Do Jedi have empathy?

Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan also proved herself adept at Force empathy during the Clone Wars. Padawan Jaesa Willsaam was renowned throughout the Order at the time for her innate skill in Force empathy, which could extend into predicting an individual's actions.
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Are Jedi empaths?

Sympathy is just understanding another's emotions. While real life empathy can be expressed in a ton of different ways, empathy is emotion, something the Jedi code specifically trains to personally suppress; Jedi are very sympathetic, but train contrary to empathy.
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Do Jedi have emotions?

Emotions and serenity

They held their emotions valuable but were also warned to be mindful of them, for they could cloud their judgment. A Jedi had to maintain a serene, quiet mind in order to stand on the light side instead of the dark—thus, they were able to keep the Force within them in balance.
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Can Jedi feel others emotions?

An extension of Force sense was the Jedi ability of Telepathy. With this ability, Jedi could use the Force to sense a person's feelings, gain impressions or images of their thoughts, or even mentally communicate with other Jedi.
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Is Yoda empathetic?

Another remarkable aspect of Yoda's leadership is his exceptional empathy. He possesses a deep understanding of the emotions and struggles of those around him. Yoda actively listens to his students, colleagues, and even adversaries, seeking to understand their perspectives and needs.
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6 years later and I only realize how creepy this is..

Did Palpatine have empathy?

He had no concern for the people who were brutalized under his leadership. He was willing to sacrifice others for his benefit. Ultimately, the Emperor's indifference toward others became the catalyst for his death. His inability to be compassionate and empathetic stopped him from seeing past himself.
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Can Jedi hear thoughts?

The telepathy of most Force-sensitive individuals was not potent enough to truly read the thoughts of other beings, and could only sense the emotions or general mindset of those around them. This form of basic telepathy was more commonly known as Force empathy.
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Are Jedi allowed to cry?

Jedi are allowed to feel any emotion.

They simply can't act out of emotion, keeping the peace needs to be the priority because that's their job, as Jedi. Hence the line in the Jedi code: “Emotion, yet peace” or “there is no emotion; there is peace”.
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Can a Jedi fall in love?

This is the most well-known of the Jedi rules. Love leads to attachment and attachment leads to strong emotions, which are the path to the Dark Side of the Force. Because of this, Jedi are forbidden to fall in love. This, of course, doesn't stop Anakin Skywalker from falling in love with Padmé.
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Do Jedi believe in love?

George Lucas explained, the Jedi are trained, allowed, and expected to love people, even their enemies, the Sith, but they are not supposed to form attachments. Attachment connoted possession and the inability to let go, thus, it wasn't love, and led to the dark side of the Force.
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Can a Jedi have a girlfriend?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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Are Jedi allowed to hug?

During the High Republic Era, the Jedi maintained the ideals of avoiding attachment but made sure to show great acts of compassion towards those who were suffering, such as offering hugs to those who were grieving.
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Can Jedi get pregnant?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Can Jedi sense if someone is Force sensitive?

Trained Jedi could sense high levels of the Force in individuals. The presence of Force-sensitives in a vicinity could also be sensed.
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Do Jedi suppress emotions?

This is why being calm is crucial to a Jedi: in serenity, they are not letting to any heated emotion, whether to be anger, fear, joy etc. to conquer them, and control them. They are welcoming their emotions, live them, but not lose themselves to them: they can think rationally and know, what is the right thing to do.
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What is Force empathy?

Force empathy was a Force power related to Force sense, but involved picking up impressions of an individual's feelings and general emotional state. Those Force-sensitives especially adept could pick up motivations, hidden feelings, and even deeply guarded secrets.
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Were the Jedi virgins?

History. Under the original order, Jedi were forbidden to marry because they believed attachment could lead an individual to the dark side, as was the case with Shaela Nuur.
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Has a Jedi ever fallen in love with a clone?

During one of these missions she would break the Jedi Code's rule of attachment by falling in love with Darman, RC-1136, a clone commando in Omega Squad, and becoming pregnant with his child, Venku Skirata. The two would later marry in the traditional Mandalorian way shortly before her death in 19 BBY.
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Can Jedi hook up?

The director has, on several occasions, confirmed that Jedi were not expected to be celibate, but were expected to abstain from forming strong personal attachments to other beings. In Lucas's words, it's "possessive relationships" that cloud the judgment of a Jedi -- as was the case with Anakin and Padme.
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Is a Jedi funeral legal?

The ceremonies -- which have been depicted in 'Game of Thrones' and 'Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace,' -- are a form of honoring the dead that is still widely practiced elsewhere, but is only legal in two sites in the United States, both of which are in Colorado and only one is public.
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Can Jedi use anger?

Very few Jedi were capable of using and mastering Force rage without falling to the dark side. One of the few examples is Jaden Korr. In 40 ABY, Luke Skywalker used the power of dark side rage against Darth Caedus.
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Do Jedi take kids?

The Jedi Order, a monastic organization dedicated to the preservation of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, recruited its members very young, but not typically straight after birth, as Wee Dunn was considered too young to be taken in by the Order as an infant.
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What is a Jedi IQ?

The Jedi council would probably be 125 and up, with Yoda the highest at about 145–160, and Windu 135–150. Dooku about 140–150, too. Palpatine/Sidious would have the highest of all. Probably at least 170.
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Can Jedi tell if you're lying?

Truth sense was an ability that was cultivated by the Jedi Order, which allowed the individual to tap into the Force in order to determine if another being was telling the truth.
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Do Jedi mind tricks hurt?

However, it was shown that concentrating on and attempting to forcibly compel a strong mind into cooperation risked damaging or even destroying the mind of the subject, with Bane experiencing overwhelming pain during the attempt by the three Jedi to influence him.
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