Can Wolverine damage Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Is Wolverine as strong as Hulk?

The Hulk's tremendous strength enables him to lift and fling extremely large or heavy items and structures, block opponents who are larger than he is with one strike, and rip metal apart like it's paper. As you can see, his vigor obliterates the 'superhuman strength' of Wolverine.
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Can Wolverine claws cut the Hulk?

And although Wolverine's claws are made of adamantium, he can only pierce Hulk's skin, but it is not challenging enough to kill him.
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Can Wolverine make Hulk bleed?


Despite the mutant's enhanced senses, the Hulk somehow sneaks up on him. Wolverine manages to do some damage, though, actually making the Hulk bleed.
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Can Hulk break adamantium?

The Adamantium of the X-men's Wolverine

In their ensuing rivalry over the years, Wolverine has never been able to put the Hulk down for good, indicating that Banner's alter ego is capable of withstanding and possibly even overcoming the adamantium that comprises Wolverine's skeleton and claws.
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Can Wolverine Kill the Hulk?

Can Vibranium cut Hulk?

They can cut through steel like butter. They have been shown to pierce Terrax, and damage Ultron, two highly durable & invulnerable characters (New Avengers v3#5 & Avengers v3#21); why not also Hulk? A vibranium weapon imbued with the power of the Wakandan gods. It's been shown to cut through anything.
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Can Hulk heal like Wolverine?

The Hulk has one of the most powerful healing factors in the Marvel Universe, but his regenerative powers have an incredibly dangerous flaw. Most other characters with healing factors like Wolverine and Deadpool will always heal back in the same way, as their bodies rapidly repair damage.
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Did Hulk ripped Wolverine in half?

Wolverine awakens to find his lower half missing, his body having been ripped in half by the Hulk minutes earlier. Using his keen sense of smell, he finds his legs have been thrown to the top of a mountain. As he climbs up a mountain to retrieve his legs, he recalls the events leading up to his current situation.
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Can Vibranium hurt Wolverine?

Adamantium's only weaknesses are unique cosmic or mystical forces, like the enchanted Muramasa Blade and Antarctic vibranium, which can dissolve all metals.
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Can Wolverine cut Hulks skin?

His claws cut through almost anything since they're indestructible. Yes, Wolverine's. Claws can cut through Hulk's skin.
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Could Wolverine beat Thor?

Wolverine has less experience than Thor, but is a better martial artist. However, that wouldn't make much of a difference. Thor can fly and has Mjolnir at his disposal, giving him options for long range attacks Wolverine can't match. Wolverine is too smart to go against the God of Thunder alone.
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Can Cyclops hurt the Hulk?

As the battle begins, Scott warns his team, "Everyone back! I'm going to max power!" before using a concussive blast so powerful it begins to strip the skin from Hulk's body. It isn't quite enough to stop him, but that impact puts Cyclops in a small group of people able to damage Hulk in his strongest form.
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Could Iceman beat the Hulk?

If the Hulk showed up, Iceman isn't going to mess around. He's going to freeze every bit of moisture in the Hulk's body right off the bat and break pieces of the Jade Giant off. It would be the quickest loss the Hulk ever suffered.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

12 Wolverine Has Hurt Thanos But Never Beat Him

Wolverine was one of these heroes. Wolverine ran in with his usual ferocity and got the drop on Thanos, hitting him with all six claws in the chest. Without the Gauntlet, this may have hurt Thanos. With it, it was a meaningless attack.
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Can Wolverine beat Superman?

In Heroes Reborn: Weapon X and Final Flight #1, Wolverine proves he would be able to beat Superman but would inevitably lose against Batman.
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Who can beat Hulk physically?

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.
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Could Wolverine beat Black Panther?

1 The Winner: Wolverine

Black Panther is Wolverine's superior in a lot of ways and has even been able to beat him in a short fight before, but if it really came down to it, all the cards on the table, Wolverine would beat him.
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Can Wolverine cut through Iron Man?

The two have worked together in the past, but Wolverine has little patience for egocentric billionaires. Iron Man's armor is quite strong, but Wolverine's claws can slice through it like butter - and all Logan has to do is go for the legs.
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Who can destroy Wolverine?

Stronger: (Some) Sentinels

While Wolverine could stand a fighting chance against some of the earliest models of the Sentinels, he doesn't stand a chance against the ones of the future. In the comics, particularly in the famous Days of Future Past, the Sentinels actually destroy Wolverine.
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Could Wolverine beat Spiderman?

Wolverine Definitively Beats Spider-Man

Wolverine wins the fight by outplaying Spider-Man's best gimmick - his webs. Logan uses Spider-Man's webline to smash him into the ground, then cuts his webs out of the air with blinding speed when Peter tries again.
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Can Wolverine cut Juggernaut?

Claremont, by the way, wrote the SECOND time that Wolverine couldn't cut through something with his Adamantium claws, which occurred in X-Men #102 (by Claremont, Dave Cockrum and Sam Grainger), when Wolverine tried to cut the Juggernaut... only to realize that that was not going to work out for him.
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Who is stronger Hulk or Juggernaut?

The Hulk's Power Outmatches Juggernaut's

There's no denying the Juggernaut's strength, but it's still rewarding to see the Hulk vs. Juggernaut power debate finally settled. Even in the heat of battle, the Juggernaut had to admit that the Hulk was stronger.
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Is Wolverine or Deadpool stronger?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage.
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Who heals faster, Deadpool or Wolverine?

However, they are not identical. Deadpool has the superior healing factor, significantly. Professor X once stated that Wolverine could, most likely, be killed if he was decapitated. Deadpool can still move his body around normally even with a decapitated head.
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Does Deadpool age slowly?

As a character in his thirties, Deadpool's youthful exuberance and goofy sense of humor seems like a perfect fit – especially considering, as fans of the character will know, how deeply ingrained as a defense mechanism Wade's joking manner is – but as the character continues to age, slowly if not gracefully, it isn't ...
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