Did Wonder Woman turn evil?

An Injustice prequel issue about this Wonder Woman's origin, reveals that Diana turned evil when the Steve Trevor of her universe used her own kindness to cause harm, as it turned out he was a Nazi spy. Enraged by this betrayal, Wonder Woman killed Trevor, vowing never again to let empathy be a weakness.
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What is the most evil version of Wonder Woman?

One of the most infamous versions of Wonder Woman that prevailed throughout the DC Multiverse would have to be Lois Lane, Superwoman of Earth 3. An Amazoness like her original counterpart, her penchant for violence and aggression earned her a place as one of the most vicious members of the Crime Syndicate of America.
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Why did Wonder Woman side with Superman?

Wonder Woman's character in the Injustice Universe was drastically changed after her discovery that Steve Trevor was a Nazi agent, leading her to embrace Superman's dark methods.
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Is Wonder Woman against killing?

Ultimately, Wonder Woman doesn't abide by the same no-kill rule as Batman, although she tries to avoid doing so when necessary and when working alongside the Justice League.
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Who destroyed Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman's strength and powers are impressive, but she has been defeated by surprising opponents. Batwoman managed to beat Wonder Woman and nearly kill her using her combat skills and the lasso of truth. Swamp Thing easily defeated Wonder Woman without even needing to attack her, leaving her helpless.
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Evil Superman Kills Wonder Woman Scene - Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League (2024)

Why can't Diana go back to the Amazons?

The reason behind this was that all the Amazons were shifting to another dimension, but Diana was unable to accompany them as she needed to stay behind to help Steve, who had been wrongly convicted.
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Who is more powerful than Wonder Woman?

Even though Scarlet Witch doesn't always have full control of her powers, she is still far more powerful than Wonder Woman, making her the likely victor in a standoff between the two.
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

She has no convenient weakness. She used to be rendered powerless if she was bound or shackled by a man, but that's been phased out. She would also go mad when her bracelets were removed. Not treated consistently either.
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Is Wonder Woman a villain or a hero?

One of the most beloved and iconic DC Super Heroes of all time, Wonder Woman has stood for nearly eighty years as a symbol of truth, justice and equality to people everywhere.
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Was Wonder Woman the God Killer?

The sword was ultimately and casually destroyed by the real Ares, who revealed that the so-called God Killer sword was not the true "God Killer" meant to kill him, but that Diana herself was.
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What if Wonder Woman and Superman had a baby?

So if Superman and Wonder Woman have a child, and she / he inherits Wonder Woman's strength and Superman's ability to absorb sunlight, that child would have 1000X of strength without sun and in the presence of sunlight it would have 1000000X.
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Did Superman ever love Wonder Woman?

Superman and Wonder Woman announce their engaged to be married, and are seen kissing and declaring their love for one another in the story "Wonder Woman: Mrs. Superman" from "Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #136" (February 1974). But it was all a ploy to save Lois from the Revenger.
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Did Superman love Wonder Woman?

We have loved Superman and Wonder Woman for as long as we can remember, and yet, as perfect a match as they may seem, they did not love one another. Superman loved Lois. In most stories, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are an iconic unstoppable journalist duo, with a super-child and all!
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Who is Wonder Woman's worst enemy?

The current Cheetah, Barbara Ann Minerva, is a former archeologist and treasure-hunter who sold her soul to the plant-god Urtzkartaga for power and immortality, not realizing she would be bound in eternal servitude to him. She, aside from Circe and Ares, is arguably Wonder Woman's deadliest archenemy.
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What is Wonder Woman's worst fear?

Wonder Woman: Losing Her Humanity

However, some of the book's variant covers revealed more about Wonder Woman's fears before fans even opened the comic. Given a monstrous, Medusa-like redesign, her mythological makeover indicates a fear of losing her humanity.
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Why is Wonder Woman called God Killer?

Diana thought the Godslayer was the great honking sword she smuggled off Themyscira. But as she and we learn at the climax of the movie, that sword was just a sword — it's Diana herself who is the Godslayer. But only a god can kill a god … which means Diana herself is a goddess.
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Who is Wonder Woman's daughter?

Lizzie Prince is the daughter of Wonder Woman and…well…the identity of her father is a story for another time. And really, the identity of her father isn't what makes her special. Lizzie is special because of her commanding presence, inquisitive nature and undying bravery.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Superman?

Superman Just Became a God in DC Lore (No, Literally)

Though the Man of Steel fought with a frightening tenacity, Wonder Woman proved she's ready and able to take him down if she ever has to. Of course, both heroes have their own unique traits that make them quite amazing fighters.
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Does Wonder Woman age?

The pre-Crisis version of Wonder Woman has shown to age as well the during Future State era where Diana sports a streak of gray in her hair.
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What is Wonder Woman's kryptonite?

Slight spoilers on the film's plot. Why doesn't Wonder Woman have her own physical "Kryptonite"? Although quite durable, various incarnations of her have shown she is vulnerable to piercing weapons like bullets, arrows, swords, and knives. Hence why she uses her bracers/bracelets to block/deflect them.
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How did Amazonians reproduce?

New 52. To reproduce and keep the Amazon race alive, the Themyscirans raid ships on the high seas and copulate with men. At the end of the mating, they take their lives and throw their corpses into the sea rather than marry them. Triumphant, the Amazons return to Paradise Island, and wait.
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How did Wonder Woman lose her powers?

The Dreamstone, which was originally created by the God of Lies, works like a Monkey's Paw; if you wish for something, you get that wish, but whatever you hold nearest and dearest will be taken from you. For Diana, she gets Steve (in another man's body) and loses her powers.
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Who is stronger She Hulk or Wonder Woman?

While Jen is a strong character, she has no chance against Wonder Woman. Even in her more monstrous state, She-Hulk would merely be another unhinged creature for Diana to take down. Wonder Woman would totally demolish the Savage She-Hulk and wouldn't even have to try against the Sensational She-Hulk.
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Who is stronger Thanos or Wonder Woman?

1 Winner: Thanos

Wonder Woman is one of the toughest beings in any universe but unfortunately for her, she doesn't have the raw power to take Thanos down. She'd run through the Black Order with ease, but Thanos would be too much for her.
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