Was James Stewart friends with John Wayne?

Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne starred in three classic film together, and formed a lifelong friendship. The letter is written on Stewart's personal headed stationery. Although undated, it's believed Stewart sent this letter to Wayne on his birthday in May 1979.
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What did Jimmy Stewart think of John Wayne?

[on John Wayne] I can't imagine there's anyone in the country who doesn't know who he is. Kids will be talking about him long after the rest of us are gone. John will make the history books, as Will Rogers did, because he as lived his life to reflect the ideals of his country.
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Who was James Stewart best friend?

Henry Fonda and James Stewart were two of the biggest stars in Hollywood for forty years. They became friends and then roommates as stage actors in New York, and when they began making films in Hollywood, they roomed together again.
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Did John Wayne know he was dying while shooting the Shootist?

It is unknown if John Wayne was aware that he was dying of cancer when he agreed to film The Shootist; whatever the case, the film is a powerful valedictory to a rem arkable man and a fabulous career.
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How many biological children did James Stewart have?

Married to his beloved Gloria for 45 years, the Stewarts had two sons (one killed in Vietnam) and twin daughters.
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Why John Wayne had DIFFICULTIES WORKING WITH JIMMY STEWART on the last movie he made "THE SHOOTIST"!

What did James Stewart pass away from?

In 1949, he married former model Gloria Hatrick McLean. They had twin daughters, and he adopted her two sons from her previous marriage. The marriage lasted until McLean's death in 1994, and Stewart died of a pulmonary embolism three years later.
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Did John Wayne ride his own horses in his movies?

John Wayne Rode His Own Horse Named Dollar in 7 Movies - IMDb. Western movie star John Wayne frequently rode a horse to complete his cowboy image. However, he grew an affinity for one animal in particular. Wayne went out of his way to ensure that he could ride the same horse named Dollar across seven of his movies.
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What did John Wayne suffer from?

Following The Shootist, he planned to star in a new film with Ron Howard called Beau John, but health problems intervened. In January of 1979, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which led to his death in June of the same year.
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Who was John Wayne's true love?

In the book “John Wayne: The Life and Legend,” published in 2014, author Scott Eyman says Wayne had a three-year affair with Marlene Dietrich, but his romance with longtime friend Maureen O'Hara lasted even longer. Wayne and O'Hara starred in three films together, including 'The Quiet Man,” and became good friends.
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Was James Stewart faithful?

He remained faithful to his wife Gloria Stewart throughout their marriage.
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What were the last words of James Stewart?

"I'm going to be with Gloria now."

Said by Jimmy Stewart to his family just before dying in 1997, referring to his wife, Gloria, who had passed away three years earlier.
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Did John Wayne like Clint Eastwood?

John Wayne Hated Eastwood's Take On The Western

When Clint Eastwood - and the spaghetti subgenre with which he was best associated – came along, the ideals of unambiguous morality, American Exceptionalism, and Manifest Destiny were torn apart.
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Did John Wayne have a best friend?

Ward Bond. From their days on the gridiron at USC to the sets of John Ford films, John Wayne and Ward Bond were destined to become the best of friends.
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Why did John Wayne never serve?

In 1941, when the United States entered the war, Wayne was already 34 years old, which was above the age limit for the draft. However, he expressed his desire to serve his country and tried to enlist in the military, but was rejected due to a football injury he had sustained earlier in his life.
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Did John Wayne speak fluent Spanish?

To be sure, Wayne was a complicated and complex man. His three wives were Latina. He spoke fluent Spanish.
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What movie did John Wayne like the most?

John Wayne's Favorite Movies of All Time
  • 5 The Quiet Man (1952)
  • 4 The Searchers (1956)
  • 3 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921)
  • 2 Gone with the Wind (1939)
  • 1 A Man for All Seasons (1966)
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What kind of car did John Wayne Drive?

Did you know that Trans Am wasn't the only Pontiac steering wheel that John Wayne sat behind? In his personal life Wayne's vehicle of choice was full-size Pontiac station wagons.
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Did James Stewart suffer from PTSD?

Jimmy Stewart suffered such extreme PTSD after being a fighter pilot in World War II that he acted out his mental distress during 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
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What ethnicity is James Stewart?

Stewart has Scottish and Chinese ancestry through his parents. In 1996, Stewart joined the band george alongside his brother Nicholas, Tyrone Noonan and his then-housemate, Katie Noonan.
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What movie did James Stewart win an Oscar for?

Film industry awards and honors

Stewart was honored with many awards and nominations for acting during his career in motion pictures, television, and on stage, spanning over 60 years. These include an Academy Award for Best Actor for The Philadelphia Story in 1941.
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