How does Keating respond to Charlie's stunt?

How does Keating respond to Charlie's stunt? He tells Charlie to tone it down. There is a difference between daring and stupidity. He tells him that it would be a shame if he would miss out on his class.
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What does Mr. Keating say to Charlie?

Keating is clearly Charlie's favourite teacher. In addition, Charlie took the phrase carpe diem (seize the day) to heart as their new life motto; this phrase was said by Keating in his first class, encouraging his students to live life to the fullest, and every day as if it were the last.
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How does Mr. Keating respond to the prank?

He tells Charlie that his stunt was ridiculous and reminds him, “There is a place for daring and a place for caution.” He convinces Charlie and his friends to obey the rules of Welton, reminding them that, if they're expelled, they wouldn't be able to take his classes.
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Did Charlie get expelled in Dead Poets Society?

As the novel ends, Charlie is expelled from Welton for punching Cameron and refusing to compromise in his loyalty to Keating.
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What is Mr. Keating's point in the courtyard activity?

The point of the exercise, Keating says, is that it's all-too easy to fall into conformity. As in his earlier lessons, Keating uses physical exercises to enourage his students to see their environment differently. In doing so, Keating hopes to push his students to think differently as well.
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Cameron ratting out Mr. Keating

Why does Mr. Keating cry?

He picks up his poetry anthology, which he took home from the Dead Poets meeting. He looks at the words, “Dead Poets,” written on the first page, and begins to weep. Mr. Keating weeps because the phrase “Dead Poet” has taken on a tragic new meaning.
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What lesson does Mr. Keating teach the boys during the walking in the courtyard scene?

The scene is set in the courtyard of Welton Academy, and shows the students breaking conformity where it is most prominent in their lives. Professor Keating is teaching the boys to think for themselves, at a place where it is almost considered a sin.
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Who is the main villain in Dead Poets Society and why do you think so?

Answer and Explanation:

Headmaster Nolan is the main antagonist in Dead Poets Society along with Mr. Perry and Cameron in a lessor form. Headmaster Nolan represents a view of education which is goal-orientated toward an Ivy League college admission.
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How old is Charlie Dalton in DPS?

20. While most of the cast was between the ages of 18-20, making them pretty close to the characters' ages, Gale Hansen (Charlie Dalton) was the oldest at age 29.
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Why does Charlie punch Cameron?

This animosity for Cameron grows in Charlie when he 'finks' to Mr. Nolan about the Dead Poets Society and when Cameron blames Mr. Keating for Neil's suicide. Charlie is more than willing to punch Cameron over this betrayal, implying bad blood.
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Who ratted out Mr. Keating?

Keating is subsequently fired from Welton by the school administration. This is the result of Richard Cameron turning him in and telling Mr. Nolan that Mr. Keating had both inspired them to recreate the Dead Poet's Society and encouraging Neil to defy his father.
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Who snitched on Mr. Keating?

After Neil Perry's suicide, Cameron distances himself from the Dead Poets and informs on his classmates, ensuring that Keating is fired.
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Why does Keating get fired?

Following Keating's philosophy and encouragement, one of the students decides against the will of his father to get involved and perform in a play. This leads the student to commit suicide and Keating to be fired by the school after the father discovers it.
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What happened to Charlie at the end of Dead Poets Society?

To escape punishment for his own participation in the Dead Poets Society, Cameron blames Neil's death on Keating, and names the Society's other members. Confronted by Charlie, Cameron urges the other students to let Keating take the fall. Charlie punches Cameron and is expelled.
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What does Mr. Keating whistle?

Answer and Explanation: Mr. Keating, played by Robin Williams, whistles Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture at several points in the film.
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Why does Mr. Keating say seize the day?

Therefore, he argues, a good life should resist sameness and blind conformity. Because life is all-too short, students should make the most of their time on the earth. The best way to make the most of life is to be creative and original—to seize the day—and not simply to repeat one's parents' and grandparents' lives.
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What does Charlie change his name to in Dead Poets Society?

Dead Poets Society is one of my favourite movies. One scene in particular stands out and will forever be a major theme in my life; and it is how Charlie Dalton chooses a new identity/name for himself called Nuwanda.
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What is Charlie Dalton's full name?

Charlie Dalton (29 January 1903 – 22 January 1974) was an Irish revolutionary. Charles Francis Dalton was born at 8 St Columba's Road in Drumcondra, Dublin on 29 January 1903 and grew up around Drumcondra.
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What did Knox do in the book?

Knox is a thoughtful, romantic student at Welton. Over the course of the novel, he falls in love with Chris Noel, the girlfriend of a family friend's son. Knox's first attempts to woo Chris are disrespectful at best and assaultive at worst; he even gropes Chris at a party.
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Who blames Mr. Keating for Neil's death?

Neil is suddenly whisked away by his father who spits at Keating, “You stay away from my son.” Soon after, Todd is shaken awake in the middle of the night and told through soft whispers, “Neil's dead”, and Mr. Keating is to blame.
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What is inappropriate in Dead Poets Society?

Sex & Nudity (4)

Teenage boys look at a magazine centerfold of a nude woman. Her breasts are visible and details are clear. There are several instances of innuendo and direct mentions of sex.
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Why is Mr. Keating a bad teacher?

The problem I have with John Keating is his lack of judgment regarding a student of his, Neil Perry. Neil comes from a conservative family and his father has strict expectations that his son will be attending Harvard to study medicine. In his father's world, this is a non-negotiable.
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Why did Neil open the window?

As with any symbolic moment in film or literature, the open window in Dead Poets Society is open to a range of audience interpretations. One answer is that the open window symbolizes his last glimpse of freedom before the end of his life, as he wears the crown he wore in the play while he looks out at the snow outside.
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What do Todd's parents give him for his birthday again?

Keating teaches tells the boys not to conform, and Todd gets the same desk pen set from his parents that they got him last year for his birthday.
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Why did Neil lie to Mr. Keating?

However, since Neil loves the theater he lied to Mr. Keating so he could perform in the play. Um, Mr Keating is his school teacher.
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