Could a Muggle shoot a wizard?

Yes, it has been mentioned many times on the main Headscratchers page that one prepared Muggle with a firearm can probably overpower one wizard. But then you must think about what a wizard can do. The strength of magic is not in pure offensive power and killing things, it is more subtle than that.
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What would happen if a Muggle shot a wizard?

A Muggle could kill a wizard if the wizard didn't know what was happening- that is, if they didn't know what the gun could do. If they knew, the wizard has multiple options available to him that would make quick work.
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Can a Muggle beat a wizard?

Magic is very powerful in the Harry Potter universe. The Harry Potter books heavily imply that the wizards could easily beat muggles in a fight. However, this may not be the case. Muggles could win a fight against wizards if they surprise the wizards and have some luck.
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Can Muggles use magic if they have a wand?

"In the Harry Potter universe, wands are an innately magical tool, capable of rebelling against their user or switching loyalties (such as the Elder Wand). A Muggle gaining one wouldn't just effectively have a stick in their hand but could produce an uncontrollable magical effect."
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Are Harry Potter wizards immune to bullets?

In Harry Potter, can wizards be killed in muggle ways (without the killing curse)? Yes, but only if you do it really fast or really subtly. If they have time to react they can Apparate out of the way, deflect any strike or heal almost all non-magical wounds.
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Can a Muggle BECOME Magical? How? - Harry Potter Theory

What is the rarest power in Harry Potter?

Those that are gifted with the power of flight are perhaps more rare than any other wizard that has any other power. Able to fly purely because of their own powers and not reliant on any type of enchanted item or spell at all, the number of these special wizards known to exist can be counted on one hand.
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Why can't wizards use Avada Kedavra?

It depends on a persons willingness to kill someone and also the power behind the wand. To quote Barty Crouch/Mad-Eye Moody in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', “Avada Kadavra is a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it.
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What happens if a Muggle sees magic?

If, by unfortunate means, Muggles do happen to observe the working of magic, the Ministry of Magic sends Obliviators to cast Memory Charms upon them, causing them to forget the event. Some Muggles are aware of the wizarding world.
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Can a Muggle enter Hogwarts?

By the time they were 10, they would be accepted into Hogwarts. But like the Dursleys, who were living in a world completely separate from the magical one, muggle-born in the Harry Potter universe did not possess knowledge of magic or have the capacity to explain the unexplainable.
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What would happen if a Muggle got a wand?

Muggles can't necessarily perform magic, but with a wand, they could cause some to manifest in an uncontrollable manner.
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Can a Muggle go to Azkaban?

Those who could not prove that they had magical heritage — in other words, any Muggle-born and potentially some half-bloods — were sentenced to Azkaban for having "stolen" magic. Some, however, were apparently released after being stripped of their wands and their jobs, and ended up homeless.
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Who is the most powerful Muggle-born?

Moaning Myrtle is perhaps the most powerful muggle-born ghost, other than Lily Potter because she physically stays in the girl's lavatory on the third floor for the foreseeable future.
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Could any wizard beat Dumbledore?

With or without the Elder Wand, Dumbledore is invincible in traditional wizard duels. Dumbledore has studied nearly every branch of magic in intimate detail, including obscure and unusual spells, and he could beat Harry with just one or two spells if they fought.
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Why do wizards look down on Muggles?

Some wizards hate Muggles due to their perceived superiority and pure-blood heritage, while others see them as tools to be dominated. Wizards study Muggles to understand their everyday lives and to better interact with them, despite some negative opinions on both sides.
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Could Protego stop a bullet?

In the debates, some people try to claim that a gun would beat a wand because the Shield Charm (Protego) doesn't stop bullets. However, there's no indication that Protego doesn't work on physical objects.
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Has a Muggle ever become a wizard?

Their magical abilities do not seem to be at all affected by their Muggle parentage — in fact, many Muggle-borns have been among the most powerful witches and wizards of their time, such as Lily Evans and Hermione Granger.
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Do Hermione's parents know she's a witch?

She and her husband were proud and accepting of their daughter's identity as a witch, which explained some strange things which happened around her when she was a child. They entered the magical world in 1992 to buy Hermione's school supplies, and were assisted by Arthur Weasley.
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Is Ron a pure blood?

He is a member of the Weasley family, a pure blood family that resides in "The Burrow" outside Ottery St. Catchpole. Being the only member of the three main characters raised in magical society, he also provides insight into the Wizarding World's magical customs and traditions.
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Are there Muggle Slytherins?

Yes, although we haven't met any in the seven Harry Potter novels. The Pottermore introduction to Slytherin says: […] we have traditionally tended to take students who come from long lines of witches and wizards, but nowadays you'll find plenty of people in Slytherin house who have at least one Muggle parent.
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What if a Muggle killed a wizard?

If the muggle knew about the magic world then he would be sentenced by wizard. If he did not know and just, lets say robbed a wizard and shot him with no knowledge of it. Then the cops would report who it was and what he had, Ministry of Magic would hear about it through their connections in the muggle world.
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Can Muggle see dementor?

Even Muggles feel their presence, though they can't see them. Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...
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How are Hermione's parents Muggles?

Hermione Granger: "Well, both my parents are dentists." Professor Slughorn: "Fascinating, and is that considered a dangerous profession?" Granger and Mrs Granger were born to Muggle parents, at least one of whom may have been descended from a Squib.
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Did Molly Weasley use Avada Kedavra?

The author explicitly states that both women were fighting to kill, despite Molly refraining from casting the Unforgivable curse Avada Kedavra. The result of the duel actually comes about as a result of nothing more than spectacular accuracy on Weasley's part.
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Who invented Avada Kedavra?

The Killing Curse was created in the early Middle Ages by Dark witches and wizards. Primarily, the curse was used to quickly slay opponents during a duel. In 1707, the Wizards' Council was restructured into the Ministry of Magic, which allowed for more strict restrictions on certain types of magic.
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Would Avada Kedavra work on Dementor?

Dementors, while they will technically die off eventually, are immortal during their "lifespan". So I'm gonna say no.
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