Did the 11th Doctor love Amy?

The Doctor - He And Amy Loved Each Other While they may not have been in love with each other, there's no denying that the Doctor and Amy shared a huge amount of affection for each other. The Doctor loved Rory too, but Amy was the first person who he travelled with for a while, and that meant something.
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Who does the 11th Doctor love?

Clara Oswald was always the Eleventh Doctor's “Impossible Girl,” a mystery to be solved “wrapped in an enigma, squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too … tight.” And according to the Eleventh Doctor himself, she was also his girlfriend.
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Does Doctor have feelings for Amy?

Their relationship was much closer to that of childhood friends, and ultimately one of family. Amy isn't one of the companions that had a pseudo-romantic relationship with the Doctor. No he wasn't. He did love her, but he was not in love with her.
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Who did the Doctor love the most?

Truly, madly, deeply

To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life. He seemed to have a closer bond with her than almost anyone he'd travelled with before, and as time went on it was increasingly clear that she was deeply in love with him.
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Why did Amy Pond kiss the Doctor?

She kisses the Doctor on the eve of her wedding night, simply because she wants to (which causes obvious issues in her relationship with Rory, which are later solved, although the Doctor feels the need to interfere in her relationship rather than letting her work it out).
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Eleven & Amy | Another Love (For HeartPhantom)

Why did Amy have to keep her eyes closed?

Amy had watched a video of a Weeping Angel, and whatever takes the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel. With a copy of an Angel growing inside her, Amy had to keep her eyes closed to halt the possession.
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Has the Doctor ever slept with a companion?

While it looked like the were just friends when Sarah Jane was in the classic Doctor Who series it became clear they had been a couple in the episode School Reunion. There is pretty strong evidence that the Doctor has slept with at least three of his companions.
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Who was the least favorite Dr Who?

Seemingly the only disliked Doctor was Colin Baker, which may be why he was only in two seasons.
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Is Clara River song's daughter?

Clara is the future child of the Doctor and River who's had her memory erased. The two Time Lords must be up to something on their nights away from River's prison cell.
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Who was the Doctor's one true love?


Perhaps not a character on Doctor Who, but surely the Doctor's greatest love throughout all time and space is the TARDIS. Far more than just a machine, the TARDIS is a living being and is the only traveling companion that has remained with the Doctor throughout all their adventures.
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How old was Amy when she died in Doctor Who?

In the present, the surviving Angel sends Rory back in time, and knowing the Doctor cannot recover him, Amy allows the Angel to touch her too so she can be with him. Gravestones in a New York cemetery reveal that Rory died at the age of 82 and Amy died at the age of 87.
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Why could the Doctor never see Amy again?

So when time closed around the paradox Amy's story ended with Amelia's Last Farewell because that was the most likely outcome due to the initial difficulty the Doctor would have had in visiting them due to the temporal instabilities and the amount of time in their lives he would miss before he could manage to visit ...
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Why is Amy Pond so important?

Likewise, after having let Rory die for her, Amy grew to have the same kind of selfless love that he did, eventually willing to die with him rather than have him go through with it alone. It's this kind of character development that's the point of companions traveling the universe with the Doctor in the first place.
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Are there any LGBT characters in Doctor Who?

Bill Potts (Twelfth Doctor companion)

A number of primary TV series companions have been implied to be queer throughout the years. But Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) was the first of the main companions to be unequivocally, explicitly lesbian.
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Why is the 11th Doctor so childish?

The Eleventh Doctor was referred to by many as a childish incarnation as his reactions were based on his moods. But he wasn't childish, he was one of the most alien incarnations who was just out of sync with humanity and human expectations.
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Is Amy Clara's grandmother?

SO, no Clara's Granny is not Amy Pond. There are also various other reasons, like the fact that Amy and Rory's son's last name was Williams, not Oswald OR Ravenwood. Amy and Rory were dead by 2012, which was proved in THE ANGELS TAKE MANHATTAN when they arrive and the Doctor says they're in 2012.
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Does the Doctor love River or Clara?

The Doctor loved River Song enough that he suppressed the urge to roam for over two decades. This is something he was never able to do before River, and has never done again since. This proves, definitively, that River Song was not, and never will be, just another companion.
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Why did the Doctor forget Clara?

Increasingly desperate to save her, the Doctor threatened to fracture time and space itself to avert Clara's death, despite her end on Trap Street being a fixed point. Ultimately, the Doctor had to have his memory of Clara wiped to allow her to return to Trap Street and restore the timeline.
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Which Doctor did River Song marry?

Kingston plays her in 15 episodes, as River becomes a companion, romantic interest and eventual wife of the Doctor in his eleventh incarnation portrayed by Matt Smith.
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What is the scariest Dr Who ever?

Though time will only tell if they're as shocking as this updated list of the Doctor's most nerve-wracking episodes.
  1. 1 The Empty Child (Series 1)
  2. 2 Blink (Series 3) ...
  3. 3 The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon (Series 6) ...
  4. 4 Midnight (Series 4) ...
  5. 5 The God Complex (Series 6) ...
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Who is Doctor Who's biggest enemy?

The Doctor's enemies. Daleks- The Daleks have been the enemies of the Timelords since day one. They were involved in the "Time War", where The Doctor was forced to kill all of the other Timelords and Daleks. Unfortunately, some Daleks have survived and continue to wreak havoc in the universe.
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Who is the most evil Doctor in Doctor Who?

The Valeyard (/ˈvæliɑːd/) is a fictional character from the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He is described by the Master as an amalgamation of the Doctor's darker sides from between his twelfth and final incarnations.
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Who was the doctors longest companion?

Jamie McCrimmon accompanied the Second Doctor in 113 episodes, far more than any other companion. Frazer Hines happened to be working on the show during one of its busiest times ever and stayed with the program at the request of Patrick Troughton who wished to have Jamie and The Doctor together until the end.
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Which Doctor Who companion had the worst ending?

Donna Noble Has One of Doctor Who's Most Tragic Endings

Although Second Doctor companions Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot were the first to have their adventures wiped from their minds, Donna's fate was arguably worse.
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Who is the longest serving Doctor Who character?

Tom Baker is, of course, the longest-serving on television, having starred on more Doctor Who shows than any other actor.
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