Can Ultron beat Iron Man?

Iron Man has never been able to defeat Ultron on his own — very few heroes have — but as an Avenger, he's made a world of difference in stopping him whenever he rears his adamantium-clad head.
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Which Avenger can beat Ultron?

While the likes of Doctor Doom or Iron Man could likely counter anything Ultron does in time, Forge's power would allow him to instantly understand and counteract anything Ultron does.
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Can Infinity Ultron beat Thor?

Ultron overpowering The Watcher With his vibranium body backed up by the Mind Stone's power, Ultron possessed an unfathomable amount of sheer strength, being able to defeat some of the strongest heroes in the universe such as Thor and Hulk.
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Could Ultron actually beat Thanos?

In Marvel's What If…?, Ultron used the Mind Stone to instantly bisect Thanos before the two could properly fight. In a fight without any Infinity Stones, however, Thanos would destroy Ultron, further cementing him as one of the MCU's deadliest threats.
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Can Hulk defeat Ultron?

A fight with Hulk alone feasibly could have made for a climactic battle, but it didn't because Hulk is no match for Ultron. That's likely why he's taken out so early on in the story, before the events of the first issue. Readers aren't even made privy to the exact circumstances of Bruce's death.
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Avengers vs Ultron Fight Scene - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Movie CLIP HD

Can Ultron beat Captain America?

Ultron is one of the Avengers' greatest foes and his destructive rampages have been stopped by the team every time. Cap has been a part of those battles, but his part was mostly as the team leader. Anytime he tried to fight Ultron on his own, he was quickly dispatched by the android.
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Can Spider Man beat Ultron?

Spider-Man has defeated enemies who are technically more powerful than Ultron, but the villain's adamantium body is nigh-indestructible. Unable to pierce Ultron's armor, Spider-Man will be at a serious disadvantage unless he can quickly come up with a solution — like calling in the Avengers.
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Could Ultron lift Mjolnir?

A machine can pick up the weapon and move it anywhere since it's mindless and incapable of possessing the morals necessary to be considered worthy. By this logic, Ultron himself could have lifted it, but it wouldn't have done him much good.
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Why did Ultron turn evil?

Ultron's non-stop assessments for peace quickly led him to deem the entire human race as unstable and prone to self-destruction. He subsequently chose mass genocide as the solution to the error, with the Avengers being the obstacle standing in his way.
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How did Ultron cut Thanos in half?

Thanos was split completely in half by Ultron with the Mind Stone; "perfectly balanced" as his primary counterpart previously emphasized.
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Who is stronger Ultron or Loki?

Ultron easily. Think of the battle in Age of Ultron, not one single Avenger was enough to take down Ultron, and most of them are better equipped to fight a robot than Loki is. It took Vision shooting with the Infinity Stone, Iron Man with a full blast and Thor to damage Ultron enough to put him down for a while.
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Can Thor win Wanda?

Wanda's hexes are no match for Thor's raw strength or his own magic, but with enough prep time to conjure the proper spell, Wanda could make Thor temporarily unworthy of Mjolnir by manipulating his memories or history. Without Mjolnir's power, Thor is significantly weakened, and therefore much more vulnerable.
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Can comic Thor beat Thanos?

Thor joined forces with Firelord to prevent the end of everything. However, it took some upgraded armor and weapons for Thor to prevail over Thanos, who seemingly perished at the end of the story.
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Could Ultron beat Galactus?

However, Ultron's control over the Infinity Stones and the power he exhibited during his battle with The Watcher puts him on an entirely different level that could take out Galactus and his heralds.
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Can Jarvis beat Ultron?

During the Ultron Offensive, J.A.R.V.I.S. was destroyed by Ultron, although his remaining programming codes unknowingly continued to thwart Ultron's plans of gaining access to nuclear missiles.
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Can Ultron beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman can batter Ultron, but she doesn't have the right kind of powers to get through Ultron's shell. Eventually, Ultron's attacks are going to take their toll on her.
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Does Ultron hate humans?

In another demonstration of his hatred for the human race, Ultron leveled an entire Baltic nation with an army of robot duplicates.
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What was Ultron afraid of?

Moments before Vision destroyed him, Vision pointed out that Ultron was afraid of death, to which Ultron didn't even bother to deny as he admitted that he was afraid of Vision despite standing up to him.
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Why is Vision so weak?

Vision Was Damaged (& Distracted) In Infinity War

But before they got a chance to settle, Thanos' henchman Corvus Glaive arrived and pierced Vision's chest with his blade. Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction.
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Why can't Hulk lift Mjolnir?

You must be worthy. Hulk is not, has not, and likely will not, ever be worthy. (Although, to be fair, writers have just been giving the hammer to characters willy nilly lately, so maybe he actually will be worthy or rather, simply lift it, in the near future.
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Can Jarvis lift Mjolnir?

Jarvis doesn't lift Thor's Hammer. Jarvis is an AI. Vision lifts Thor's Hammer. Vision is still very new, freshly created, and hasn't done anything yet that would not make him worthy.
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What is Ultron's real name?

In the Mighty Avengers, Ultron is shown to infiltrate Jocasta and the Infinite Avengers Mansion. He names himself Ultron Pym and seeks to kill and replace his father before using his Infinite Mansion to conquer the universe.
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Why did Ultron hate Tony Stark?

Ultron sees the Avengers as one of the main problems with the world's stunted evolution. He particularly dislikes his maker Tony Stark and flies into a rage when compared to him. The evil A.I. has a particular dislike for Vision who inhabits the powerful body Ultron had built for himself.
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Who can defeat Black Panther?

However, Aquaman has inborn superpowers and is vastly stronger and more durable. Even out of the water, Aquaman outclasses Black Panther. Aquaman can survive the pressures at the bottom of the ocean, meaning any attack Black Panther can throw at him would fail.
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