Can Superman melt Uru metal?

Can Superman destroy Uru? Yes. It should be fairly easy for him to do so. Uru metal isn't indestructible and it definitely isn't that powerful.
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What can melt Uru?

Uru is a metal forged in the furnaces of Nidavellir. It is known for its immense durability, resulting in the only way to melt it down for forging is with the power and heat of a star.
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Can Superman break Mjolnir?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Superman heat vision destroy Mjolnir?

If Mjolnir was doing nothing then yes. Superman will eventually melt Thor's hammer. But if it responded to Superman trying to destroy it then it would definitely won't go down so easily. Superman's heat vision is capable of melting things things and people.
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Can Superman Heat Vision destroy Vibranium?

Yes. Vibranium's ability comes from it's ability to absorb energy. However is can be melted and formed. Superman's heat vision is roughly the heat of a yellow dwarf's core.
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Is Superman weak to Vibranium?

It turns out, Marvel's Superman isn't just weak against Steve Rogers, but vibranium is his kryptonite.
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Can Superman destroy Black Panther suit?

Short answer: Not enough. Superman is ridiculously powerful, capable of bench pressing the Earth for days, without tiring. A full-power punch from someone that strong is going to overload the suit, and would likely kill Black Panther.
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Can Superman laser hurt Thor?

Most likely not, atleast not in a quick fashion. Superman's heat vision is ridiculously strong, but Thor has withstood greater forces in his lifetime.
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Can Superman hurt Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Can Thor's lightning harm Superman?

Yes it can because Superman has a weakness to magic and Thor's lightning is magical (actually it is his divine magic). The lightning would affect him the same as Captain Marvel's Shazam lightning would.
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Can Superman break Captain America's shield?

The more he is exposed to the sun of Earth's solar system or any other like it, the stronger Superman becomes, even at one point becoming so powerful that he shattered an entire dimension with a single punch. However, at his base strength, Superman is nowhere near strong enough to break Captain America's shield.
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Can Thor Stormbreaker cut Superman?

Could Stormbreaker cut Superman's skin? There'a a pretty good chance Stormbreaker could cut Superman's skin, at least DCEU Superman.
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Can Superman defeat Goku?

To summarize, the most powerful heroes in DC Comics will always out-muscle the most powerful ones from Marvel, and the most powerful hero in DC (Superman) will always lose to Dragon Ball's most powerful hero (Goku) simply because, at this point, Dragon Ball's power cap is beyond human comprehension.
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Can Magneto lift Uru?

Magneto can manipulate uru. It has two forms: gold, and almost like wrought iron. He is more than capable of manipulating the natural metal of uru.
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Can Magneto affect Uru?

Magneto's powers allow him to command fictional metals as well as real ones, and he has demonstrated a mastery of adamantium -- the metal that coats Wolverine's bones -- and uru -- the material that makes up Thor's hammer -- as complete as any item on the periodic table.
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What if Tony had Uru metal?

If Mark 85 was made using Uru metal, Would Tony stark have any injury at all after he snaps? Uru absorbs most of the radiation, Plus a suit which absorbs all that energy. Tony Stark would still feel something. He would most likely feel internal pain all over his body, and it would most likely be excruciating.
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Can Hulk defeat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Could Superman beat Omni man?

Would Superman beat Omni-Man in a fight? In a fair fight, Superman would be able to come out on top against Omni-Man. The result of this battle could differ in different situations and locations. If the fight takes place on Earth, then the planet's enriching sun would make Superman infinitely powerful and unbeatable.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Can Thor's lightning hurt Hulk?

In a moment of pure rage, Thor shattered Hulk's arm with lightning, only for Hulk to allow the arm to regenerate around Thor's head in an attempt to suffocate him. It was grotesque and almost enough to kill the son of Odin.
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Can Superman survive Thor God Blast?

Yes, Of course Superman will survive Thor's God Blast by using equally devastating Solar flare.
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Can Thor beat Superman with Kryptonite?

One of Superman's greatest weakness is the element Kryptonite. Now if you give Superman Kryptonite he dies. Thor can make kryptonite with his hammer and give it to Superman and Thor wins the fight easily.
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Who can destroy Vibranium?

In Age of Ultron, concentrated energy blasts of sufficient heat and power are also shown to be effective against Vibranium. Thor's lightning, Vision's Mind Stone lasers and Iron Man's repulsor beams were able to melt Ultron's body when used in combination, meaning that high enough temperatures can break Vibranium down.
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Is Black suit Superman weaker?

Readers learned that the suit was designed to help the weakened Superman absorb more solar energy. As a result, the costume has become known to many as the Recovery Suit. Unfortunately, the outfit wasn't as indestructible as Clark was, and the suit was torn to shreds while battling Hank Henshaw in 1993's Superman #82.
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Can Superman withstand black bolt?

Superman has Black Bolt beat in every department. He's faster, stronger, and way more durable. He's a better fighter and while he may not have Black Bolt's experience as a leader of a country, that's pretty much the only place Bolt has him beat.
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