Did Draco cry when Fred died?

He could barely get up the courage to go to Fred's funeral, let alone anyone else's. Draco would never tell anyone that he was there, and George would never tell anyone that he saw Draco crying and apologizing to a headstone.
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Why was Draco crying after the bird died?

When the bird thing died, he was crying because his initial plan wasn't going to work, he had failed again. He knew that if he did not go through with the task Lord Voldemort would kill him and his family, and so he tried over and over again.
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Why did Draco cry in the bathroom?

Throughout the 1996–1997 school year, Draco Malfoy would go to the washroom to find company with Moaning Myrtle, confiding the stress of his mission and fear of failing it.
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Did Draco feel bad about killing the bird?

He didn't care about the bird. His tears were due to the fact that since the bird had died, he had failed once more to repair the Vanishing Cabinets. Draco needed to repair them in order to give the Death Eaters a safe way to infiltrate Hogwarts. Failure meant death, Voldemort had made that very clear.
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Was Draco happy to be a Death Eater?

Due to the harrowing experiences he had during his time with the Death Eaters and his remorse over his criminal acts as a Death Eater, Draco had realised the error in his ways and thus abandoned the old pure-blood beliefs he was raised to adopt and believe in.
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Sad Weasley Scene #67 | Fred's Death

Why is Draco Malfoy so sad?

He Lost His Wife. Draco Malfoy never had that many close people, and when he married Astoria and they had their son Scorpius, it looked like things would finally get better for him. But Astoria died and Draco had to raise his son as a single dad - and considering how Scorpius turned out, he did a good job.
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Who does Draco hate?

Malfoy hated all the attention Harry recieved . Malfoy thought Harry was a dark wizard, he tried to befriend Harry but he refused because of the way Malfoy treated Ron whom he already made friends with. That's why Malfoy hate Harry for turning him down.
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What is Draco Malfoy's most famous line?

“My father will hear about this!” The most infamous of them all. “It'S kIlLeD mEh, iT's KiLlEd mEh!” Second most infamous. “Oh, this is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, DrAcO MaLfOy.”
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Why did she ask Draco if he was dead?

When Voldemort "killed" Harry in the Forbidden Forest, she asked him whether Draco was still alive, as she knew that the only way she and Lucius could search for Draco inside Hogwarts would be as part of Voldemort's victorious army. Though she disliked Harry, she placed her family's welfare over Voldemort's goals.
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Did Draco had a choice?

Draco didn't have a choice, he had to go through with the plan to kill Dumbledore and it was weighing on him greatly.
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Who had a crush on Draco?

Tom Felton Says Harry Potter Was Constantly Crushing On Draco Malfoy - IMDb. Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy…
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Was Draco sexist?

But in Harry's narration, where he was paying attention to the smallest steps Draco took, there was never a sexist behavior of him towards any girl. During the whole saga he was never close to any girl other than Pansy, and it was never confirmed whether they dated or not.
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Why does Voldemort hug Draco so weird?

In his memoir, Felton said that Fiennes improvised Voldemort awkwardly hugging Draco Malfoy. "It gave me goosebumps then, and the memory gives me goosebumps now," Felton wrote.
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Did Malfoy go to Fred's funeral?

Draco Malfoy attended Fred Weasley's funeral, and he stood in the far back, where nobody could see him. He had never told anyone that he liked the Weasley twins.
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Why did Draco only get 3 owls?

Draco Malfoy

However, it can be presumed that he thought he could get by on the coattails for his father, with Snape there to remedy his grade if need be. Perhaps this is why Draco only has three O.W.L.s., including one in Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
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What was Draco's deleted scene?

In a deleted scene from this sequence, Draco Malfoy sees Harry get to his feet and rushes across the courtyard to toss him his wand. This scene never made it into the film, a fact that Draco fans have lamented for years.
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Was Narcissa Malfoy evil?

Something that people get wrong about Narcissa Malfoy is that she was a Death Eater, when in fact she was never part of Voldemort's inner circle of believers. She certainly affiliated with the Dark Lord's side, but her maternal side won over her evil one when she had to check if Harry was still alive in the Forest.
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Why did Narcissa divorce Lucius?

In fact, Lucius' own support to Voldemort is revealed to come only under some form of duress, which is likely Narcissa's Veela Allure. When Lucius turns on Voldemort due to the reveal of his Horcruxes, Narcissa divorces him, taking 75% of Malfoy's wealth with her.
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What is Draco's patronus?

J.K. Rowling says Draco doesn't have a patronus because he never learned the spell but I think it's because he doesn't have any powerful happy memories to use. He has tons of happy memories... He had an amazing childhood. However, she also said Snape was the only Death Eater who could produce a Patronus.
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What did JK Rowling almost call Draco?

According to J.K. Rowling's latest installment in her promised rollout of 12 days of Harry Potter-related riddles on the Pottermore website, that Spungen is one of the names she had been considering for Harry's chief nemesis at Hogwarts, along with Smart and Spinks.
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What was Draco's last line?

Although he appears in later parts of the film, Draco's last lines are spoken inside the Room of Requirement during the Battle of Hogwarts. He tells Harry about having to use his mother's wand, saying, "It's powerful, but it's not the same. Doesn't quite understand me.
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What does Draco Malfoy fear the most?

Draco Malfoy's boggart, according to a theory, would be his own father, revealing his fear and complex relationship with him. The theory adds a tragic layer to Draco's story, showing that he feels insurmountable pressure from his father and fears him more than anything else.
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Who did Draco really love?

He fell in love with Astoria Malfoy, who didn't meet his family's pure-blood expectations, and was even willing to let the Malfoy bloodline end to protect her. This shift in Draco's beliefs shows his growth and development as a character throughout the series.
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Who is Draco's crush?

J.K. Rowling said that Draco had a crush on Hermione Granger, but he doesn't show that, beacuse Hermione was a Gryffindor, Harry's friend, and also a muggle-born. After the Battle for Hogwarts, Draco fell in love with Astoria Greengrass, and they had son Scorpius.
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Who was obsessed with Draco?

Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.
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