Do Batman and Superman get along?

While they do have arguments on the occasion, Batman and Superman actually have one of the strongest friendships in DC. They're friends. They both feel a kind of stewardship over their perceived communicates and the Justice League, so they have some things in common.
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Are Batman and Superman actually friends?

And yet, for almost as long as they've both been hanging around the DC Universe, Batman and Superman have remained firm friends. They've had their rough patches, sure, but who hasn't? Every bromance has that one scene in which the guys fall out for a while and sometimes even come to blows.
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Does Batman respect Superman?

Superman and Batman share one of the greatest friendships in comics. It's no small wonder that they command immense respect from each other. DC Comics has created many heroes over the ninety years of its existence, but few represent the company as well as the partnership between Batman and Superman.
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Why is Batman so angry at Superman?

Batman sees Superman as nothing more than a potential alien threat to be eliminated. As set up by Batman v Superman, the showdown between the two heroes is symbolically positioned as Batman's last chance to regain the humanity slipping away from him.
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Does Superman trust Batman?

While Batman and Superman don't necessarily completely trust each other right away, they do show a willingness to work together and mutual respect early on, even when Bruce says that he prefers to work alone.
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How Batman & Superman Met

Does Batman regret killing Superman?

Bruce tells Diana that he regrets failing Superman and asks for her help in forming a team of metahumans to protect Earth in Superman's absence.
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Why does Batman fear Superman?

While Superman himself does not pose a threat, his existence does. Bruce fears Superman because he feels he will bring danger to the planet, which he does albeit indirectly. Zod is responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, but he never would have thought to come to Earth if not for Kal-El.
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Can Batman defeat Superman?

Batman emerges victorious, and from a narrative perspective, Batman v Superman could go no other route. As long-time DC Comics readers know, there's more than enough comic-book precedent for Batman beating Superman.
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Who is stronger Batman or Superman?

Unless Kryptonite is involved therefore Superman would win the conflict between the two. When man of steel probably has the abilities to take down Darkseid or Brainiac by himself, a man dressed as a bat probably isn't that much of a threat in comparison.
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Why did Superman turn evil?

However, while Knightmare Superman was enslaved by Darkseid using the Anti-Life equation, Injustice Superman turned evil of his own free will though he was pushed into villainy by several people.
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Who does Superman trust the most?

Superman just revealed that when he has a problem, he goes to Justice League ally Martian Manhunter first, and for a very specific reason.
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Why do people love Batman over Superman?

While Superman breezes through any challenge (or would, if he remembered to use all his powers), Batman has to face adversity and overcome it. That makes him more relatable, and subsequently more trustworthy.
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Which villain respects Batman?

Bane Acts Heroically In Batman's Name

Bane has a great deal of respect for Batman; this isn't a secret, the two have fought many times and even become allies at one point. Bane would even take up the mantle of Batman at a later date, when Bruce is once again not around.
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Who is Batman's most trusted friend?

DC: Batman's Best Friends, Ranked
  • 7 Commissioner Gordon.
  • 6 Zatanna.
  • 5 Barry Allen, The Flash.
  • 4 Wonder Woman.
  • 3 Nightwing.
  • 2 Alfred Pennyworth.
  • 1 Superman.
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Who is Batman's true best friend?

Alfred Pennyworth is far more than just a butler to Bruce Wayne, and Bruce has no trouble calling Alfred his surrogate father and best friend. Superman's friendship with Batman has a long history, but Alfred's relationship with Bruce Wayne has a deep one, and fans will be overjoyed to see them reunite.
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Who is Batman's favorite friend?

Batman And Alfred Pennyworth

Batman and Alfred is the first and most important friendship most fans came to know in comics. It's a relationship that extends beyond mere friendship since Alfred Pennyworth served as Bruce Wayne's surrogate father after the death of Bruce's parents.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Can Thor defeat Batman?

Originally Answered: Who would win a fight between Thor and Batman? If powers are considered then, thor by huge margin. He is not someone like superman who can be scared by kryptonite.
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Who can defeat Batman?

13 People Who Beat Batman
  • Superman. On the occasions when Batman is not prepared to fight him with good ol' kryptonite or a robotic suit, he has whipped him.
  • Prometheus. The guy has overthrown the entire Justice League including Batman.
  • Deathstroke. ...
  • Court of Owls. ...
  • Hush. ...
  • Wonder Woman. ...
  • Lady Shiva. ...
  • Jason Todd.
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Can Hulk defeat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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What happens if Batman kills Superman?

If Batman had killed Superman, there would've been no one to stop Doomsday. This would've doomed everyone on the entire planet. One by one, all the way up to 7.6 billion, Doomsday would've eventually killed every single one of us…
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Who is Superman most afraid?

Summary. Superman considers Martian Manhunter the most powerful being in the universe, and admits he would be scared to face him in battle.
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What is Batman's only fear?

Batman Is Afraid To Be In The Company Of Bats

As a child, Bruce's fear of bats stemmed from falling in a cave where he encountered the animal. He continued to harbor it as an adult, although Bruce used the very fear as his strength. Batman Begins: Bruce Wayne embraces his worst fear.
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Why are villains scared of Batman?

When he returned to Gotham, Bruce adopted the identity of Batman and began striking terror into the hearts of criminals. It wasn't long before Gotham became well-known for the stories of its Dark Knight and the menace he brought to evildoers in the city.
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