Can you survive a Dementors kiss?

Victims were left in what Muggles would call a 'Persistent Vegetative State': empty shells that were still alive but irretrievably 'gone'. It was impossible to return as a ghost, for the Kiss consumed the soul, and the soul of a person was required in order to become a ghost.
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How to survive a Dementor?

If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You'll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life," as Professor Lupin tells Harry. The only spell we are aware of which is able to repel these creatures, is called the Patronus charm.
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Who saved Harry from the Dementors kiss?

In Prisoner Of Azkaban, Harry uses the Patronus Charm to save himself and Sirius, however, in Deathly Hallows, it is shown that it was in fact Snape. Is this a goof-up? Time-turned Harry sends the stag Patronus to save his earlier-self and Sirius. Snape's Patronus is, always and every time, a doe.
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How do you fend off Dementors?

The Patronus Charm is a defensive spell that, if performed correctly, conjures a silvery animal form particular to the user. The charm is used to defend against Dementors - where the witch or wizard summons a guardian to shield them.
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What happened to Barty Crouch Jr. after the Dementors kiss?

Barty Crouch Jr.'s fate in the books was different from the movies, where he died from a Dementor's kiss. In the movies, he was taken to Azkaban and never seen again.
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Could Voldemort SURVIVE a Dementor's Kiss? - Harry Potter Theory

Can you recover from a Dementors kiss?

Victims were left in what Muggles would call a 'Persistent Vegetative State': empty shells that were still alive but irretrievably 'gone'. It was impossible to return as a ghost, for the Kiss consumed the soul, and the soul of a person was required in order to become a ghost.
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Why does Barty Crouch lick his lips?

In the film version, Barty Crouch Jr. has the habit of licking his lips when threatened, in a snake-like way, to which he occasionally shows while under the disguise of Alastor Moody. This action led to him giving himself away to his father following the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.
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Can a Dementor be killed?

Dementors are amortal, meaning that you can't kill them because they were never alive to begin with (even though they do die off eventually 😕).
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Is a Dementor a death eater?

Interestingly despite being considered natural allies to Dark wizards, the Dementors did not side with the Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War nor did Voldemort appear to try and recruit them.
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How is a Dementor created?

Dementors are born when there is so much pain and suffer in the air that it can materialise it's self. That means that most Dementors were created during the First and Second wizarding war or in the time of Grinwald's attacks in Europe. That's why Dementors can only be destroyed by the Patronum summoning charm.
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Was Snape a death eater?

Severus Snape eventually joined the ranks of Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. His actions as a Death Eater are largely unknown, though he quickly became an important Death Eater in Voldemort's inner circle. He was the spy responsible for informing Voldemort about the prophecy foretelling his downfall.
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Was it Snape's Patronus that saved Harry?

With Harry and Hermione despondent after the events in Godric's Hollow and Ron trying desperately to find his way back to them, it was Snape's Patronus – the Silver Doe that was somehow familiar to Harry, perhaps because it recalled his mother's own Patronus – that brought them back together.
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Can Dementors kiss Muggles?

Dementors nearly kissed Mary Cattermole during one trial, but Harry Potter repelled them, and he and Hermione Granger freed her and the other Muggle-borns being held prisoner, helping them to escape, along with Ron Weasley. It is possible that some innocent Muggle-borns were kissed before the Ministry was taken back.
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What does a Dementor eat?

Dementors feed off human happiness, and thus cause depression and despair to anyone near them. They can also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus are often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends" and are known to leave a person as an "empty-shell."
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What does a Dementor look like under its hood?

However, it was described that their faces were no different in appearance. According to the books, Dementor's faces featured a hole where their mouth should be and a gaunt look that resembled a corpse, complete with black holes for eyes. Even scarier, their skin appeared burned and scabbed up.
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Can Dementors talk?

"They could also communicate what they had heard Sirius Black ( )saying in his sleep to the Ministry ( )in 1993 ( ), implying that they can speak or otherwise communicate with wizards."
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Who is Draco's boyfriend?

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Was Draco Malfoy a Death Eater?

Draco Malfoy

He was a notorious bully to Harry Potter and his friends throughout the series. Draco becomes a Death Eater in his sixth year at Hogwarts and is assigned to kill Dumbledore. However, he fails and Dumbledore is ultimately killed by Snape. Draco, like his family, is part of Slytherin house.
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Is Draco Malfoy evil?

By Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's a stretch to call Draco a villain anymore. We just watched — or read — him struggle to reconcile his choices and morals in The Half-Blood Prince. He can no longer justify his actions, and is far more aware of the evil he was born and raised into.
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Can a human become a Dementor?

In effect, Dementors can turn people into Dementors by stealing their souls.
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How do Dementors breed?

Dementors are not said to breed, but to grow like a fungus. That means they continue to appear as they are able to feed on more happiness and cause more despair.
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Does Avada Kedavra work on Dementors?

From the Dementor's webpage: "They seemingly could not be destroyed, though their numbers could be limited if the conditions in which they multiply were prevented from forming, implying that they did die off eventually."
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Why do Death Eaters tongue?

It was added into the movie because they needed to give foreshadowing to the audience that Barty Crouch Jr was impersonating Mad Eye.
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Why did Barty Crouch Jr turn evil?

What Makes Him Pure Evil? Unlike his novel counterpart, who turned to villainy due to pitiable factors out of his ability to control, such as his father's neglect, this version turned to a life of villainy on his own accord for no reason other than pure sadism, as well as likely some pureblood supremacy views.
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Did Barty Crouch Jr hate Malfoy?

Lucius Malfoy was one of the many Death Eaters who denied their allegiance to Voldemort after the end of the First Wizarding War and therefore would be a perfect example of the kind of person Barty Crouch Jr. hates the most.
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