Can Sauron beat Voldemort?

Another thing to mention is that Sauron has bested multiple wizards before like Saruman or Gandalf, meaning that he'd eventually beat Voldemort in the end, though the Avada Kedabra could most definitely kill him. Boomstick: If you think Voldemort stood a chance, you'd be Saurong. Wiz: The winner is Sauron.
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Who would win, Voldemort or Darth Vader?

Depending on where they're fighting. On land/earth, Voldemort would win- he'd challenge him to a duel, and long-range fighting can normally do better than close range. However, say Voldemort goes to space and back and forth, Darth Vader would definitely win.
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Is Sauron stronger than Dumbledore?

Originally Answered: How would Dumbledore fair in a 1 v 1 fight against Sauron from Lord of the Rings? He would get instantly vaporised. Sauron is among the most powerful of the Maia (demigods). So he is in a whole other level of power.
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Who was more powerful than Sauron?

Characters who can easily defeat Sauron are; his Creator Eru Ilúvatar, his old master Melkor, and the Valar. Others who could overcome him would be Ungoliant who physically dwarfed Morgoth, and some great Maiar of Valinor described as almost as great in power as the Valar themselves.
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Who is stronger than Voldemort?

Objectively, Gellert Grindelwald actually had better "Dark Lord" achievements than Voldemort, despite being killed by him. Voldemort just happened to be eviler and more driven, hence more dangerous, but he is by no means more powerful than Grindelwald.
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The Hobbit (2014) - Clash of Immortals [4K]

Who is the weakest wizard in Harry Potter?

These were the weakest wizards of Harry Potter.
  • 4 Rubeus Hagrid Couldn't Openly Practice Magic. ...
  • 3 Professor Quirrell Faltered When He Went To Look for Voldemort. ...
  • 2 Ron Weasley Had To Be Coached By Hermione All the Time. ...
  • 1 Vincent Crabbe Was Vicious and Unintelligent.
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Who is stronger, Harry or Draco?


Harry and Draco were pretty much neck-and-neck when it comes to dueling and wand-related stuff. It was only until Harry got a hold of Snape's diary and channeled his Slytherin tendencies that he was able to win against Malfoy. As a result, he nearly killed Malfoy in The Half-Blood Prince.
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Could Gandalf beat Sauron?

NO, Sauron was so much more powerful than Gandalf. Had all the 5 Ishtari worked together they could not have defeated Sauron in combat.
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Why is Sauron so weak?

Because Sauron lost his Ring, his power severely diminished, and it took him thousands of years to rebuild his power. Even after Sauron declared himself again, his sole focus was on finding the Ring, not on solidifying his dominion.
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Can Galadriel beat Sauron?

In a one-on-one battle, Galadriel would likely lose to Sauron. Even though she's an Elf, both powerful and intelligent, Sauron is Maiar. Odds are, Sauron didn't fear a physical defeat — only a fellow Maia ring-bearer could physically oppose him and win, after all — but Galadriel is threatening in other ways.
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Can Gandalf beat Voldemort?

Gandalf is no mere man, but a Maiar, which are essentially the equivalent of angels in Tolkien's world. Not only that, Gandalf is capable of feats of sorcery that could easily beat back the Dark Lord. Fighting the Balrog for three days and two nights makes everything else seem like a cakewalk.
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Can Sauron defeat Thanos?

Not only is Thanos way superior in stats and haxes, but Sauron really has no way to permakill Thanos.
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Could anyone beat Sauron?

The man was literally undying thanks to his tie to the One Ring and was so strong that he could continuously reconstitute a physical form even after being destroyed time and time again. With the One Ring, Sauron would have been so powerful that no one could have stood against him.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan faced off against Darth Vader four times and physically beat him twice while beating him through his Force development in a third fight. Obi-Wan Kenobi had the high ground that led to Vader's disfigurement and becoming the ultimate Star Wars cyborg.
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Could Darth Vader ever beat Palpatine?

As it stands, Palpatine's influence over Vader was too great for Vader's strength to overcome, forcing him to take Palpatine down when he was prone and unaware. Despite it costing the battle with his son, Vader's attachment to Luke ultimately allowed him to defy Palpatine and destroy him.
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Can Vader beat Palpatine?

Vader knew that he could never defeat Palpatine by himself (especially after his master bested him on Exegol as well), which is why he tried to recruit Luke to help overthrow him during the Empire Strikes Back. He may have not been able to overthrow the Emperor, but he could throw him over the railing to save his son.
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Who is Sauron most afraid of?

Sauron's deepest fear was that Aragorn would use the Ring against him. With its powers of domination, Aragorn could comfortably take over the entirety of Sauron's dark army. Though this would eventually corrupt Aragorn, it would allow him to destroy Sauron and take his place.
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What is Sauron afraid of?

Gandalf stated that Sauron feared “something indomitable” within Gollum. By the exact language used, Gollum is indomitable, meaning he cannot be dominated. Sauron is all about domination - and Gollum was openly defiant - breaking under torture, but still openly displaying his hatred and wrath to Sauron.
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Who does Sauron hate?

Meanwhile, a few faithful Númenóreans, led by Elendil, were saved from the flood, and they founded Gondor and Arnor in Middle-earth. Sauron still considered them his hated enemies and he launched a pre-emptive attack on Gondor in S.A. 3429.
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Who finally defeated Sauron?

Finally Sauron came out to fight Elendil and Gil-galad face to face. When Elendil fell, his sword Narsil broke beneath him. Isildur took up the hilt-shard of Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, vanquishing Sauron.
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Could Gandalf beat Galadriel?

As previously stated, Gandalf is a Maia and is therefore superior to Elves regarding power. Still, this isn't to say that an elf couldn't develop enough skill and power to defeat a Maia. As a bearer of one of the Three Elven Rings (Nenya), Galadriel would have an edge against Maiar like Saruman and Radagast.
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Is Sauron more powerful than Balrog?

Secondly, Balrogs were the epitome of malice and power while Sauron only ever won one of three fights he ever had. Sauron was the great deceiver. His power lies in planning, subterfuge, manipulation, and corruption.
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Who is smarter Hermione or Draco?

Draco Malfoy is one of the most brilliant students at Hogwarts, only surpassed by Hermione Granger.
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Is Hermione or Harry stronger?

Harry: Better At Defense Against The Dark Arts

In the books, Harry's O.W.L. results for DADA are higher than Hermione's, the only exam in which he outperformed her. His defensive abilities are an asset for the young wizard that gives him an edge over his best friend in combat.
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Who did Draco hate?

Draco and Harry's rivalry began when Harry rejected Draco's offer of friendship, who saw Harry's fame as a way to boost his own social status. Jealousy played a big role in Draco's hatred towards Harry, as Draco resented Harry's talent, popularity, and close circle of friends and caring family.
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