Do they eat the lotus flower in Percy Jackson?

The Lightning Thief Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, and Grover Underwood eat the lotus flower. It must be eaten every once in a while to renew the spell.
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What happens to the men who eat the lotus flower?

They offer lotus plants to Odysseus' men, who gratefully eat them. Upon eating the plants, the men find that they are so delicious that they lose all interest in returning home and want only to remain with the Lotus Eaters forever.
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What happens at the lotus Hotel in Percy Jackson?

The hotel lures kids inside with addictive games, food (in the case of the movie), and other activities, combined with the unlimited money on plastic cards. Guests seem to never age because time is severely dilated, elapsing at a much slower rate than it passes in the outside world.
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How was the lotus flower used in the Percy Jackson movie?

Percy Jackson (Film Series)

In the movie, waitresses hand out lotus flowers to the guests so that they forget who they are and end up staying in the Lotus Hotel for all eternity. After a mental push from his father, Percy stops eating the flowers and snaps Annabeth and Grover out of their trances.
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Who told Percy not to eat the flower?

Percy snaps out of the spell after hearing the voice of Poseidon through telepathy telling him not to eat any more flowers.
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Percy Jackson Lotus Flower Scene HD 1080p

Who had the saddest death in Percy Jackson?

Which character in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians had the saddest death? Michael Yew, Silena Beaguar, and Charlie Beckendorf had the saddest deaths.
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What happens when you eat the lotus flower in Percy Jackson?

The lotus fruits and flowers were the primary food of the island and were a narcotic, causing the inhabitants to sleep in peaceful apathy. After they ate the lotus, they would forget their home and loved ones and long only to stay with their fellow lotus-eaters.
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What do they eat in Percy Jackson?

Nectar and ambrosia

In “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” demigods drink or eat small amounts of these substances, which give them strength and power. However, the flavor of these changes to taste the best for each person who eats it.
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How do the men who eat the lotus flower get saved?

As soon as they eat this fruit, they lose all thoughts of home and long for nothing more than to stay there eating more fruit. Only by dragging his men back to the ship and locking them up can Odysseus get them off the island.
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Who betrayed Percy?

Upon returning to Camp Half Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke, son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for the theft. Luke poisons Percy, and tells him before leaving that Kronos will rise and destroy the age of the gods. Western Civilization is unraveling.
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Did Percy get married?

Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. She loves her children equally, and usually is the stricter parent. However, she is the only one who can really "talk" to Ethan and relate to him, even getting him to open up about his feelings for George.
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What does Percy find in his bedroom?

Sally and Percy retreat upstairs to his bedroom where Percy finds the package containing Medusa's head. He suggests that Sally use the head against Smelly Gabe. Percy decides to leave for Camp Half-Blood and says goodbye to his mother.
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How many men ate the lotus flower?

The three men discover the hospitable Lotus-Eaters and taste their “flowering food”; thereafter they long only to remain among the Lotus-Eaters and “forget the way home.”
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Why does Poseidon hate Odysseus?

The Olympic god Poseidon is one of the many foes of Odysseus. His hatred for the epic hero began after the famous Greek blinded Poseidon's son, Polyphemus. His son's humiliation prompted the god of the sea to use his powers to prevent the hero from returning home to Ithaca.
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What does the lotus flower mean in Greek mythology?

Its spiritual significance is also rooted in ancient cultures like Egypt and Greece, where the cycle of the lotus flower was seen to represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
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What are the lotus flowers in Percy Jackson?

Percy Jackson's casino episode references The Odyssey, with lotus flowers causing the characters to lose track of time and fail in their quest. The Lotus Hotel and Casino uses lotus flowers to create a euphoric state and keep visitors gambling.
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What does lotus taste like?

If you have ever munched on a slice of jicama, you have an idea of what lotus root tastes like. It's crunchy, slightly sweet, with a little bitterness, and has a high water content that makes it refreshing.
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What part of the lotus flower do you eat?

The edible part of the lotus plant is the root, seeds, and young flower stalks. When the lotus seeds inside the seed head are green, they can be eaten raw as they are sweet. When the seeds become brown, they can be made into a paste or ground into flour for baking.
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What flower did Percy Jackson eat?

Percy Jackson (Film Series)

Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, and Grover Underwood eat the lotus flower. It must be eaten every once in a while to renew the spell. When the trio of heroes first eat the flower, it makes them act like they're intoxicated.
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Why does Percy Jackson only eat blue food?

Percy's late stepfather Gabe once argued with him that food couldn't be blue. So his mum, Sally Jackson, went out of her way to bring and make Percy blue food, including blue cakes and candy! His favourite colour is blue because of his relation to seas and oceans. Sally's favourite colour is blue too!
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What was the blonde girl feeding Percy?

Once when he wakes, Annabeth is feeding him pudding, and she asks what will happen at the summer solstice and what was stolen.
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What was the drink Percy drank?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Nectar is used as a healing drink when someone is injured. Demigods can drink it, but if they have too much of it, they are in danger of being incinerated. Humans can't drink it at all without being incinerated.
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How long were Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus?

According to Hesiod, it takes nine days to reach the bottom of the pit. However, time is very hard to tell in Tartarus - nine days in Tartarus could be 9 seconds in the mortal world, and vice versa.
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Who ate the lotus flowers?

Odysseus even had to tied them up on the ship, lest they escape and stay. In Greek mythology, the "Lotophagi" were a group of people around North Africa who ate from the lotus plant, which put them in a state of perpetual stupor.
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