Could Indy survive the fridge?

George Lucas, the creator of the Indiana Jones franchise with a story credit on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, has insisted that Indy's chances of surviving the nuclear explosion in the fridge are 50/50 (via /Film), but that claim has been heavily disputed.
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How did Indy survive in a fridge?

The Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull filmmakers decreed that the refrigerator shielded Indy from the heat, radiation, and other effects of the atomic blast, and the force of the fridge being thrown up into the air and landing on the ground was not sufficient to cause Indy injury.
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Would India have survived in the fridge?

While some people – those with even a basic knowledge of physics – might dismiss the fridge scene as in every way ridiculous, George Lucas reassured the press at the time that the scenario was indeed feasible and that Indy would have a “50-50” chance of surviving.
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What Indiana Jones does he hide in a fridge?

As his last hope, he dives into a refrigerator and awaits the destruction. Watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Here:
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Did fridges used to be lead-lined?

An ordinary refrigerator definitely wouldn't provide enough shielding, not even inside a house. But a lead lined refrigerator? Well, possibly. We could start by observing that there were no lead-lined refrigerators sold to the public for kitchen use in the 1950s (or any time since).
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Can You SURVIVE A NUCLEAR BLAST In A FRIDGE?! #moviemyths #debunked #indianajones

Is the Indiana Jones fridge scene possible?

In Indiana Jones 4, Indy survives a nuclear explosion inside a fridge, and while George Lucas says it's plausible, scientists believe otherwise.
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What does it mean to nuke the fridge?

Nuke the fridge means overdoing a story in a sequel spoiling it. This comes from Indiana Jones and the crystal skull where Indy gets caught in a nuclear testing ground and hides in the fridge when the bomb explodes. The movie was considered not good by most fans of the previous 3 movies.
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Did Indy drink from the grail?

Indy drank from it, so would have been immortal but he left the temple. The knight said the power didn't extend beyond the seal. It's not just to do with drinking from the cup. The Knight says that in order to maintain your eternal life, the cup must not pass the great seal "That is the price of immortality".
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How did Indiana know to close eyes?

Another option is that he remembered a relevant passage from the Bible (1 Samuel 6:19), where God "smote" the men of Beth Shemesh for looking into the Ark. Plus, there's a brief moment when Marcus Brody says the light from the Ark could lay waste to everything it touched, further warning of the Ark's power.
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How did Indiana Jones survive outside the submarine?

How Indiana Jones Survived The Submarine Ride. A deleted scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark shows that the sub stayed on the surface for the whole journey, and Indiana Jones clung to the periscope. U-boats didn't need to dive below the surface very often in peacetime.
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Could Indy have survived the nuke?

George Lucas, the creator of the Indiana Jones franchise with a story credit on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, has insisted that Indy's chances of surviving the nuclear explosion in the fridge are 50/50 (via /Film), but that claim has been heavily disputed.
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Does hiding in a fridge protect you from a nuclear bomb?

Seeking refuge in a refrigerator during a nuclear blast is not a safe or effective way to protect oneself from the aftermath of the explosion. This idea, popularized by movies and media, lacks scientific basis and can be dangerous [1].
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What is Nuketown, Indiana Jones?

In a Treyarch interview, David Vonderhaar said that the map was inspired by the scene in the 2008 film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in which Jones, pursued by Soviet soldiers, comes across a nuclear testing site with a replica of a typical 50s suburb and survives the nuclear blast by hiding in a ...
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Why did Indiana Jones bomb?

Indiana Jones 5's lack of consideration for a broader, younger, more diverse crowd is a major reason why its box office numbers are failing to keep up with other theatrical summer releases.
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How did Indy survive the tank?

The explosion caused Vogel to release Jones, who was carried along on the treads and only avoided being crushed by rolling right off the tank and clinging onto the destroyed turret.
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Why does Indy have a whip?

History. When Indiana Jones was seven years old, he first developed a fascination for the bullwhip after he saw a whip-act in a traveling circus. The first time Indy used a whip was in 1912 aboard the Dunn & Duffy Combined circus train while fleeing from Fedora's Gang.
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How did Indy know to not look at the Ark?

In the nick of time, he remembers the prophetic words of Imam, who claimed that anyone who turned their faces upon the light of the Ark would be annihilated. This timely realization allows Indy and Marion to avert their gazes and escape a similar end.
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Why were Indy and Marion spared?

The events conclude after the area has been purged (save Indy and Marion, who are spared because they keep their eyes shut during the encounter, likely a reference to Genesis 32:30), and the Ark's heavy cover slams shut again.
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What happens if you look inside the Ark of the Covenant?

When the ark was captured by the Philistines, outbreaks of tumors and disease afflicted them, forcing the Philistines to return the ark to the Israelites. Some stories describe how death would come to anyone who touched the ark or looked inside it.
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How did Indiana Jones not get radiation poisoning?

Indy wasn't injured at the time, so it was less obvious that the Holy Grail might have also blessed him with long life and good health as well. Thus, the protection of the Grail may have very well protected Indiana from the nuclear blast and blunt force trauma inside the refrigerator, allowing him to survive.
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Did Indiana Jones get immortality?

Though there is evidence that the Grail may not have made Indiana Jones truly immortal, it does seem that it may have given him some form of restorative powers. The Last Crusade does specify that the Grail only offers immortality to those who do not leave its temple.
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Is Indiana Jones based on a real person?

Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones—the fictional adventurer, explorer, hunky professor, and intrepid archeologist—is almost certainly based on a real person: naturalist and palaeontologist Roy Chapman Andrews.
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How long after a nuke is it safe to come out?

If you are in a good shelter, plan on staying inside a minimum of 1 day and then wait for instructions from authorities about when to come out. By the end of the first day following a nuclear detonation, potential radiation exposure decreases by 80% (CBUPMC, 2011).
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How long after a nuke is it safe?

You'll only have about fifteen minutes to seek sufficient cover, but radiation will die down to acceptable levels in most of the blast area after just a few days. Note that fallout is at its absolute worst in the first 72 hours, so it's crucial to evacuate immediately or stay sheltered.
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Can 1 nuke cause nuclear winter?

One very notable conclusion that was reiterated from the 1983 study was that if oil refineries were the main targets, only 100 bombs would be enough to cause a nuclear winter.
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