Can Wolverine fight Superman?

Although Superman is infinitely more powerful than Wolverine, he would lose because he would underestimate his opponent and would not be prepared for Wolverine's very specific skillset. Wolverine, however, would lose to Batman because Bruce Wayne is a master combatant and strategist with a genius-level intellect.
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Can Wolverine claws hurt Superman?

With only four exceptions, Wolverine would never be able to cut through Superman skin, with his adamantium claws. Those exceptions being: Superman was mostly drained of his stored energy. Superman was exposed to red solar energy.
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Can Superman heal like Wolverine?

Superman has accelerated healing, he heals in minutes or hours, depending on the severity of the wounds, much like Thor, but he cannot heal from losing limbs. Lop off Superman's head, or arms, and he's boned, just like Thor was when he lost an arm and an eye. Hulk and Wolverine have rapid regenerative healing.
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Who can easily beat Wolverine?

Magneto may not be impervious to harm like Wolverine, but he has an obvious advantage over him; Magneto can control and manipulate all metals even if there's only a small trace of them. On many occasions, in both the comics and the films, Magneto has used his powers to beat Wolverine.
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Can Batman beat Wolverine in a fight?

On the other hand, Logan tends to rely on his intuition and bestial senses to describe the potential outcome of a battle. Therefore, taking a reckless step against Batman would end him before he could even realize it, while the latter would output no more than a fraction of his brain power to take Wolverine down.
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Can Wolverine Cut Superman?

Can Wolverine defeat Hulk?

2 Wolverine Has Already Beaten The Hulk

While Wolverine doesn't always win their fights, he also doesn't always lose them and more importantly, he knows what it takes to fight the Hulk.
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Has Hulk beaten Wolverine?

Hulk Is Stronger Than Wolverine's Healing Factor

While that clone proved too strong for Wolverine to handle, the Hulk made quick work of the beast, as he beat the Wendigo-Wolverine to death before impaling him on the stump of a tree for good measure.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

12 Wolverine Has Hurt Thanos But Never Beat Him

Wolverine was one of these heroes. Wolverine ran in with his usual ferocity and got the drop on Thanos, hitting him with all six claws in the chest. Without the Gauntlet, this may have hurt Thanos. With it, it was a meaningless attack.
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Could Wolverine beat Captain America?

This battle was particularly one-sided, yet Cap still came out on top, giving Logan one of the worst beatings of his life. Even though Captain America and Wolverine have had some brutal fights over the years, circumstances ultimately dictate their clashes, usually leading to an alliance rather than a clear victor.
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Is Wolverine stronger than Hulk?

The Hulk's tremendous strength enables him to lift and fling extremely large or heavy items and structures, block opponents who are larger than he is with one strike, and rip metal apart like it's paper. As you can see, his vigor obliterates the 'superhuman strength' of Wolverine.
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Is Wolverine more powerful than Superman?

Although Superman is infinitely more powerful than Wolverine, he would lose because he would underestimate his opponent and would not be prepared for Wolverine's very specific skillset. Wolverine, however, would lose to Batman because Bruce Wayne is a master combatant and strategist with a genius-level intellect.
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Can Superman break adamantium?

It's implied in Superman, Fantastic Four: The Infinite destruction: “Shrugged 'em off like nothing” this would mean Superman is more durable than Adamantium. And by extension he and other Kryptoinians can break adamantium, since Kryptonians can damage Kryptonians but an adamantium destroying blast can…
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Can Wolverine stab Colossus?

Wolverine's Claws Can Cut Through (Almost) Anything

Even with the demon's fury, Colossus' skin manages to stand up to Wolverine's claws, meaning the mutant can't slice through everything (Captain America's shield being another notable object).
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Can Wolverine cut Thor?

Wolverine's claws were able to give Thor a flesh wound, but had no effect on Mjolnir. Thor Odinson may not be The God of Thunder without Mjolnir, but he is a capable Asgardian warrior.
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Could Wolverine cut Captain America's Shield?

without much conflict. Captain America's Proto-Adamantium shield was left unscathed by Wolverine's claws, as it would be in most comic cases.
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Which metal can cut Superman?

An unpublished 1940 story titled "The K-Metal from Krypton", written by Superman creator Jerry Siegel, featured a prototype of kryptonite. It was a mineral from the planet Krypton that drained Superman of his strength while giving superhuman powers to humans.
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Could Wolverine beat Black Panther?

1 The Winner: Wolverine

Black Panther is Wolverine's superior in a lot of ways and has even been able to beat him in a short fight before, but if it really came down to it, all the cards on the table, Wolverine would beat him.
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Who would win, Thor or Wolverine?

While Thor is easily the more powerful of the two, he finds himself incapable of matching Wolverine's speed and agility. The mutant is able to get in several swipes at the Asgardian - drawing blood - and even goes full leapfrog on him, impaling him through the back with all six adamantium claws.
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Can Wolverine beat Deadpool?

Deadpool isn't stronger than Wolverine.

Fans have already seen the outcome of the clash when the superheroes first collided in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. On that occasion, Wolverine proved he was stronger than Deadpool, who still went as Weapon XI at the time.
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Can Hawkeye beat Wolverine?

And even though Hawkeye is a good of a fighter, he and his trick arrows can't really hang with Wolverine's skill in battle.
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Can Wolverine beat Aquaman?

6 Could Defeat: Aquaman

Over time, Aquaman has proven that he's way more than the guy who talks to fish but Wolverine would be able to take him. Aquaman is way stronger than Wolverine but Wolverine has been fighting foes ways stronger than him for a long time.
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Could Wolverine beat Spiderman?

Wolverine Definitively Beats Spider-Man

Wolverine wins the fight by outplaying Spider-Man's best gimmick - his webs. Logan uses Spider-Man's webline to smash him into the ground, then cuts his webs out of the air with blinding speed when Peter tries again.
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Can Wolverine cut Hulk's skin?

His claws cut through almost anything since they're indestructible. Yes, Wolverine's. Claws can cut through Hulk's skin.
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Has Wolverine beaten Juggernaut?

Wolverine then uses the Chains of Cyttorak against Juggernaut, turning his own powers against him, ripping his helmet off and beating him up senseless before leaving him for SHIELD agents. It's a truly brutal defeat for the practically unstoppable Juggernaut.
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Who wins, Hulk or Juggernaut?

The two brawlers have fought beyond these two encounters, but these two fights establish a few hard facts: the Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot consistently stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk's strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.
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