Did Anakin ever see his mother again?

Anakin saw his mother again in a Force vision around 21 BBY on Mortis. The vision was induced by the Son, one of the powerful Force-wielders controlling the planet, through which the current of the Force flowed.
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Does Anakin come back for his mom?

Shmi's death threw Anakin into a fit of rage, and he took his first step into the dark side of the Force when he avenged his mother by coldly killing every Tusken Raider in the encampment, including the women and children. The following morning, Anakin returned to the Lars moisture farm with his mother's body.
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Why didn't they go back for Anakin's mother?

As for why Anakin didn't return to free his mother, it's because he never got the opportunity. Relationships were strictly forbidden in the Jedi Order, and all of them had to forgo their own parents.
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Did Anakin meet his mother again?

After Anakin leaves his mother and trains with the Jedi Order, he doesn't see her again for an entire decade, with their next and final meeting being in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
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What movie does Anakin see his mom again?

Anakin Finds His Mother - Shmi Skywalker's Death | Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002) Movie Clip - YouTube.
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Anakin Finds His Mother - Shmi Skywalker's Death | Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002) Movie Clip

Who got Anakin's mother pregnant?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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What were Shmi's last words?

Shmi Skywalker

The fact her last words to her son were "I love" and that she could not finish the phrase before dying is painfully sad and will be remembered forever by Anakin fans especially.
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Did Padmé still love Anakin when she died?

Anakin's vision did come true, as Padmé, heartbroken by her husband's downfall, loses her will to live and succumbs while giving birth to twins. Before her death, Padmé still believed there was still good left in Anakin and that one day he could be saved with the help of their children.
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Would Padmé still love Anakin?

Nonetheless, as she dies, Padme tells Obi-Wan that there is still good in Anakin. Even something as heinous as that couldn't fully break her love for Anakin.
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Did Padmé really love Anakin?

She knew he was volatile and even murderous after he slaughtered the Tusken Raiders. As such, the only reasonable explanation for her marrying Anakin is that she was truly in love with him.
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Who is buried next to Anakin's mom?

Shmi was buried at the farm with a gravestone marking her grave. After her husband Cliegg Lars died, he was buried next to her.
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How did Qui-Gon free Anakin?

Unable to afford the parts they needed, Anakin devised a plan to help his new friends: he would enter the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace and give the winnings to Qui-Gon. While risky, Qui-Gon agreed, betting with Watto and adding higher stakes -- Anakin's freedom.
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Why did Anakin's body not disappear when he died?

When Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, or countless Jedi during Order 66 perished, their bodies simply fell because they didn't consciously become one with the Force as Obi-Wan, Yoda, or Palpatine did. As Anakin died, he was guided into the Force by Obi-Wan.
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Why didn't Padme free Anakin's mother?

And during those times when there was still a chance to free Anakin's mother, Padme didn't care THAT much for Anakin. People in her position have to accept that they simply cannot help every single person, and there was too little incentive to pick and help this one person among so many others.
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What happens after Anakin becomes Darth Vader?

As Darth Vader, Anakin led the Empire's eradication of the Jedi Order. He told Padmé of his plan to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy with her, but the idea sickened her.
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Does Anakin turn good again?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master. After his death, Anakin became one with the Force.
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Why did Luke love Vader so much?

By the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Luke had accepted that Vader is his father, and his hatred toward his father had completely disappeared, transformed into love and hope, like his late mother, Padmé Amidala, Luke believed there was still good left in Anakin and that he could be redeemed.
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Who did Anakin love the most?

Even as a Sith Lord, Anakin still loved Padmé very much, but felt great guilt for his actions against her.
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How does Anakin react to Padme's death?

Anakin's Force Choke begins the series of injuries that ultimately leads to Padme's death, and convinces Obi-Wan to fight him. Despite this, when Anakin learns of Padme's death, his immediate reaction of grief and regret shatters everything in the lab with a powerful force shockwave.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

When Anakin had to choose between losing Padme — fearing that she might die in childbirth — or turning to evil to “save” her from death, he chose evil. His desire to “save” her at all costs led Anakin to the dark side. For him, the dark side became a means of saving his loved one.
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What killed Padme?

When Padme confronted her husband on Mustafar, Anakin choked her to unconsciousness out of anger. While the act alone didn't kill her, Anakin's turn to the dark side was too much to bear. Holding on long enough to give birth to her children, Padme eventually passed away, having lost the will to live.
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Why was Shmi tortured?

According to the junior novelization of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, the Tusken Raiders took Shmi deliberately in order to goad the colonists into pursuing them, so they could launch a series of deadly traps. It was only when they had accomplished that fearful goal that they began torturing Shmi.
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What were Darth Vader's last words?

Darth Vader's final words were “if you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will”. Anakin Skywalker's final words were: “You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister…you were right”.
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What were Yoda's last words?

"Luke, There Is Another Skywalker." — Yoda.

He was, of course, alluding to Leia, and he died immediately after finishing his statement. Like Obi-Wan, Yoda appeared as a Force ghost after his death, but these final living words were surprising to characters and fans alike.
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