Can Superboy beat Black Adam?

Black Adam's Magic Is No Use Against Superboy-Prime In fact, he's also shown that he can't be harmed by New Earth's kryptonite, so it stands to reason that another world's magic can't hurt him either. But with Superman's power level and an invincibility to magic, Superboy-Prime eclipses Black Adam in power.
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Can Black Adam beat Superboy Prime?

Whereas most versions of Superman have a weakness to magic, Superboy-Prime has a greater resistance to it; he was able to easily fight off Black Adam during their initial encounter, and was only defeated by Shazam and Black Adam in the DC Rebirth when both of them attacked him by saying their word simultaneously, ...
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Who can defeat Black Adam?

10 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Black Adam In A Fight
  • Apocalypse. Apocalypse and Black Adam have many similar powers and strength levels, but when it comes down to an all-out brawl, Apocalypse is far superior. ...
  • Sentry. ...
  • Wonder Man. ...
  • Thanos. ...
  • Ultron. ...
  • Hulk. ...
  • Scarlet Witch. ...
  • Thor.
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Can Black Adam beat Darkseid?

Darkseid dies in the fight as his minion Desaad cries out to his dead master. However, Darkseid's defeat in the fight by Black Adam isn't as it seems. Teth-Adam admits that Darkseid could never be so easily defeated as such a decisive win is impossible.
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Would Superman beat Black Adam?

Kryptonians Can Beat Black Adam (Despite His Magic)

As the Justice League reflect, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is the clear winner in any comparison.
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Who Can Beat Black Adam?

Why can't Black Adam beat Superman?

Superman also has a set of abilities he can use that Black Adam doesn't have: X-ray vision, heat vision, super breath and super hearing. He's grown up with these abilities, so they are second nature to him, making them strategic wild cards in a fight between the two.
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Can Hulk beat Black Adam?

Hulk has a violent reputation among Marvel's heroes. He's the strongest one there is, and his power is pretty much infinite. Fighting him is basically an exercise in futility, as any blow that doesn't take him out makes him angry, and he just gets stronger. However, that's exactly why Black Adam would win.
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Can Thanos beat Black Adam?

Seeing as he would have lost against Thanos without the upgrade of his new weapons, it's clear who the victor would be in a confrontation between the Mad Titan and Adam. A battle between the god-tier Thanos and Black Adam would be insane, but in the end, Thanos would walk away victorious.
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Who in DC is stronger than Black Adam?

Darkseid's immense power easily outclasses Black Adam with his Omega Beams, immeasurable strength, and absolutely insane durability. Darkseid has survived explosions and weapons that were specifically designed to kill him.
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Can deathstroke beat Black Adam?

Deathstroke would make a great villain for a sequel to The Batman, but he's no match for someone as powerful as Black Adam. Deathstroke has proven to be a worthy foe for Batman and many other heroes, and has a large arsenal to assist him in his missions.
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Can Loki beat Black Adam?

Loki is known for the many illusions he's capable of, with the trickster showing abilities of astral projection, shapeshifting, and hypnosis. However, such sorcery won't do well against Black Adam, who has the power of Aten to prevent himself from being harmed by magic.
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Could Batman beat Black Adam?

Unfortunately, his own arrogance and ego are soon proven incorrect. The merciless Black Adam is incredibly well-trained and utterly ruthless, shocking and surpassing even Batman's martial arts skill. This sees him completely beat a surprised Caped Crusader, who only gets back up when Black Adam lets him.
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Which DC superhero can beat Superman?

Doomsday did something no one else could do in DC Comics. He killed Superman. This was one of DC's biggest comic book moments. Doomsday was raised on Krypton as a weapon of mass destruction, killed and resurrected constantly, ensuring it could never die the same way twice.
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Who is Black Adam's arch enemy?

Since DC Comics licensed and acquired Fawcett's characters in the 1970s, Black Adam has endured as one of the archenemies of the superhero Captain Marvel / Shazam and the Marvel Family (a.k.a. Shazam Family), alongside Doctor Sivana and Mister Mind.
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Can Superboy beat Superman?

Superboy prime is significantly more powerful then superman, but even he is just an alternate reality Clark Kent. He could probably beat superman. Connor Kent is quite a bit less powerful then superman, so he probably couldn't beat superman unless he got really lucky.
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Who is Black Adam's nemesis?

Black Adam Became Shazam's Ongoing Arch Nemesis

Any chance he got, Black Adam would always seek out a new way to finally take down his successor, Shazam, either by blunt force or some clever manipulation.
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Can Thor beat Black Adam?

Ultimately, pure strength and speed will win the fight of pantheons, with the gods-given power of Black Adam simply being too much for Thor. Black Adam has speed on the level of a Kryptonian or even the DCU's version of The Flash, which is simply too much for Asgard's former prince.
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Can Hawkman beat Black Adam?

So Hawkman flies into battle against Black Adam, despite being hugely outclassed. He lands a big flying punch straight in Black Adam's face, but it barely phases him. He can only beat him when the rest of the Justice Society comes in to help, and they can only take him down for a moment.
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Who can defeat Darkseid?

11 Justice League Villains Powerful Enough to Kill Darkseid
  • 4 Erebos.
  • 5 The Zone Child. ...
  • 6 The Limbo Cell. ...
  • 7 Black Racer. ...
  • 8 Mister Mxyzptlk (& Emperor Joker) ...
  • 9 Yuga Khan. ...
  • 10 Doomsday. ...
  • 11 Starro the Conqueror. ...
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Can Silver Surfer beat Black Adam?

Both are in the league of Superman in over all power. As long as the Surfer doesn't let Adam get into melee he has a chance of winning. But if Black Adam can get his hands on the Surfer then Adam has a serious Advantage. Surfer can toss more raw energy down range, but Adam has superior strength.
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Can Black Adam beat juggernaut?

Juggernaut's force field deserves respect. It has previously tanked attacks from Thor with Mjolnir and Hulk. Given an assumed strength equivalency of Thor and Superman, then Black Adam will have a hard time physically hurting Juggernaut.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Who would win Scarlet Witch vs Black Adam?

Since his powers are magic-based, Scarlet Witch would be able to keep Black Adam at bay long enough to find a way to sever his connection to the lightning that gives him his power. A powerless Black Adam is still dangerous, but ultimately Scarlet Witch would come out victorious.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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