Did Darth Vader meet R2-D2?

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But to my knowledge there's no evidence at all that either of the droids ever met Darth Vader nor recognized him. At best, 3PO may have learned this later in life while serving Leia. R2D2 most likely learned it when Luke returned to Dagobah after rescuing Han. It's otherwise not touched upon in canon.
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Did Anakin like R2-D2?

When R2 was captured by the enemy, Anakin refused to leave him for dead, and risked his own life to save him. He also gives R2 an unprecedented amount of freedom, outfits him with weapons and tech, and treats him as an equal and a friend.
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Why did Vader shoot R2?

R2D2 distingushed himself in Padme's flight from Naboo as a brave little droid and fought by Anakin's side throughout the films. He didn't. Vader hit R2-D2, but that was not what he was aiming at. He was trying to shoot the X-Wing itself.
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Why didn t R2-D2 stay with Anakin?

Although Lucas portrayed R2-D2 as a defiant droid who refused to listen to his master's orders, the theory video claims R2-D2 wouldn't stay with the ship because the last time he did that, Anakin never came back.
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Did Anakin understand R2?

Canon characters, such as Anakin Skywalker, whose relationship with R2-D2 is one of the best in the whole series, Rey, Poe Dameron, Hera Snydulla and Kazuda Xiono are fluent in the droid language. And after spending decades with R2 himself, Luke Skywalker is also able to understand him.
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How Darth Vader Met and Remembered C-3PO on Cloud City

Why didn t R2-D2 tell Luke?

secondly, in Legends, R2 was given programming that actually restricted him. from sharing any information with Luke or Leia. about their parents or relation to one another. this was all part of the plan. to conceal this information from the twins.
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Does Vader ever see R2 or c3po?

Originally Answered: Did Darth Vader ever show he cared about R2-D2 or 3-CPO? Yes, he did. In the comic Thank the Maker, Darth Vader comes into possession briefly of 3PO's disassembled head while on Cloud City.
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Did Vader recognize c3po?

in the Dark Horse comic series star Wars Tales, which is now part of legends, it's revealed that Darth Vader did recognize C. 3PO on Cloud City. when 3PO was shot by Stormtroopers, his parts were brought before Vader. because the Imperials thought he could hold valuable.
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Does Obi Wan not remember R2-D2?

Similarly, Obi-Wan's manner toward R2-D2 was another example of him “talking around the truth.” When Obi-Wan claimed that he didn't remember owning a droid, he was not lying. R2-D2 was always assigned to Anakin, not Obi-Wan.
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Who did R2-D2 belong to first?

In The Phantom Menace, set 32 years before A New Hope, R2-D2 is portrayed as belonging to the Naboo defense forces, one of three astromech droids deployed for repair duty onboard Queen Padmé Amidala's (Natalie Portman) starship as it attempts to get past the Trade Federation blockade.
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Can R2-D2 beat Darth Vader?

R2 successfully slashes at Darth Vader's chest control panel and defeats his old ally. 3PO makes one of his trademark cowardly escapes, but the droid stumbles into Darth Vader, pushing him into the freezing chamber. The story ends with Vader encased in carbonite and the droids staring at their old master in awe.
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Why did Yoda fight R2-D2?

After making camp, the two encounter a strange alien creature, who is later revealed to be Yoda. As a test, Yoda deliberately acted looney and tried to get on Luke's nerves, rummaging through Luke's belongings and attacking R2-D2 with his walking stick.
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Did Anakin build C-3PO?

Anakin Skywalker, a Tatooine slave boy, was gifted in engineering -- and was strong with the Force. To help his mother, Shmi, he secretly built a droid: C-3PO. In his earliest form, Threepio had no outside covering, and so appeared “naked,” with his internal parts and motors showing.
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Who is R2-D2's best friend?

A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot's assistant, he has an unlikely but enduring friendship with the fussy protocol droid C-3PO.
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Why does C-3PO not remember Anakin?

Obviously, C-3PO does not recognize Vader because his memory was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
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Was R2-D2 force sensitive?

Now, the R2-D2 card wasn't particularly powerful, and it certainly did not say that he was "Force-Attuned" or "Force-Sensitive." However, in the game, when R2 was present at a scomp-link (one of those little terminals he plugs into all the time) he could effect the Force reserve of the player.
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Did Vader recognize Luke's lightsaber?

Vader mocked Luke for his lack of training in lightsaber combat, and he easily pulled the lightsaber out of Luke's grasp through the Force. However, before Vader could strike the unarmed Luke down, he suddenly recognized Luke's lightsaber as his own former weapon.
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Why doesn t Darth Vader use Force Lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
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Did Vader know Leia was his daughter?

Darth Vader only learned he had a daughter in Return of the Jedi - but there's no evidence he realized she was Leia before his death and redemption. Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost.
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Did Vader recognize Ahsoka?

She senses Anakin when she reaches out to the pilot — and Vader realizes that Ahsoka, his former Padawan, lives on. In Season 2, Episode 18, “Shroud of Darkness,” Ahsoka's guilt manifests as a vision of Anakin, who's angry with her for leaving him all those years ago.
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Why does Vader not recognize Leia?

Darth Vader's failure to recognize Leia as his daughter in Star Wars: A New Hope stems from George Lucas's late decision to make Luke and Leia siblings. Leia's Force abilities and her lack of awareness of her true identity also contributed to Vader's inability to sense their familial connection.
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Does Darth Vader remember Padme?

Every time she speaks, he remembers Padmé. Fighting alongside Sabé reminds him of fighting alongside his wife. While that is certainly painful enough, it's also reminds Vader of the man he used to be, a past he had long ago attempted to kill and bury. However, the memory of Padmé via Sabé won't let his past stay there.
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Did R2-D2 know that Luke was Anakin's son?

R2-D2 was present when Padmé gave birth to Leia and Luke, so he knew Luke was Anakin's son – but what he didn't know was that Anakin became Darth Vader. In addition to that, Anakin's fall was surely a painful event in R2-D2's life, one that he definitely wouldn't like to remember or even talk about.
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Why does Anakin love R2-D2?

The bond between The Chosen One and R2-D2 goes back to as far as the beginning of the prequel trilogy. They first met aboard Queen Amidala's starfighter during Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Anakin was still very young, so he grew up and became a Jedi with R2 at his side.
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Why did Darth Vader never hunt Yoda?

Although Sidious and Vader were “sensitive” to the Force, Dagobah had a cave so full of the Force that it hid Yoda's presence from the awareness of both the Emperor and his apprentice. Yoda chose to live in close proximity to this cave as it made him completely undetectable.
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