Could Captain Marvel survive the infinity gauntlet?

Based on Captain Marvel's powers, she was strong enough to serve the effects of using the Infinity Stones. Avengers: Endgame Director Joe Russo explained this pretty well in an interview that "Captain Marvel can also withstand all the power of Infinity Stones at once.
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Could Captain Marvel snap the Infinity Gauntlet?

Captain Marvel's ability to absorb and contain so much energy would likely allow her to withstand the impact of the snap should she have done it.
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Could Thanos have snapped Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel's power came from one of the infinity stones. So she probably could not beat Thanos with the gauntlet. Against Thor, they would probably be evenly match as long as Thor is only using Mjolnir. If he is using Stormbreaker, he'll have an edge in power over Capt Marvel.
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Can Captain Marvel beat Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet?

But Captain Marvel not only stopped Thanos using the Gauntlet, she actually got more powerful while he attempted to grind her down into the ground. Looking back to the scene now, it's obvious that Danver's energy absorption powers kicked in, meaning she could get the upper hand over Thanos.
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Did Captain Marvel survive the snap?

Having survived Thanos' snap, Captain Marvel received Nick Fury's distress signal but found herself dealing with distraught planets throughout the cosmos.
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MARVEL Explains If Captain America Could SURVIVE Using The INFINITY GAUNTLET - Avengers Endgame

Could Thor have survived the snap?

It was Smart Hulk's opinion that only he could do it, but it's possible that Thor too could have managed the snap, but perhaps not without suffering even worse side effects.
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Which Avengers could survive the snap?

What characters could survive performing the snap with the Infinity Gauntlet? So we know that Thanos, Ultron and Hulk can survive and Tony can't.
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How long is Captain Marvel's lifespan?

Furthermore, Carol was experimented one by the Kree. Yon-Rogg transfused his blood into her own and as a result, Carol is now a Kree-human hybrid and the blood that flows in her veins is. Yes, She Does. They Age too, but they live for 100s of years, to the aging is slower than that of us Humans.
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Can Captain Marvel lift Thor's hammer?

Marvel fans know Captain Marvel is one of the strongest Avengers (if not one of the strongest superheroes in the Marvel Universe proper) - so much so that she's one of the very few characters who can lift Thor's hammer Mjolnir without being worthy.
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Who's stronger, Thor or Captain Marvel?

Who is physically stronger, Thor or Captain Marvel? It would be a tie when it comes to Thor and Captain Marvel's physical strength. Both are extremely powerful heroes, so we can't say with extreme conviction that either character is stronger than the other.
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Which Avenger is Thanos afraid of?

He simply wanted him dead at all costs because he was his biggest threat. As per the user, the director of Avengers confirmed that Thanos was most scared of Iron Man. “Not because of his strength, not because of his power, not because of his power, but because of his suit,” he added.
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Which Avenger does Thanos hate the most?

Though usually paired against beings like Adam Warlock or Drax the Destroyer, the Mad Titan has no shortage of archrivals to choose from. But the one being Thanos hates more than anyone is the Merc With A Mouth himself, Deadpool – a rivalry that MCU fans are likely going to miss.
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Could Wolverine survive the snap?

In fact, directors Joe and Anthony Russo recently opened up about how the mutants would have been incorporated into Infinity War and Endgame, admitting that only Wolverine would have survived the snap.
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Can Hulk handle the Infinity Gauntlet?

In Marvel Comics' Ultimate Universe, it turns out that the bad guys created a pair of gauntlets with eight Infinity Gems. And the Hulk was powerful enough to wear both of them and beat his former teammates senseless!
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Was anyone immune to Thanos snap?

Thanos wasn't a would-be god who sacrificed trillions for the sake of love, he was a cosmic villain who killed all those life forms for no other reason than because he could, and he wanted Uatu to watch. And it was for this dark reason that Thanos made the Watcher immune to his Infinity Snap.
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Can Thor handle the Infinity Gauntlet?

Even so, it seems unlikely that Thor would have been incapable of using the Gauntlet. In Infinity War, he endured the power of a star to forge Stormbreaker and came out with no significant injury that could hinder him.
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Is Captain Marvel stronger then Superman?

Superman's insane strength can be his greatest weapon to win the fight between Captain Marvel. However, Captain Marvel's ability to absorb energy can be her huge advantage in the battle.
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Who can lift Mjolnir without being worthy?

Other Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir not through worthiness but through technicalities such as absorbing Thor's powers, including the Air-Walker, Awesome Android, Magneto, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Doctor Doom.
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Can Black Panther lift Mjolnir?

And not only that, their mission is noble enough that it's earned the loyalty of Mjolnir. While it is still Thor's hammer, it won't hurt one of the Panther Kings. It's even revealed that in the past, the first Black Panther actually once wielded the hammer himself, using it in unseen battle to protect the world.
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Which Avenger lives the longest?

Thor (1.500 years old) Thor becomes the one and only the oldest Avengers member.
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Who is the oldest Avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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What is Captain Marvel's weakness?

Thus, her powers are often ineffective against magic, and she requires the assistance of other heroes to bring down magic-powered opponents. Doctor Strange has sometimes been her ally in conflicts involving magic, as his magical abilities fill in for her weakness against magical energy.
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Can Hulk survive Thanos snap?

The Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame allowed the surviving heroes to get the Infinity Stones and with the help of a Nano Gauntlet developed by Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Rocket Raccoon, Smart Hulk undid Thanos' snap.
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Would Deadpool survive Thanos snap?

Deadpool survived the Infinity War snap because he wasn't technically in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the time.
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Why didn't Thor do the snap?

Knowing a thing or two about mental health issues, having suffered PTSD after the Battle of New York, Tony didn't want Thor to potentially mess up what could be their only chance in using the Infinity Stones.
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