Who can defeat Supreme Strange?

Captain Carter and Kahhori defeat Strange Supreme with the help of powerful weapons from other MCU variants.
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Can Odin beat Supreme Strange?

Doctor Strange has a lot more hax. Who can win in a fight, Odin or Strange Supreme? The corrupted Sorcerer that can hold his own against Infinity Ultron and briefly slow down the collapse of his timeline would win against MCU Odin.
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Can Dr Fate beat Supreme Strange?

Meanwhile, Doctor Fate is shown to be physically superior and faster at casting spells than Strange. While Strange can try to trap Fate in the Mirror Dimension or use portals, Fate could simply teleport back. Speaking of his teleportation, it seems that Fate's teleportation is faster than Strange's portal magic.
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Can Wanda beat Supreme Strange?

Strange' or 'Avengers: Infinity War' would easily say that the once and forever Sorcerer Supreme - Dr. Stephen Strange - will easily beat Wanda Maximoff if they were to fight.
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Is Strange Supreme the most powerful being?

Supreme strange was one of the most powerful characters in Marvel's What if season . He was a variant of Doctor Strange who became obsessed with reversing the death of his lover Christine Palmer, and in doing so, he destroyed his own universe by absorbing countless dark entities and artifacts.
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Can Strange Supreme Defeated All Strongest Gods? - Strange Supreme Power Levels

Who can beat Dr Strange Supreme?

I think Scarlet Witch, the Living Tribunal, or cosmic entities like the Beyonder can defeat Supreme Strange. "Supreme Strange" refers to a powerful and somewhat villainous version of Doctor Strange that appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in the "What If...?" animated series on Disney+.
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Can Supreme Strange beat Thor?

If the fight were to take place in the real world, Strange still has the ability to conjure physical powers and could use the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak to bind Thor and potentially hold him in place long enough to deal with him by using a more permanent spell.
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What superhero can beat Wanda?

Raven's mental skills are far greater than Scarlet Witch's, which will deliver her the win. If there's anywhere Wanda is weak it's her mind and Raven has powers that would take advantage of that weakness, quickly ending the fight.
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Is Strange Supreme stronger than Infinity Ultron?

Based on this, it's safe to say that Strange Supreme can stand his ground against this Infinity Stones-wielding Ultron if they go head-to-head.
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Can Supreme Strange beat Thanos?

Who would win – Full Gauntlet Thanos or Strange Supreme? While there's no doubt that both are extremely powerful, one of them does have an advantage. Yes, it's Thanos.
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Will Black Adam fight Superman?

The now-infamous mid-credits scene in 2022's Black Adam famously reintroduced Henry Cavill's Superman as a force capable of stopping the antihero, teeing up a showdown that will now never happen.
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Can Thanos beat Dr Fate?

Thanos is powerful for the Marvel Universe, but he couldn't stand up to a DC hero as powerful as Fate.
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Who wins Dr Fate or Batman?

Doctor Fate would obliterate Batman. Just because Batman's a genius and master of fighting, doesn't mean he could fight someone like Fate. As for with prepe time, he might have a chance, but he still struggles with Bane for example, even with prep time.
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Can Supreme Strange beat Dormammu?

Although Doctor Strange couldn't overpower Dormammu in his first movie, he realized that he could outsmart him. In order to defeat Dormammu, Strange trapped the Dark Dimension in a time loop using the Eye of Agamotto, allowing the sorcerer to revive himself every time he was killed.
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Can Strange Supreme beat Galactus?

Doctor Strange using a spell to stop Galactus shows how much power the Sorcerer Supreme wields with his magic. Taking down the god-like cosmic being singlehandedly remains one of his most impressive victories ever.
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Who is stronger Odin or Dormammu?

In a fight, Dormammu would win 10/10. He is the ruler of the entire Dark Dimension. He is extremely powerful, able to control people who worship him.
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Can Strange Supreme beat Superman?

Strange wins this one because he's used to this sort of fight. He's always facing down foes who are more powerful than him in some way. Superman's weakness against magic doesn't automatically give Strange the win, but that combined with the sorcerer's experience will let him triumph.
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Can scarlet witch beat Strange Supreme?

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Why is Strange Supreme so powerful?

Strange's corrupt magic Strange is able to manipulate Dark Dimension Magic after spending his time at the Lost Library of Cagliostro, using it to summon mystical beings, absorb their lifeforce and use their powers. He is also able to amplify his basic powers by using the energy from the Dark Dimension.
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Could Black Bolt have killed Wanda?

In Doctor Strange 2, Black Bolt's mouth was removed by Scarlet Witch. Panicked, Black Bolt tied to speak, causing his brain to implode from the power of his own voice, which was still destructive as ever. However, Black Bolt would likely have annihilated Wanda with a single word.
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Who can beat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his opponent. While Immortal Hulk is certainly the most powerful Hulk, even other forms could defeat Cosmic Ghost Rider.
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Can Superman defeat Wanda?

Originally Answered: Superman vs Wanda who wins? In a head to head fight he would murder her. he's too fast by the time she did her incantation or whatever He could've frozen her ass or he could Blitz her. He could literally kill her from space if he wanted to with a laser beam.
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Who is the weakest Avenger?

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow.
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Can Dr Strange beat Odin?

Doctor Strange is officially more powerful than Odin. In the comics, the line of Sorcerers Supreme began 1,000,000 years ago with a mystical being named Agamotto.
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Who can defeat Odin?

It ended in a sort of stalemate, but Galactus was the obvious winner.
  • In Marvel Comics, who was Odin's best fight against?
  • It was against Galactus, of course.
  • It ended in a sort of stalemate, but Galactus was the obvious winner.
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