Hulk's Ultimate Form Is More Powerful Than Galactus.
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Has Hulk ever beaten a god?

It was one of the more epic Marvel events in recent memory. And with this issue showing that Hulk, when mad enough, can take down an actual god, it's no wonder that MCU Loki was so scared when he saw the not-so-jolly- green giant show up in Ragnarok.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Can a black dwarf go supernova?

Although cold, this is thought to be hotter than the cosmic background radiation temperature 1037 years in the future. It is speculated that some massive black dwarfs may eventually produce supernova explosions.
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Is black dwarf a dying star?

The formation of Black dwarf is itself a death of star. Black dwarf is formed after a billions of years of various process, A star would turn too old. A massive explosion would follow called as super nova.
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Can light escape a black dwarf?

Answer: Within the event horizon of a black hole space is curved to the point where all paths that light might take to exit the event horizon point back inside the event horizon. This is the reason why light cannot escape a black hole.
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Can Darkseid beat Thanos?

Just looking at the numbers, Darkseid would win. His Omega Beams wipe out anything they hit from existance, or in the case of Batman send that person back in time.
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Can Thor beat Apocalypse?

It shows as both Thor and Apocalypse were knocked out of these fights with ease. The pair would have another fight during The Unworthy & The Mighty Thor tie-in to Generations, where the arrival of the Jane Foster version of Thor returned to the past and helped Thor overwhelm and defeat Apocalypse.
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Can Batman beat Black Adam?

Even a depowered Black Adam can beat Batman in a fight, but the act ends up revealing the DCEU anti-hero's greatest weakness - and it's not magic.
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Is Hulk can beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Superman?

A battle between Superman and Hulk's ultimate form goes to the Breaker of Worlds on sheer power, but given the One-Below-All's planet-destroying plans and Kal-El's history with Krypton, it's likely the Man of Steel would give everything he has to take down a threat that is in many ways his exact opposite.
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Can Hulk beat Wonder Woman?

Even with her fighting knowledge, Hulk's raw power alone is likely far too much for her to handle. Furthermore, Hulk only grows stronger as his rage increases. In a prolonged fight with Wonder Woman, he is very likely to grow ever stronger, eventually being able to completely overpower her.
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Can Wolverine stab the Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Can Hulk stop juggernaut running?

Once Cain Marko starts moving, nothing can stop him. Heroes like Spider-Man have only managed to slow down the Juggernaut, and once the villain charges, even the incredible Hulk's immense strength can't hold him back.
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Can zombies infect Hulk?

Alike the other Marvel superheroes, the Hulk ended up becoming infected with the zombie virus in an alternate reality known as Earth-2149.
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