Can Spider-Man heal?

So while Spider-Man does have a low-grade healing factor and a super fast metabolism that helps him heal and survive most of the brutal attacks sent his way, having regenerative skills at the level of Deadpool's is a clearly bigger problem for Peter as well as anyone else Wade decides to help in the same way.
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Does Spider-Man have healing?

Like his namesake, Spider-Man's strength and agility stand far above those of the average human, allowing him to lift nearly 10 tons and to leap and move at incredible speeds with high accuracy. He also heals faster than normal when injured, though he is not completely immune to viruses and other human ailments.
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What is Spider-Man's real weakness?

This is the big one. Ethyl chloride is essentially Spider-Man's Kryptonite and it renders anyone's spider-powers null and void. This makes ethyl chloride extremely powerful against Spider-Man, but this chemical cocktail doesn't have nearly the same reputation as Superman's Kryptonite.
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Can spiders self heal?

Amazingly, garden cross spiders can regenerate lost legs and use them immediately to build a web that is pitch-perfect, even though the new limb is much shorter than the one it replaced.
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Can Spider-Man regenerate limbs?

Will Spider-man's healing power help him? There is a version of Peter Parker that says his powers will not help him replace missing limbs. That being said, the Peter Parker of Earth 982 did of course get his organic leg back after he was killed and resurrected by a cosmic entity because comics be like that.
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Top 10 Superheroes Who Can Heal

Can Spider-Man survive a bullet?

Spidey had been shot, beaten up, and blown up by a giant exploding truck. In later issues of Ultimate Spider-Man however, it's revealed that Peter Parker actually survived all of these horrible events. Apparently the Oz Formula flowing through his veins had made Peter essentially immortal.
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Can Spider-Man regrow eyes?

Spider-Man Has An Enhanced Regeneration Ability

In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man has been able to heal his blindness, a broken arm, and third-degree burns much faster than the average human, though he often compares his ability to that of Wolverine's, which is much faster.
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Can spiders feel pain?

There is evidence consistent with the idea of pain in crustaceans, insects and, to a lesser extent, spiders. There is little evidence of pain in millipedes, centipedes, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs but there have been few investigations of these groups.
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Do spiders care about humans?

Generally, spiders want to avoid humans and will only bite as a defense mechanism if they are provoked. Many are extraordinary at hiding or camouflaging themselves because they don't want to be seen.
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Can humans survive without spiders?

“If spiders disappeared, we would face famine,” says Norman Platnick, who studies arachnids at New York's American Museum of Natural History. “Spiders are primary controllers of insects. Without spiders, all of our crops would be consumed by those pests.”
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Is Spider-Man the weakest hero?

Spider-Man is one of the strongest heroes in comics, yet Marvel Comics frequently makes the Web-Slinger appear weaker than he actually is. For decades, Spider-Man's relatable personality and life experiences have cemented him as one of Marvel fans' favorite characters.
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What is Spider-Man's biggest fear?

Spider-Man fears anyone dying, but there is a special place for his loved ones. Peter Parker's family and friends getting hurt or killed, especially because of him, is one of the Web-Slinger's worst fears.
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Who is stronger, Batman or Spider-Man?

While Spider-Man is stronger and faster, Batman is smarter and has more gadgets.
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Is Spider-Man immune to fall damage?

"Electro shocks Spidey so badly he's knocked unconscious and flies off the building, landing on a police car many stories below. That injury puts Peter in the hospital, and likely would have killed him if he had landed on the pavement. So while Spider-Man is strong, he's hardly invulnerable to fall damage."
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Can Spider-Man be sick?

He can get sick. He's been shown with a cold/flu. His healing factor (click the link to read my answer), unlike what others say he does have one, doesn't protect him from that.
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How fast can Spider-Man run?

Online consensus suggests Spider-Man has an upper limit of 200-250 miles per hour. To put that in perspective, sprinter Usain Bolt's record is just under 28 miles per hour. Spider-Man's speed has fluctuated over the years greatly depending on the creative team writing him.
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What smell do spiders hate?

Spiders really don't like strong scents such as citrus, peppermint, tea-tree, lavender, rose or cinnamon. Add 15 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oil or a couple of capfuls of Zoflora fragrance to a spray bottle filled with water, and spritz around the house.
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Can spiders bond with humans?

Spiders do have feelings, but unlike a dog or a cat, they won't bond with you. In fact, they likely won't even recognize you. They simply aren't hardwired to be companions to humans and should never be bought at pet stores, online, or anywhere else.
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What is the most intelligent spider?

Portia fimbriata, known as the Fringed Jumping Spider or often just as Portia is renowned as the world's most intelligent spider. It is a spider hunter which modifies its hunting strategies and learns from situations as it encounters them.
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Do spiders like getting touched?

One word of caution: It is always best to avoid touching a Spider. While they never actively seek human contact, they will bite if they feel threatened or endangered. Their venom causes reactions that differ from species to species and person to person.
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What color is spider poo?

Spider droppings tend to be dark in colour, though white droppings are not unheard of. Depending on what the spider has been eating, shades of brown, black, and gray are all likely. Since the excrement consists mostly of viscous liquids, spider droppings may resemble a small splatter of paint or ink.
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Do spiders know you are scared?

While the theory is unproven, it is likely that spiders can detect human fear. However, there are only few studies about this topic and it is not yet known for certain.
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Can Spider-Man heal fast?

From the Answer-Man's Archive:

Until Wolverine's debut in the Marvel Universe (in 1974), Spider-Man was the go-to hero in the Marvel Universe for fast-healing action. While the Hulk's power has later been dubbed regeneration, in the past, he appeared to be more invulnerable than regenerative.
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Can Spider-Man grow old?

He's a perpetual teenager, and a captivating vessel for our own nostalgia. Spider-Man may never grow older, but his ability to capture the hearts of new generations ensures that his legacy will endure.
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Does Spider-Man age?

Yes, he ages slower than a human being which is due to his healing factor which makes him immune to diseases and can heal from injuries very quickly, his healing factor is almost like Wolverine's however Wolverine has a faster healing factor yet Spider-Man's healing factor is still intriguingly fast which also allows ...
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