Can Superman Prime be weakened by Kryptonite?

Superboy-Prime is widely considered one of the most powerful versions of the Man of Steel in the entire multiverse. A huge part of this is thanks to his complete immunity to any form of natural Kryptonite. In his universe, Krypton didn't explode, it was swallowed by the sun.
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Does the Superman Prime have any weaknesses?

Intelligence: Supergenius (Superman Prime should be far smarter than his his past self, having traveled the universe for over one million years, going far beyond space and time and reaching Heaven and Hell.) Weaknesses: Superman will be weakened by Kryptonite. Superman is vulnerable to magic.
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How is Superman Prime defeated?

Kal-El and Kal-L defeat Superboy-Prime by flying him directly through Krypton's red sun Rao, destroying his armor and diminishing their powers in the process. Afterward, the Green Lantern Corps imprison him inside a "junior" Red Sun-Eater, which similarly depowers him.
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Is Superman Prime unbeatable?

His supercharged bio-electric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating within a few millimeters from his skin. Note that this doesn't mean he has true Invulnerability as he can still be harmed by attacks outside the realm of his conventional durability.
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Which version of Superman is immune to Kryptonite?

In this dark future, an older Man of Steel had grown impervious to kryptonite's radiation after years of living in a yellow sun solar system. The Golden Superman of DC One Million was at an even greater power level, having spent several decades within the sun itself.
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Superboy Prime Anatomy - How Does Kryptonite Or Magic Can't Hurt Him? Is He More Powerful Than Supes

Is Superman Prime vulnerable to Kryptonite?

Superboy-Prime is widely considered one of the most powerful versions of the Man of Steel in the entire multiverse. A huge part of this is thanks to his complete immunity to any form of natural Kryptonite. In his universe, Krypton didn't explode, it was swallowed by the sun.
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What is the strongest version of Superman Prime?

After spending 15,000 years inside the sun itself, the DC One Million Superman Prime became one of the most powerful beings in all existence. DC One Million Superman was boosted in every single way possible, becoming faster, stronger, and more inspiring than any other version of Superman.
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Can Superman Prime beat a million Goku?

superman is a god in his strongest state. goku is ssj4 in his strongest known state, a ssj4 not capable of universe busting. superman prime was practically unstoppable and invulnerable, as well as having no mercy and a genius intellect. goku is too nice and too slow to fight with prime.
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Can Superman Prime beat one above all?

He represents the One Above All in all things and is so powerful that he can stop the Infinity Gauntlet from working with a thought. That's just way too much power for Superman to deal with.
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Can Superman Prime beat Flash?

With Superman's newly enhanced power, he'd likely win.
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Who killed Superman Prime 1 million?

Solaris, in a final attack, slaughters thousands of superhumans so that it can fire the kryptonite into the sun and kill Superman-Prime before he emerges.
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Can Thor defeat Superman Prime?

While these abilities are nothing to sneeze at for any opponent, Thor's lightning powers could prove to be especially effective against Superman. The Man of Steel still conducts electricity. Although he isn't vulnerable to lightning, it affects him anyway, so it could slow him down in a fight.
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Can Superman Prime beat World Breaker Hulk?

There is no scenario where World Breaker Hulk can beat Superman Prime One Million. SP1M is too much for the Hulk. All Star Superman tripled his power for about 15 minutes on the Sun's surface. Superman Prime One Millón spent 15,000 years in the Sun's core.
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Can Superman Prime beat the Batman who laughs?

Superboy-Prime showed up a lot, but Dark Knights: Death Metal was his final appearance. Unfortunately for him, the Batman Who Laughs had gained the powers of a Doctor Manhattan-powered Batman. Prime and the Batman Who Laughs slugged it out, but the Batman Who Laughs was able to destroy him.
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What is the weakest of Superman?

1 Kryptonite Is Superman's Greatest Weakness

Unfortunately, the last remaining pieces of Krypton are now deadly to Superman. Exposure to Kryptonite severely weakens the Man of Steel and causes him to lose his incredible abilities.
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Is Superman Prime One Million a god?

Superman Prime is also known as the Last Son of Krypton, as well as the Golden God.
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Can superman prime One Million beat Ghost Rider?

I'd give the edge to ghost rider because the various supermans cant handle the supernatural at its weakest point .. and I'd have to imagine the penance stare would just crush superman prime because he is especially driven and tortured by guilt.
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Can superman prime beat Captain Marvel?

He would easily beat her , superman is the same guy who can destroy a universes , captain marvel can at best destroy planets and a star .
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Can Captain Atom beat superman prime?

Superman is physically superior to captain atom from strength to speed to durability while captain atom is more powerful and probably the most powerful mortal superhero in dc.
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Can Superman Prime One Million beat Galactus?

Who would win? Galactus, even before becoming lifebringer he'd take a solid majority against SPOM.
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Can Zeno beat Superman Prime?

If Superman cannot survive the erasure of his own universe, what chance does he stand against Zeno's Erase ability? Considering that Superman cannot hurt Zeno nor survive his single technique, Zeno would absolutely defeat Superman, even at his strongest.
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What's the strongest version of Superman?

The most powerful form of Superman is Cosmic armored Superman. He is near omnipotent and the guardian of the DC multiverse. His powers included Superman's usual powers(heat vision, super strength, superspeed, ice breath, x-ray vision, super hearing, flight, etc.)
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Can Superman Prime be beat by Kryptonite?

In a nutshell, yes. Now, since this is the place for it, let's get into the details! The three main vulnerabilities Superman has are, typically, kryptonite, red sun energy, and magic.
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Can Superman Prime beat Wonder Woman?

Definitely Superman prime, (apologies to all feminists I did not make it like this), based off of the powers given to the both of them, Superman is supreamly stronger especially when you bring him to the peak of his power. If they were to fight Superman would definitely win.
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Is Superman Prime faster than the Flash?

The Flash Takes It

The Speed Force is a potent power source, allowing them to break the laws of physics in ways that Superman just can't. Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, but the Flash is speed personified. The Man of Steel's advantages are meaningless before the Flash's speed specialization.
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