Did Anakin ever meet Darth Maul?

That includes the Siege of Mandalore, in which Anakin would have participated had it not been for the Chancellor's kidnapping. But their story began years before that, Darth Maul and Anakin's paths briefly crossed in Tatooine and later in Naboo.
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Did Anakin ever face Darth Maul?

Obi-Wan Kenobi was Darth Maul's nemesis in Star Wars, but there was a time when a young Anakin Skywalker dueled and defeated the Sith Lord. Before the Clone Wars forced them into military positions, Star Wars' Jedi filled many roles for the Republic.
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Why did Maul and Anakin never meet?

So, with Maul not really caring about Anakin, he thought it was a safe bet to escape. Unfortunately, from here onward, no confrontation between the two has ever been seen in any Star Wars media. However, that doesn't mean it never happened.
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Did Darth Vader ever meet Darth Maul?

In a non-canon story from the pages of Star Wars Tales #9, Darth Maul was resurrected to fight Darth Vader to the death. Ultimately, Darth Vader was named the victor for a pitch-black reason: He hates himself more. In the main Star Wars canon, Darth Vader and Darth Maul never met, let alone fought.
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What did Maul say about Anakin?

Ahsoka asks what he wants with Anakin Skywalker. Maul says that Skywalker is the key to everything. When Tano asks if it is to bring balance to the Force, Maul replies that Skywalker is the key to destroy and that he has long been groomed for his role as his master's new apprentice.
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There is literally ANOTHER SITH just off-screen here

Did Vader know Maul was alive?

In Star Wars Rebels, did Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader know that Darth Maul was alive? - Quora. Yep. They also did not particularly care.
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Was Maul scared of Vader?

Yep. Darth Maul didn't really say or show straight up that he "feared" Darth Vader, but he openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi, therefore on his own.
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What if Maul had killed Anakin?

Darth Maul could have killed Anakin Skywalker at least twice and therefore prevented Darth Vader from being created, but that does not mean he would have been powerful enough to stop Darth Sidious' rise to power.
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Could Maul defeat Anakin?

By the time of Episode 3; Anakin is in his prime, and already one of the Jedi Order's most powerful “masters” (although technically still a knight), just behind Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda. Maul wouldn't stand a chance.
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Could Maul beat Vader?

The duel. Darth Vader defeats Darth Maul. The two Sith Lords engaged in a lightsaber duel, going through the volcano and onto a bridge situated over a river of lava, which collapsed, though they both survived and continued their battle.
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Has Dooku ever met Maul?

Having been trained to become Sith Lords, both Maul and Dooku sought to gain more power under Sidious while simultaneously looking to overthrow him. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, Dooku and Maul did actually meet each other in canon in the Son of Dathomir comics by Jeremy Barlow.
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Did Luke ever meet Darth Maul?

As seen in Dark Horse's Star Wars Tales anthology series, a short story saw Luke facing Maul shortly after the fall of the Empire. However, this version of Darth Maul's revival was very different from the one that would eventually occur during the canonical Clone Wars animated series.
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Did Maul and Grievous ever meet?

Maul and Grievous met in single combat, while the two armies collided and suffered heavy losses. By the battle's end, Maul ordered his forces to retreat, while the Sith waited for him to find Mother Talzin.
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Why did Maul still have Sith eyes?

Darth Maul had yellow eyes, but Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir by Jeremy Barlow and Juan Frigeri shows that this was his natural eye color, like many other Nightbrothers. Being a Sith may have intensified the color of Maul's eyes over time, but his natural color makes it hard to know.
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Did Darth Maul become a Jedi?

Serving as a defining moment on the same level as Luke Skywalker's vision in the caves of Dagobah, Darth Maul's surreal time as a Jedi would serve to cement his beliefs that the Jedi Order had to be exterminated at all costs.
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Has Darth Maul ever talked?

Could Darth Maul talk? He has a couple of lines of dialogue in The Phantom Menace, speaking to Palpatine, yes. Darth Maul: Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the homing trace is correct, I will find them quickly, my Master.
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Does Maul know Vader is Anakin?

Darth Vader's true identity as Anakin Skywalker was a highly guarded secret, known only to a select few individuals including Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke, Han, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, Master Yoda, Bail Organa, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Maul, Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jocasta Nu, Ferren Barr, Verla, Reva, ...
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Who eventually kills Darth Maul?

Though seemingly killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of the film, Darth Maul returned in the 2008 animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars (voiced by Sam Witwer).
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Who could have defeated Anakin?

In the end, it would certainly be a tough match no matter what -- but Yoda would likely come out on top. Anakin lost against Obi-Wan because of overconfidence and talking too much, and Yoda could have easily exploited this to his advantage.
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Would Dooku have turned if Qui-Gon lived?

Dooku, AND Anakin, would be less likely to fall to the dark side if Qui-Gon was left alive and Maul's sympathetic past would never be revealed. For the former, Order 66 wouldn't be executed since Dooku wouldn't be the one planning to do that on the clones.
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Why did Darth Maul want Anakin?

Later, Maul orchestrated the siege of Mandalore as a means to draw Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to him with plans to kill Skywalker and deprive Darth Sidious of his new apprentice.
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Why is Darth Maul so weak?

Like his master, Darth Sidious, better known as Sheev Palpatine, Maul's main weakness was his overconfidence. In Luke Skywalker's confrontation with Palpatine during The Return of the Jedi, he tells the Emperor that his overconfidence is his weakness.
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Why is Darth Maul so angry?

He was filled with anger when he realized that as a child, the Jedi had not come for him. Maul did not know if they found him unworthy or simply ignored him, and their neglect fueled his rage, counting the days until he could have his revenge.
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