Can Yoda beat a Sith?

Yoda knew in this moment that even if he were to defeat Palpatine - and that itself was unlikely - the Sith themselves wouldn't be beaten so easily. The Jedi, or what was left of them, had to re-group and learn how to be different, just as the Sith had.
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Did Yoda ever defeat a Sith?

Yoda still stands as one of the most powerful characters in Star Wars, yet even he couldn't defeat Palpatine. After their battle in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda felt beaten and fled into exile on Dagobah, where he hid away for 19 years.
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Would Yoda be stronger as a Sith?

Yoda's 900 years of Jedi experience and knowledge would be weaponized on a scale never conceived. Sith Yoda's destructive power would be so strong it could wreck the entire galaxy. Once Dooku saw the vision, he couldn't deny the threat a Darth Yoda would pose.
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Could Yoda beat Darth Vader?

When it comes down to both combatants in their prime, Yoda was superior to Darth Vader. That debate extends even further to prime Anakin Skywalker as well. He would have been outmatched by Yoda for many of the same reasons Obi-Wan outmatched him, and more.
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Was Palpatine afraid of Yoda?

He understood he lost the ethereal battle before their physical fight even began. Thus, Palpatine never viewed Yoda as a major concern, even though the Jedi Master fought him to a de facto draw during the events of Revenge of the Sith.
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Was Yoda More Powerful Than Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith? Star Wars Explained

Did Yoda fear Anakin?

Over the years, Anakin came to highly respect Yoda, while Yoda gradually outgrew his fear of Anakin and came to have faith in him and correctly came to believe that Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy.
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Was Qui-Gon stronger than Yoda?

We are just barely seeing a 600-something-year-old Yoda in the High Republic era. And given that Qui-Gon Jinn dies in 32 BBY, a fight beyond that point would be pointless since, as a Jedi spirit, Jinn would arguably be stronger than the still physically alive Yoda.
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Would Yoda beat Darth Maul?

Yoda is extremely wary of the dark side, he knows that it clouds judgment. Maul is a prime example of this. Yoda would easily be able to outmaneuver Darth Maul and then outsmart him.
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Could Yoda have beaten Anakin?

Yoda lost his fight against Palpatine in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but if he faced Anakin, it's likely the Jedi Master would come out on top.
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How powerful was Yoda in his prime?

In physical manifestation of the Force, Yoda is almost unstoppable by all but the most powerful Force users. In Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones, there is no question that Yoda bested Count Dooku in both lightsaber technique and use of the Force.
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Can a Mandalorian beat a Sith?

Well sure, Mando can probably get to Palpatine for some one-on-one or even get the jump on him, but he's arguably the most powerful Sith Lord in existence.
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Is Rey stronger than Yoda?

Weaker - Rey

Ultimately, she has been a Jedi for around a year. That does not compare with over nine-hundred years of lightsaber skill - of which Rey is talented but not near the very top - and Force study - of which again, Rey is talented, but not at the top of the list where Yoda resides.
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What if Yoda fell to the Dark Side?

If Yoda had turned to the dark side in Star Wars, he would have eclipsed the might of even the strongest Sith Master, Emporer Palpatine. Each Jedi at some point comes face-to-face with the dark side of the force. Most turn away from it and continue down the lighter path, yet many still succumb to the pull of evil.
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Why didn't Yoda beat Dooku?

Yoda had to shoulder that decision for years. However, he ultimately understood the importance of life, and the power he could have used to defeat Dooku would have been much better used to preserve two lives. Over the years, Dooku would commit countless atrocities and also suffer incredibly embarrassing defeats.
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Why can't Yoda beat Palpatine?

Yoda Knew He Couldn't Defeat Palpatine

Yoda was not only weakened physically, but mentally and emotionally he was reeling from Order 66 and the deaths of so many Jedi. He may have had the light side of the Force with him, but at this moment it was no match for the dark side.
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Who is the weakest Sith Lord ever?

Star Wars Sith Lords From Weakest To Strongest, Officially Ranked
  1. 1 Darth Sidious.
  2. 2 Darth Bane.
  3. 3 Darth Traya.
  4. 4 Marka Ragnos.
  5. 5 Darth Nihilus.
  6. 6 Darth Zannah.
  7. 7 Darth Revan.
  8. 8 Darth Plagueis.
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What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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Is Vader more powerful than Yoda?

While we never got to see Yoda vs. Darth Vader, it surely would have been a sight to behold. Had Yoda and Darth Vader fought each other both at full power, the fight arguably would have landed in Yoda's favor. Both are proficient with a lightsaber and with the Force, but Yoda might just be a little bit better.
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Would Yoda beat Mace Windu?

Windu has created and fully mastered Vaapad, a variant of Form VII. Yoda mastered the original variant known as Juyo. Both of them were able to fight with Palpatine on equal ground, matching him blow for blow. It is stated that Yoda beat Mace in a sparring match.
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Could grievous beat Yoda?

To say that Grievous would be able to overpower him within the first few minutes would completely neglect just how powerful Yoda is. In fact, he may be one of the few Jedi who could survive an encounter with Grievous and keep his lightsaber from becoming a part of the Separatist leader's collection.
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Who could beat Yoda in a fight?

More cunning and devious than all but the most attuned Force-sensitive beings, Darth Bane could more than likely defeat Yoda in a battle of both strength and wit.
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Which Jedi did Palpatine fear?

She may have not been a powerful Jedi warrior, but few can say Jocasta Nu didn't play a vital role in Star Wars history, showing just why she scared Emperor Palpatine so much.
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Why did Palpatine fear Yoda?

Moreover, throughout the duel, Yoda continually adapts to and even matches Palpatine - forcing his enemy to constantly attempt new tactics. Palpatine clearly hated Master Yoda with a fierce passion, but he was under no illusions that the Grand Master would be easy to defeat.
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Who is stronger, Anakin or Yoda?

Evidence for ROTS Anakin > Yoda (in the force)

Early in the film, we see a dark side Anakin dispatched Dooku in a mere 13 seconds. Sidious then confirms that Anakin is 'far' more powerful.
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