Can PG-13 movies have the F-word?

There are exceptions, usually when the word is just repeated in a short time or used as part of an emotional scene, McMahon said. But any movie with more than three F-bombs likely couldn't remain PG-13, she said. And if the word is used to signify sex, the film automatically gets an R rating.
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Can a PG-13 movies say the F-word?

The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie. Mark looks at its impact on films... Warning: this article uses the word “fuck” a lot.
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How many cuss words can be in a PG-13 movie?

PG-13 movies are allowed one F-bomb -- so what are the BEST uses of the lone F-bomb in PG-13 movies? We compiled the best of the best and put them here for you to enjoy.
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Does PG-13 have curse words?

One of the things the MPA is most well-known for is an urban legend about the number of uses of 'f*ck' allowed in a PG-13 rated film; the MPA has never gone on record saying there is an official limit, though there does appear to be a limit at one or two for the majority of films.
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What is not allowed in a PG-13 movie?

A PG-13 film is one which, in the view of the Rating Board, leaps beyond the boundaries of the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, or other contents, but does not quite fit within the restricted R category. Any drug use content will initially require at least a PG-13 rating.
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PG-13 movies after using up their one f-word

How much swearing is allowed in PG?

Snippets of language that go "beyond polite conversation" are permitted in G-rated films, but no stronger words are present. Profanity may be present in PG rated films, and use of one of the harsher "sexually-derived words" as an expletive will initially incur at least a PG-13 rating.
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How many cuss words can be in a PG movie?

The censors advise parents to check content in PG films because they may contain scenes that are unsuitable for younger or more sensitive children but they should not unsettle a child aged eight or over. Words that could be used in a PG film include “bloody,” “bugger,” “s---,” and some “milder” four letter words.
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How many F words are in an R rated movie?

According to the MPAA's website: “A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating.”
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How many F words are in Avatar 2?

There's only one F-word in Avatar: The Way of Water, but let's imagine there's one more.
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Does Ready Player One say the F word?

The word, "fuck" is only used once, and not in a sexual way. An avatar also gives another avatar the middle finger in contempt. "shitshow" was used only once after the fight was over.
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How many F bombs in a PG-13 movie?

The ruling came to be that only one F-bomb could be used in a PG-13 movie, which meant that writers had to become more strategic when and if they placed it in a movie. This also meant that audiences would receive more iconic F-bomb moments in a film.
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Do they say the F word in Beetlejuice?

"Hell," and "damnit," can be heard a few times. Two uses of "fuck", one isn't clearly heard like the other, and two of "shit". "Goddamn" is said at the very beginning of the film.
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What is the hardest PG-13 movie?

The 10 Films with the Hardest PG-13 Rating
  • Sucker Punch.
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
  • Beowulf.
  • Live Free or Die Hard.
  • Casino Royale.
  • Hanna.
  • Drag Me to Hell.
  • Anchorman.
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What was the first R rated movie?

The first R-rated movie was “The Split,” a 1968 noir starring Jim Brown and Gene Hackman. From The World-Herald archive, an ad for "The Split," the first R-rated movie. The X rating basically just meant “not rated,” and restricted anyone under a certain age, even if they had an adult guardian with them.
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How many F bombs are in air?

There are over 50 f-bombs in the film, mostly in arguments or casual conversation. Not only do the curse words give the production a Restricted rating, they are completely unnecessary.
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How many F bombs for R rating?

A common thing that people tell you about the MPA is that for PG-13, you are only allowed one F-bomb in a non-sexual way (though there have been films with two or more uses), as they say that two uses can get a film rated R.
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Is Avatar ok for 9 year old?

Actual sexuality in the movie is almost nil (one 30-second, pretty tame love scene). Most Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars covers were more titillating than the nudity in Avatar. I'd say age 8/9 on up will be old enough to see it (though you know your kids better than I do).
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Are there inappropriate scenes in Scream 6?

The MPAA rating has been assigned for “strong bloody violence and language throughout, and brief drug use.” The evaluation includes an implied sex scene, a few kissing scenes, a reference to date rape, many scenes of people being stabbed frantically and repeatedly and finally slashed across the chest ...
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Is Avatar 1 kid friendly?

Parents Need to Know

The movie is long (at 161 minutes) and intense, with several effects-heavy battle and hunting sequences that show the devastation of imperialist violence and the right that Indigenous groups have to protect themselves and their land.
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Is Barbie PG-13?

But if you haven't heard, the Motion Picture Association actually gave Barbie, Ken, and the gang a PG-13 rating! It never once crossed my mind that perhaps Barbie might be inappropriate for my 8-year-old daughter. First of all, the movie is being marketed to girls well under 13.
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Can you curse in a PG movie?

So while PG films might include tough ideas like crime, discrimination or bullying, they would never suggest that these are acceptable. In a PG rated film, you can expect to hear mild bad language only.
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Does venom say the F word?

Profanity (8)

The F-word is dropped once in the movie, very briefly. This is one of the few Marvel movies that have the f-bomb in it and remain PG-13. There is one use of "turd" at the end of the film.
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Can you say the F word twice in a PG-13 movie?

In a PG-13 rated film, you are only allowed to use the f-bomb once, use it twice and you're slapped with an R rating.
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Is PG higher than PG-13?

PG: PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED. Some material may not be suitable for children. PG-13: PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
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Who has the most swears in a movie?

Analysing over 3,500 film scripts, the study found that The Wolf of Wall Street contained the most swear-words, with a staggering 715 in total, with the film's supporting actor Jonah Hill taking the prize for the biggest potty-mouth in modern movies.
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