Can you still use magic if you get expelled from Hogwarts?

After expulsion, the Ministry of Magic confiscates one's wand and snaps it in half. However, if the student in question has been expelled after completing his or her Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, he or she will be allowed to retain his or her wand and continue to practise magic.
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What happens if you get expelled from Hogwarts?

The student would be removed permanently from school, and the Ministry of Magic would confiscate one's wand and destroy it. From that point on, the youth in question would be forbidden from practising any more magic. Exceptions to this were made in cases where the expulsion occurred after they had taken their O.W.L.
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Is it illegal to use magic outside of Hogwarts?

Underage magic was any magic used by a wizard or witch who was under seventeen years of age outside of school. While children were permitted to use magic as part of their education, it had been banned from use outside of such under the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery since 1875.
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Can you lose magic in Harry Potter?

Being depressed or bullied can lead to diminished magic and control, as happened to Tonks, Ariana or Merope. However, it isn't a loss of magic nor would it be permanent. The magic is still there, but they merely don't want to use it or lack the concentration to do so.
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Is Hagrid allowed to use magic again?

Hagrid did have the ability to do magic, he just isn't supposed to use it after his expulsion from Hogwarts. Though strictly speaking, he has been known to bend - okay, break - the rules on the odd occasion, thanks to his trusty pink brolly.
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What Happens If You Get Expelled From Hogwarts?

Why can't you say Voldemort's name?

After seizing indirect control of the British Ministry of Magic in 1997, Voldemort made his own name Taboo. Thus, whenever his name was spoken aloud, Death Eaters and Snatchers were alerted to the location of the speaker.
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Why wasn t Hagrid allowed to do magic after his name was cleared?

He was branded a murderer and summarily expelled from Hogwarts, and his wand was snapped in two, cutting him off from magic forever. It seemed all was over for Hagrid's career as a wizard, along with any chance he had for a normal life.
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What happens if a Muggle sees magic?

If, by unfortunate means, Muggles do happen to observe the working of magic, the Ministry of Magic sends Obliviators to cast Memory Charms upon them, causing them to forget the event. Some Muggles are aware of the wizarding world.
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Why can't wizards just use Avada Kedavra?

It is also said to be a fairly complicated spell. It depends on a persons willingness to kill someone and also the power behind the wand. To quote Barty Crouch/Mad-Eye Moody in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', “Avada Kadavra is a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it.
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Why can't wizards escape Azkaban?

From when Azkaban was first used, by the insistence of Minister for Magic Damocles Rowle, as a wizarding prison, no breakouts have occurred for nearly 300 years due to the Dementors depriving their prisoners of their magical capabilities and sanity.
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Can Muggles enter Diagon Alley?

Diagon Alley is a high street located in London. It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles (non-magical people). However, Muggles are allowed access to it if they need to accompany their Muggle-born magical children.
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Can you apparate before 17?

Witches and wizards under the age of 17 are not allowed to use Apparition but can instead Apparate by Side-Along Apparition with an adult. Side-Along Apparition can be quite useful.
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Are Muggles allowed to visit Hogwarts?

In Harry Potter, muggles don't go inside Hogwarts because of a repelling charm.
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Is Hagrid expelled?

Hagrid protected Aragog and helped him flee to the Forbidden Forest; however, he was shortly thereafter expelled from Hogwarts, a fate that he was relieved that his father never knew of, having died during Hagrid's second year.
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Can Hogwarts students go to Azkaban?

Only students of the Hufflepuff house will be able to access the only Hogwarts Legacy mission set in the dementor infested prison. The Hogwarts Legacy map is huge and includes some of the most emblematic locations in the world of Harry Potter, so Azkaban prison was almost a given.
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Can I get expelled Hogwarts Legacy?

Totally possible. Might make the game a bit short, unless it's part of the story.
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Did Molly Weasley use Avada Kedavra?

The author explicitly states that both women were fighting to kill, despite Molly refraining from casting the Unforgivable curse Avada Kedavra. The result of the duel actually comes about as a result of nothing more than spectacular accuracy on Weasley's part.
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Why don't Death Eaters use Avada Kedavra more often?

Intense concentration is likely required to cast the Killing Curse, which is probably why Death Eaters don't use it as their primary offensive spell (although Thorfinn Rowle did launch the curse repeatedly all over the place during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower).
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What happens if you use Avada Kedavra on a dementor?

From the Dementor's webpage: "They seemingly could not be destroyed, though their numbers could be limited if the conditions in which they multiply were prevented from forming, implying that they did die off eventually."
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Do Hermione's parents know she's a witch?

She and her husband were proud and accepting of their daughter's identity as a witch, which explained some strange things which happened around her when she was a child. They entered the magical world in 1992 to buy Hermione's school supplies, and were assisted by Arthur Weasley.
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Could a Muggle use a wand?

According to, Muggles actually can use a wand — they just can't master it.
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Is Harry Potter a pure-blood?

Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.
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How did the Potters get rich?

The Potters' generational wealth is traced back to their ancestor, Linfred of Stinchcombe, who amassed a great fortune through his medicinal services and inventions of healing potions.
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Why was Newt Scamander expelled?

Newt and Leta explore magical creatures together and enjoy each other's company, gradually falling in love. One of Leta's experiments involving a Jarvey accidentally endangers human life. Newt takes the blame for Leta's actions and is expelled from Hogwarts instead of her.
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Does Harry's wand ever get fixed?

Harry's wand was broken in 1997, but was repaired by him after the 1998 Battle of Hogwarts. Usually the repair of a wand is impossible, but with the use of the Elder Wand it was achievable. It can be assumed that Harry continued to use his wand after this, as he was incredibly fond of it.
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