Can you side along an Apparate without a wand?

A witch or wizard ordinarily required a wand in order to Apparate, but like many other spells, it could be performed without one.
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Do you need your wand to Apparate?

While a wand is in fact needed to apparate, there is no incantation involved. Particularly powerful witches and wizards can apparate without a wand, such as Albus Dumbledore. You may, however, hear a noise whenever someone apparates in your presence.
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How does side-along Apparition work?

Side-Along Apparition

To perform this version of Apparition, the more able party Apparates with the other party holding onto their arm. This method is recommended by the Ministry of Magic for parents with underage children to escape from danger quickly. House-elves can also do Side-Along Apparition.
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Can you use magic without a wand in Hogwarts Legacy?

Only a handful of wizards with great skill can use magic without wands reliably.
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Why do wizards use portkeys if they can Apparate?

Useful for transporting large numbers of people, for instance to the Quidditch World Cup, or for wizards and witches who were unable to Apparate, Portkeys were fast, easy and if not comfortable - mostly safe. Non-magical people could use Portkeys, as Jacob Kowalski found out when Newt Scamander introduced him to one.
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100 hours to realize Expelliarmus does this in Hogwarts Legacy...

Why are portkeys illegal?

According to W.O.M.B.A.T., in order for portkeys to be arranged between countries, the consent of both Nations's Ministries of Magic may be required. Also on W.O.M.B.A.T., it is possible that releasing a Portkey before arriving at one's destination may result in serious injury or death.
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Why can't wizards just apparate?

Apparition had a range limit, and became increasingly difficult with the distance to be travelled. It was very strongly advised that intercontinental Apparition is only to be attempted by the most highly skilled of wizards, otherwise risking splinching, severe injury, and even death.
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Can Hermione do wandless magic?

In half blood prince:Gryffindor quidditch team selections, when it was Cormac's turn Hermoine casted the confundus charm and he missed his last save. We don't know about how she casts the spell in the book but in the movie it's shown that she just whispers "confundus" and that's it. Without a wand!
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Is wandless magic weaker in Harry Potter?

in the harry potter universe its stated wandless magic is weaker though in this game natty states in uganda they only use wandless magic and it was about the same in power. so really it comes down to the user.
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Is wandless magic stronger in Harry Potter?

Wandless magic is supposedly more powerful but way harder to control.. You see Dumbledore use some in the movies and books but only him and maybe Voldemort can use it.. Most Wizards aren't able to use such advanced magic, and a African school that teaches it is well known but its only for the best of the best imo..
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights. There was nothing to be done at that point.
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Why didn't Lily Potter disapparate with Harry?

If they disapparate, it could possibly damage Harry because he is a baby. Though James and Lilly are talented indeed, they did not master wandless magic and unfortunately they did not have their wands with them the night of the attack which means that they weren't able to preform magic which includes apperation.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Who killed Mad Eye Moody?

Voldemort fired a Killing Curse when Mundungus Disapparated, and hit Moody in the face, killing him. Moody fell backwards off his broom, and about a thousand feet to the ground. Because half a dozen Death Eaters were on their own tail, Bill and Fleur could do nothing.
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Why did Ron get splinched?

Ron Weasley failed his Apparition test due to leaving half of an eyebrow behind. Having left school in his Seventh year without ever having passed the test, he was badly injured after splinching away part of his upper arm while escaping from the Ministry of Magic and Grimmauld Place in 1997.
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Why did Harry never learn to apparate?

He does apparate with Hermione and Dumbledore using side along apparition. But due to time constraints, they cut apparition lessons.
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What is the rarest ability in Harry Potter?

Those that are gifted with the power of flight are perhaps more rare than any other wizard that has any other power. Able to fly purely because of their own powers and not reliant on any type of enchanted item or spell at all, the number of these special wizards known to exist can be counted on one hand.
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Who is the weakest wizard in Harry Potter?

These were the weakest wizards of Harry Potter.
  • 4 Rubeus Hagrid Couldn't Openly Practice Magic. ...
  • 3 Professor Quirrell Faltered When He Went To Look for Voldemort. ...
  • 2 Ron Weasley Had To Be Coached By Hermione All the Time. ...
  • 1 Vincent Crabbe Was Vicious and Unintelligent.
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Can you resist Expelliarmus?

Can one defend against Expelliarmus? Yes, a skilled witch or wizard can counter or block the Expelliarmus spell, using spells such as **Protego** (the Shield Charm) or by simply evading it. The effectiveness of the defense often relies on the caster's skill and timing.
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Can Hagrid use spells?

Hagrid did have the ability to do magic, he just isn't supposed to use it after his expulsion from Hogwarts. Though strictly speaking, he has been known to bend - okay, break - the rules on the odd occasion, thanks to his trusty pink brolly.
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What is Hermione's signature spell?

Hermione's bluebell flames

Hermione's magical talents meant she was good at every spell, right from the beginning – Wingardium Leviosa, anyone? But the bluebell flames she once used against Snape became one of her trademarks, and it's also one of our favourites.
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Can McGonagall do wandless magic?

Professor Mcgonagall did Wandless and Non-Verbal magic by simply waving her hand in one of the first books until it was "corrected" in future prints because people got mad over it, Dumbledore uses it in the third movie.
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Why 7 Potters?

Just as Tom Riddle split his soul in seven parts through Horcruxes to preserve his life, Harry Potter "split" into seven "bodies" to preserve his life. Instead of accomplishing this by killing people, Harry's friends volunteered to help him in this task out of love.
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Did Harry ever take his Apparition test?

Harry never took the Apparition Test after he turned 17, and Ron took it once and failed (HBP22). Harry and Hermione practiced Apparating and Disapparating together under the Invisibility Cloak (DH16).
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How did Tom Riddle become Voldemort?

He was eventually forced to accept that his father was the Muggle parent, and that his mother was the magical one. It was around this time that Riddle gave himself the alias "Lord Voldemort", to spare himself of the reminder of his "filthy Muggle father".
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