Could Gamora understand Groot?

When the ending comes, not only is Gamora able to understand Groot, but so is the audience when Groot says, "I love you guys." James Gunn has confirmed via Twitter a popular theory that understanding Groot boils down to forming a connection with him.
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Did Gamora remember Groot?

And so there's a particular sadness here, where she doesn't remember him. "That, to me, is one of the saddest things in the entire movie, that your mother doesn't know who you are.
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Who can understand Groot language?

Though the audience and Steve Rogers may not speak Groot's language, certain characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe do. For example, Thor can understand what Groot says upon first meeting the tree-like creature.
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Did Groot see Gamora as his mom?

"This is a scene that I don't think people necessarily understand. Groot - his mother is Gamora, to him, in his eyes.
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Why could we hear Groot say I love you?

Towards the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe sequel, Groot says, “I love you guys” — a departure from his usual dialogue of “I am Groot.” James Gunn has confirmed that this isn't actually Groot vocalizing the words “I love you guys,” but rather, the moment signifies that the audience has spent enough time with the ...
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Gamora Being Confused About ‘I Am Groot’ For More Than A Minute In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3

How did Gamora understand Groot at the end?

Gamora (and the viewer) understands Groot verbally because he is finally understood on an emotional level. After getting to know him across three movies, the audience understands him - without the need for a violent mind-meld.
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Could Groot speak the whole time?

However, during the mainline Annihilation: Conquest series, he is suddenly only able to say his iconic "I am Groot" line, and characters, are treating this like it's nothing new, even though it's only been around 2 weeks in canon since he was speaking normally.
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Is Groot more powerful than Gamora?

Gamora is agile, hits hard, and shows no mercy, making her a real powerhouse among the Guardians. She's not as tough as Groot and Drax, but her exceptional skill makes her harder to hit, and she can use blades and firearms with equal skill in any battle.
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Why does Gamora not remember Quill?

Because she does not have a history with the Guardians, she does not reunite with them at the end of Endgame. Instead, she starts her own journey while Peter Quill is left mourning his dead girlfriend despite the existence of another version of Gamora in his universe.
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Can Thor talk to Groot?

While there was initial distrust among parties, Thor instantly connected with a few of the members, including Groot. Thor revealed that he understood the angsty adolescent because he once took Groot's specific language as an elective on Asgard.
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Why is Groot so big at the end?

Gunn referred to that version as the new Groot's "father," which explains why they don't look exactly the same, or act the same, since "Swoll Groot" has a "more outgoing personality." Groot's larger form in the credits scene is a result of him continuing to grow, though it's unclear if this is his final form or if he' ...
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Did Groot say the F word?

There's also precedence within the MCU for Groot to swear. Gunn said in a now-deleted tweet that Baby Groot "drops about 50 f-bombs in Guardians 2." They can't be heard since Groot only says, "I am Groot," which is how the director was able to get away with so many uses of the F-word without the movie being rated R.
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Is Nebula in love with Peter?

It turns out that Nebula star Karen Gillan very much believes that Nebula does have a little crush on Peter Quill, and during a recent interview with The New York Times, director James Gunn expanded on that a bit and believes that there could be something there.
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Will Gamora ever love Quill again?

However, this film is about family and making choices that feel authentic to yourself and what you desire in your life. By the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Peter Quill and Gamora do not end up in a relationship with each other.
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Why is Gamora so different in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

The Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a variant from the past and not the same one from previous films, as she never met the Guardians or went through character development. Gamora has been living with Yondu's Ravagers and infiltrates the space station with the Guardians in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
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Is Quill still immortal?

2 revealed that Peter Quill has Celestial powers through his father, Ego. However, these powers seemingly disappeared after Ego's death. Although Peter lost his connection to the light and his immortality, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 proves that his Celestial genes still make him more powerful than a regular human.
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What does Gamora call Quill?

Then Gamora tells him she doesn't think so, gets his name wrong (she calls him “Quinn” instead of “Quill”), and that's only the top note of Peter's song of embarrassment.
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Do Gamora and Peter kiss?

James Gunn fought for that Peter-Gamora kiss scene in Avengers: Infinity War – before her tragic death. "I begged them to have that kiss in the movie, because it was necessary to really cement their relationship.
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Who is stronger Drax or Gamora?

However, Drax maintained his immense strength and thirst for violence, which he was always known for. On the other hand, Gamora's origin remained intact. But in a recent video exploring the changes in her comic character to her MCU version, it's revealed that Gamora is actually much weaker than she should be.
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Is Nebula or Gamora stronger?

While Thanos raised them as sisters, he repeatedly made them fight each other to test their strength. Every time they sparred, Gamora would win, and Thanos would "upgrade" one of Nebula's body parts, claiming that he was attempting to make Nebula Gamora's equal, so she could win next time.
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Can Groot beat hulk?

Hulk triumphs, but it's more thanks to his tactics than superior strength, first uprooting Groot by attacking the ground, then using a boulder to fend off his powers and smash him to pieces.
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Can Thor speak Groot?

However Thor learned to communicate with Groot, their alliance proved to be a game-changer.
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Is Groot is Immortal?

As we all saw at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy when Groot heroically turns into a wooden roll cage and sacrifices himself for his fellow teammates, he can grow back from almost anything. So long as there's some good soil and a pot around, he is basically immortal.
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Does Groot have a weakness?

Weaknesses. Language Barrier: To most people, Groot appears to only say "I am Groot." This made communication with most people all but completely futile. Maximus the Mad asserted that whenever Groot was saying his trademark "I am Groot!" he had actually been saying any number of things.
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