Do Selina and Bruce get back together?

Luckily, there's a happy ending to that tragic story. The Bat and the Cat eventually reunited, kicked Bane's butt and finally decided to give domestic bliss a try. Bruce and Selina aren't legally married, but emotionally, they're now a committed couple.
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Do Batman and Catwoman get back together?

Batman and Catwoman finally got married, with Superman and Lois Lane witnessing - Polygon.
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Who does Selina Kyle end up with?

In one of these planes of reality, they do end up together, and Selena Kyle-Wayne is at Bruce's side when he dies in his bed at Wayne Manor. Yes and no. It depends on the continuity. One version had Catwoman go straight and she married Batman and they had a daughter, who would eventually become Huntress.
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Who does Bruce Wayne end up with?

The original Earth-2 Batman ended up marrying his Catwoman and fathering Helena Wayne/Huntress. However, it took a while for the modern Bruce Wayne to accept his feelings for Selina, and the two officially revealed their identities in 2002's Batman: Hush before later getting engaged in the Rebirth era.
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Does Bruce and Selina end up together in Dark Knight Rises?

The bomb explodes out over the bay and both Batman and Bruce Wayne are thought to be dead. However, it turns out that Selina and Bruce are living together in Italy, where Alfred sees them together at a table at a cafe in Florence.
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Bruce and Selina at the dance ball | Batman Returns

Why did Batman quit in The Dark Knight Rises?

For starters, the most practical reason that Bruce Wayne decides to retire at the end of the movie is that he simply cannot handle the physical stresses of being Batman anymore.
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Who is Joker's girlfriend?

Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) is a character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. She was created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for Batman: The Animated Series as a henchwoman for the Joker, and debuted in its 8th episode, "Joker's Favor", on September 11, 1992.
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Who is Bane's love interest?

While searching for the Swiss man in Rome, Bane encounters Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins and eventually impresses Ra's al Ghul so much that he chooses Bane to marry Talia and become his heir. Ra's also has discovered Bane's father's identity, but did not reveal this information to him.
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Did Batman have a child with Catwoman?

In the post-Flashpoint Earth 2 continuity, Helena Wayne was the daughter of Batman and Catwoman (Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle Wayne). She was also the only Robin to her father's Batman identity and a more ruthless character than previously seen.
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Does Selina really love Bruce?

But while Batman has had his fair share of love interests over the decades, none can truly compete with Selina Kyle. Batman's original rivalry with Catwoman has evolved into a true love story between the Cat and the Bat. They're even a married couple now.
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Who does Batman love the most?

Unsurprisingly, Batman's most popular love interest is the antihero and occasional villain Catwoman. Even though they often stand on opposite sides of the law, Batman and Catwoman still understand each other.
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Why did Bruce and Selina break up?

Until Batman: Hush she was not aware of his secret identity. She only broke up with Bruce Wayne, because he kept missing every date they had, but kept her relationship with Batman.
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Who is Batman's best friend?

DC: Batman's Best Friends, Ranked
  • 7 Commissioner Gordon. Debut Comic: Detective Comics #27. ...
  • 6 Zatanna. Debut Comic: Hawkman #4. ...
  • 5 Barry Allen, The Flash. Debut Comic: Showcase #4. ...
  • 4 Wonder Woman. Debut Comic: All Star Comics #8. ...
  • 3 Nightwing. Debut Comic: Tales of the Teen Titans #44. ...
  • 2 Alfred Pennyworth. ...
  • 1 Superman.
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Why didn't Selina marry Bruce?

Selina's reasoning for calling it off was that she didn't want Bruce to have to stop being the Dark Knight for her and thus left him standing at the altar.
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Is Bane Asexual?

This comfort and satisfaction with his own isolation also extends to lovers; Bane is not entirely asexual, but it is true to say that romantic and sexual desire in him is somewhat stunted, almost childlike, due to it both having never really been explored thanks to his upbringing and life in captivity as well as it ...
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Is Bane Russian or Mexican?

He has a white father, and a Latina mother. But as someone who never knew his father until he was an adult, who was born and spent his formative years in Pena Duro, the prison colony of Santa Prisca, and now as a man who still considers Santa Prisca his home, Bane is Latino by nationality as well.
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How does Bane eat?

1. He may have some sort of mechanism that allows him to suck in liquefied nutrients through his mask. 2. He simply removes the mask while eating, and endures the pain.
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What is Harley Quinn's mental illness?

Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn's life. People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are “pervasive and excessive emotionally and display attention-seeking behavior” (Bornstein 1998).
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Who gets Joker pregnant?

A spell that backfires gets him pregnant

To make this happen, the most famous clown in comics persuades the wizard Zatanna, however, she wants nothing to do with the Joker and she casts a spell but it backfires and he is the one that becomes pregnant.
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Who is Harley Quinn's daughter?

Lucy Quinzel is the daughter of Harley Quinn and the Joker.
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Who is the 55 year old Batman?

About This Movie

Bruce Wayne, now 55-years-old, comes out of retirement to don the cape and cowl to fight his old enemies, the Joker and Two-Face, for the final time. Then, an old ally arrives and is looking for one last fight.
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Why can't Batman walk?

As we see in the Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne seems to have suffered crippling injuries due to his work as Batman that prevent him from being able to walk without the aid of a cane. Despite this, he is able to immediately become the Batman again with merely a knee brace.
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Why was there no Robin after The Dark Knight Rises?

Why Robin Never Appeared In Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy was built on a sense of realism that would make adding Robin almost impossible. Following Batman & Robin's disastrous reception, Batman had to be deconstructed for the Batman franchise to work again.
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