Did Vader regret turning?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Did Darth Vader ever turn good again?

Once he becomes Darth Vader, each evil act he commits shatters any hope or connection towards his previous life, which makes it harder for him to return to the light, but he ultimately escapes the dark side and redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save his son, Luke Skywalker, and kill the Emperor in Return of ...
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Did Vader ever feel guilty?

Extremely. He was always ashamed at having to relieve the deeds he did in the Temple, killing Friends and Children. Evidence of this is when he was crying after he killed the Sepratist Council. He was crying because of the deeds he committed at the Temple, not on Mustafar, which he sadistically enjoyed.
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Who does Vader hate the most?

However, when it comes to who Darth Vader hates more than anyone in the Star Wars galaxy, himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi don't hold a candle to the true point of Darth Vader's hatred, Emperor Palpatine.
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Did Anakin regret killing Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred and pain, fueling his descent even further into the dark side.
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EXTRA footage from 1977 REVEALS Darth Vader’s Backstory

Did Anakin feel bad for killing Padme?

His wife is still dead and he has done nothing to pay for his crime. Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor.
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Did Darth Vader ever feel remorse?

Darth Vader is usually depicted. as this cold and heartless machine. However, throughout his years with the Empire, he had many moments of regret for what he had done.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

While Vader had his weaknesses, including vulnerability to electricity, characters like Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all had the potential to defeat him in battle.
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Who did Vader respect the most?

But none of this kept the Sith Lord from finding a handful of people he could respect, even if he hated some of them.
  1. 1 Princess Leia Stood Her Ground.
  2. 2 Grand Admiral Thrawn Had No Fear. ...
  3. 3 Erv Lekauf Was Always Loyal. ...
  4. 4 Grand Moff Tarkin Was Good At His Job — Until He Wasn't. ...
  5. 5 Dr. ...
  6. 6 Boba Fett Had A Great Work Ethic. ...
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Who is Darth Vader scared of?

Star Wars: Darth Vader's Greatest Fear Has Always Been Sand.
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Did Vader feel pain in his suit?

Darth Vader's Suit Embeds Needles In His Skin

Unfortunately, these needles, which transmit neurological data throughout his body and allow him to control his limbs, also cause him constant pain. Between the never-ending itchiness and walking around with needles in his skin, it's no wonder he is so angry.
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Did Vader get laid?

After all, such replacements could only distract Lord Vader from the service he owes his Master. So no, Darth Vader does not get laid.
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Did Obi-Wan think he killed Anakin?

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan believed that Anakin was dead. Due to Anakin turning to the dark side, Obi-Wan had to face him in a duel, which ended with Anakin losing most of his limbs and being burned by a river of lava.
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Why did Anakin turn evil so fast?

Although the decision to turn to the Dark Side was Anakin's alone, the choice did not come from thin air. His natural prone to impulsivity and emotion without the support systems he needed in place made it easier for Anakin to stumble down a path of darkness.
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Was Vader ever kind?

Darth Vader's nicest moment may not be anything over the top or heroic, but when his life is coming to an end, Darth Vader decides he wants to see his son with his own eyes.
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How did Luke beat Vader so easily?

And despite Vader's weaknesses, it's not as if Luke was unskilled, as he spent plenty of time honing his connection to the Force after Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and was likely the most skilled lightsaber-wielder Vader had faced in a long time.
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Who was Darth Vader's best friend?

Erv Lekauf was a lieutenant in the Imperial Army who served as Darth Vader's personal aide for several years. On a mission to Vohai in 19 BBY, Lekauf helped Vader fight the Emperor's Hand Sa Cuis, impressing the Dark Lord with his courage and loyalty.
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Who came the closest to killing Vader?

By the end of their duel, Cere left Vader burnt, limping, and wheezing, proving Vader wasn't all-powerful. Ultimately, she came closer to killing Vader than almost any Jedi in Star Wars canon, though her overzealous attack ended up being her downfall.
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Does Darth Vader hate Padme?

Darth Vader Likely Hates Padmé

In other words, Vader could only be in love with the Padmé before she betrayed him and hates her for not accepting what he became. In 2017's Darth Vader series, the eponymous fallen Jedi goes out of his way to deform Padmé's personal shuttle he later acquires.
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Who is stronger KYLO Ren or Darth Vader?

Kylo and Rey (Daisy Ridley) also blasted the Imperial Crusier open trying to Force pull the Lightsaber away from each other, so clearly, Kylo Ren is an extremely strong Force-wielder. Nonetheless, it can be said that Darth Vader is the more powerful master of the Force for one key reason: his temperament.
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Who would win Vader or Thanos?

Darth Vader Wins Battles While Thanos Wins Wars

This concept presented by Gillen across universes is quite accurate. When looking at their respective accomplishments, Vader is indeed a great warrior and is extremely powerful wielding the dark side of the Force.
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Who is stronger Luke or Anakin?

The realistic answer seems to be, yes, Anakin in his prime could have defeated Luke Skywalker (in the current canon) if they battled one-on-one. The main reason behind this is Luke's lack of formal Jedi training, at least when it comes to combat.
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Why is Vader so sad?

He Was Burdened By A Prophecy That Was Always Unclear

Still, Anakin was dubbed as the Chosen One and was burdened by a purpose that no one really cared to explain. As Darth Vader, he was deemed a disappointment and traitor to the Jedi cause by leaving it in darkness, which caused Vader to loathe the Jedi even more.
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Why did Vader cry?

OF COURSE VADER CRIES, he has lost everything he loved. And everyday he is reminded of what he could have been as a father, a husband, and a Jedi.
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Why did Vader hate Palpatine?

In essence, the more one holds hatred for someone, the more power that person has over them. By hating Palpatine more than anything, Darth Vader is admitting that Palpatine is the true source of his power, and is therefore far too important for Vader to kill (even on a subconscious level).
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