Do they say the F-word in Avengers?

Other, less severe curse words have been used, leading to Captain America's "Language!" joke in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but never the F-word. That changes in Gunn's trilogy capper, which sees Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) drop the McU's first F-bomb.
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Why did Chris Pratt say the F word?

“Everyone's been trying to improv F-bombs for 10 years, and finally one made it in.” Pratt told Extra that he was merely trying to make the crew of the movie laugh when he said the word during filming.
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Does Deadpool say the F word?

Much of this violence is used for comedic relief, but that doesn't take away from how graphic it is. Language: The F word is a common drop in this film. Almost any other word that falls under the "Swear Word" umbrella is used frequently in this movie.
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How many curse words are in the Avengers?

There is mild bad language ('hell', 'damn', 'ass', 'son of a bitch', 'pissed off', 'bastards'). 'P*ssed off' is said. 'B*stards' is said.
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Does venom drop the F bomb?

Profanity (8)

The F-word is dropped once in the movie, very briefly. This is one of the few Marvel movies that have the f-bomb in it and remain PG-13. There is one use of "turd" at the end of the film.
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Does Venom 2 have the f word?

It seems Serkis is proud of how the PG-13's one allotted F-bomb fit into the story and added to the film's final moments.
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How many swear words are in Venom?

Crude or Profane Language

If swear words were years, Venom's s-word count would be legal, with a full 21 of them uttered.
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Is Avengers OK for kids?

The Avengers is an action adventure bringing together a number of Marvel's most famous superhero characters. It is targeted at adolescent males and adult fans of Marvel comics. It contains violence and scary scenes which make it unsuitable for children and some younger teens.
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Which avenger swears the most?

See below for our full tabulation of every time an Avenger swears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, counted up through Avengers: Infinity War. There are almost no surprises on this list. The Avenger with the worst potty mouth, by far, is Tony Stark. He clocks in at 44 swear words, mostly of the “ass” variety.
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Is there swearing in Thor?

There also isn't much swearing -- "hell" is about as forceful as it gets -- or sex (just kisses/flirting), and drinking is limited to some beer consumption. And underlying all of the mayhem, there's even a positive message about finding and learning from your weakness.
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Who said the first F-word in Marvel?

Other, less severe curse words have been used, leading to Captain America's "Language!" joke in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but never the F-word. That changes in Gunn's trilogy capper, which sees Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) drop the McU's first F-bomb.
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Why can't TV shows say the F-word?

Because obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment, it is prohibited on cable, satellite and broadcast TV and radio. However, the same rules for indecency and profanity do not apply to cable, satellite TV and satellite radio because they are subscription services.
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How many times does knives out say the F-word?

There are 70 uses of profanity, including 25 S-words, 13 A-words, 11 B-words, and 4 F-words. 3 scenes of graphic violence involving blood and 9 scenes of non-graphic violence. There is alcohol use throughout the movie with a total of 28 filters.
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Who says the F word most?

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”.
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Who said the first F word on TV?

1965: First use of the f– word on TV is on 13 November 1965 by literary agent Kenneth Tynan (UK) during a satirical discussion show entitled BBC3.
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Has the F word been said in Stranger things?

Stranger Things has only featured characters using the F-word three times during its run, and one of those instances doesn't even finish the word. It's also surprising that all three instances happen in Stranger Things season 3, despite the mistaken belief that it has been used throughout the series.
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What is the F word in Avengers endgame?

Several uses of "hell", "damn", "ass", "shit", and "crap" among other mild-moderate profanity. 1 mouthed f-word at the film's climax. A few blasphemies. GD is used twice.
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Who is the baddest avenger?

Thor. Blessed with the powers and long life of a god, Thor was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the initial version of the Avengers. Not only can he fly and transport between worlds, but he was also the only one capable of taking down Thanos, even after he had assembled all six Infinity Stones.
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Who is the hottest in MCU?

Check out our rankings of some of the 20 hottest women in the MCU.
  • AUNT MAY. ...
  • LADY SIF. ...
  • ELEKTRA. There are no two ways about it, Elektra is just hot AF. ...
  • GAMORA. In this case, it is easy being green, and also damn sexy.
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Is there swearing in Iron Man?

One use of pr*ck. One use of "BS" (only the letters "B.S." are said, not the word itself). Scenes of violence are quite frequent, realistic, and intense and can be too much/too realistic for kids not in their teens.
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Does the Avengers have inappropriate scenes?

SEX/NUDITY 2 - A man wakes up in a pile of rubble, fully nude, and another man tosses him some clothing (we see the man's bare chest, abdomen, back and legs and we see a portion of his bare hip as he slips on pants). A woman wears a low-cut dress that reveals cleavage and bare shoulders.
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Can my 5 year old watch the Avengers?

The Avengers is an action adventure move that brings together some of Marvel's most famous superhero characters. It's targeted at adolescent boys and adult fans of Marvel comics. It contains violence and scary scenes, which makes it unsuitable for children and some younger teenagers.
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Is there cursing in Spider Man?

"Ass," "damn," and one "s--tty." Tie-in to vast quantities of related merchandise. Parents need to know that Spider-Man's PG-13 rating comes from a couple of swear words, a clingy wet T-shirt, and -- particularly -- a great deal of comic book-style violence.
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Is Deadpool appropriate?

Parents need to know that Deadpool is a superhero story aimed at -- and most appropriate for -- mature audiences only. It has lots of graphic violence, sex (including partial nudity), adult humor, and nonstop strong language.
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How many curse words to be rated R?

The MPAA rating system typically assigns a PG-13 rating if a film contains the word used once not in the context of sex. The R rating is normally required if the film contains more than one utterance or if the word is used in a sexual context; however, there are exceptions to this rule.
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