Do any Dwarves visit Bilbo?

At the end of the novel, The Hobbit, Balin has formed such a great relationship with Bilbo that he is the only dwarf to visit him with Gandalf a second time. Later in life, Balin led an expedition to re-colonize the lost dwarven kingdom of Moria. He was successful, and declared Lord of Moria.
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How many dwarves visit Bilbo's home?

The next day, Gandalf and thirteen dwarves — Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin — visit Bilbo and make themselves at home.
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Did Bilbo and the dwarves ever meet again?

Did Bilbo ever see the other dwarves again after he left with Gandalf in The Hobbit? Yes. At the end of the Hobbit book Balin came to visit. Bilbo, Gandalf and Balin have a smoke together in Bagend.
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Which Dwarf is most fond of Bilbo?

In the book, Balin. He seemed genuinely fond of Bilbo, fond enough that he accompanied Gandalf to the Shire to visit Bilbo several years after the end of the story. In the movies, Bofur, who was affable and kind to Bilbo.
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Who comes to visit Bilbo after several years?

Several Years Later

It's Gandalf and Balin, come for a visit. Bilbo notices that Balin's beard is several inches longer, and Gandalf and Balin notice that Bilbo's belt is a few loops wider. Everybody's done pretty well for themselves in the time since the Battle of the Five Armies.
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THE HOBBIT - AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY -The arrival of the dwarves at Bilbo 's house - Movie Clips

Do the dwarves ever retake Moria?

From TA 2989 to TA 2994, the re-colonization of Moria was an attempted expedition led by Balin to re-take the ancient Dwarven Kingdom of Khazad-dûm. An initial effort was successful in reclaiming some of Moria from the Orcs.
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Does Thorin forgive Bilbo?

The biggest blow to the dwarves is that their king Thorin lies mortally wounded. He forgives Bilbo before dying and lets Bilbo know that he was right all along. Thorin is replaced by Dain as king, Bard rebuilds his town, and Gandalf and Bilbo head for home.
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Why isn't Thorin in Lord of the Rings?

Before the War of the Ring, the Dwarves took part in the Battle of Five Armies, an event covered in the third and final installment of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. While this war ended in victory for the Dwarves, far too many lives were lost, including that of Thorin Oakenshield.
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Did the dwarves visit Bilbo after The Hobbit?

Balin gained respect for Bilbo's abilities, and was the only dwarf who volunteered to accompany Bilbo down the secret passage to Smaug's chamber. Of all the Dwarves in the quest, Balin was the only one known to have visited Bilbo at Bag End after their quest for the Lonely Mountain.
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Who is the smartest Dwarf in The Hobbit?

Thorin. Thorin from the books is also quite different from the movies, and while some fans weren't thrilled with this, it does make sense for the big screen. However, whatever version you're looking at, Thorin is the leader and the most intelligent of the dwarves.
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Did Gandalf ever see Bilbo again?

Return to the Shire

Bilbo had to buy back his sold possessions in order to avoid quarreling with the purchasers. After some years, Balin and Gandalf visited him, where they reported the current news of Middle-earth.
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Why is there no Dwarf army in Lord of the Rings?

The relative absence of dwarves in The Lord of the Rings can be attributed to Tolkien's focus on men as the future of Middle-Earth. When the Third Age ends and Sauron is defeated, the elves are leaving for the Undying Lands, and the dwarves are dwindling in number, but the realm of men grows under Aragorn's leadership.
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Who becomes king after Thorin?

With Thorin's death in the battle, Dáin became King of Durin's Folk and King under the Mountain, the first not of the main line. After the battle, Dáin thanked the Great Eagles for their timely intervention, crowning their chief with gold and swearing the Dwarves to everlasting friendship with them.
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Who is Gimli related to in The Hobbit?

Born in TA 2879, Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. He was a descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of the Dwarven people. Gimli was descended from, but was not a member of the royal line.
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Which Dwarf was Bilbo closest to?

In the course of the Quest, Balin was the Dwarf who developed the closest friendship with Bilbo. He was the only one who offered to look for Bilbo after he had gone down the secret Erebor passage.
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Did Bilbo ever visit Erebor?

Bilbo did in fact make it as far as the Lonely Mountain, back to visit his friends who still live in Erebor after their quest to reclaim their homeland 60 years earlier was successful and they managed to rid the golden halls of Smaug the dragon.
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Is Gimli the last Dwarf?

Though Gimli has no children, he is not the last Dwarf of Middle-earth. After the fall of Sauron, his people continued to thrive in the Lonely Mountain. Gimli made his home in Rohan, in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, and many of his kinsfolk came with him.
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Who rules the dwarves after Thorin dies?

Originally Answered: Who is the king of Erebor after Thorin dies? His cousin Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills Dwarves. They are first cousins through their paternal grandfather.
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Why didn't Gimli know about Moria?

Gimli didn't know about Moria's fate because there had been no communication between Erebor and Moria for 25 years, and the Dwarves were hopeful and did not want to accept failure until there was certain news.
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Why is Gimli the only Dwarf in LOTR?

Simply put, he was the only one available. There were only two dwarves at the council of Elrond, Gimli and his father Gloin. The Dwarves were fighting Sauron's forces constantly in their own campaign and couldn't spare many. Gloin was also much older now, it was absolutely his son's turn to go on a big journey.
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Is Gimli related to Thorin?

Gimli is the son of Glóin who is introduced in The Hobbit as a member of Thorin Oakenshield's company, also being one of his four third cousins. Thorin himself is a direct descendant of Durin I, even becoming the King of Durin's Folk in his lifetime.
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Was Smaug the last dragon?

Described as a "long-worm", although this imprecise term seems to be more of an expression rather than a separate taxonomic group. Smaug — the last great dragon of Middle-earth, slain by Bard of Esgaroth.
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Who is next in line after Thorin died?

Dain Ironfoot is their distant cousin who is next in line for the throne after Thorin, Kili, and Fili. Since Thorin, Kili, and Fili all die at the Battle of the Five Armies, Dain Ironfoot becomes the next King under the Mountain.
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Did Thorin's bloodline end?

Their deaths and Thorin's did not end Durin's line, although did end the branch which had Thror, Thrain, and Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin's cousin, Dain Ironfoot, became King after Thorin's death. Dain's son, Thorin Stonehelm, became King after Dain died in the Battle of Dale. The line continued on after that.
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Are Thorin and Bilbo in love?

Thorin is portrayed by Richard Armitage and Bilbo is portrayed by Martin Freeman. Fans have called them "Thilbo," but it is not canon; however this relationship is platonic in this series. An entire page was dedicated to their relationship in The Battle of the Five Armies movie guide.
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