Do they smoke in Star Trek?

Star Trek Didn't Remain Smoke-Free, but Never the Heroes While Gene Roddenberry was against allowing smoking on-camera in Star Trek, he couldn't control what happened behind the scenes.
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Why smoking in Picard?

And to communicate the reversal of roles and values in Picard, the writers made the characters smoke. They also made the character smoke in order to quickly and easily communicate personality traits to the fewer. It was a visual shorthand for “strung-out loser” (vaping) and for “sensitive literary tough guy” (cigar).
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Does smoking exist in Star Wars?

Smoking was a recreational drug activity in the galaxy. It involved using dried tobacco or similar inhalants like tabac or t'bac, lighting it, and then absorbing the smoke via the nostrils or similar organs. Other drugs could also be smoked through a water pipe.
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Are astronauts allowed to smoke?

Even in 1959, it was considered bad for PR. Apollo astronauts -- and a couple of visiting cosmonauts -- at a backyard party in Houston in 1970. Note Pete Conrad (wearing a tie) and Jim McDivitt (behind him and to his right) both holding cigarettes.
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Do astronauts wear deodorant?

Each astronaut aboard a spacecraft has a personal hygiene kit with items for cleanliness and grooming during the mission. Contents typically include a comb, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, soap, shaving supplies, lip balm, skin cream, nail clippers, deodorant, sleep mask, and ear plugs.
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The Orville - Addiction (Season 2 Ep. 11) Edited

Can you smoke a cigarette in a space ship?

While smoking and vaping might be common on Earth, they are not practical or feasible in space due to the lack of oxygen and other natural elements. As a leeway to the stress that astronauts get when they are out in space, vaping could be a way to ease their stress and be relaxed.
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Was Yoda a stoner?

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Yoda is not a stoner. No place in the “Star Wars” films is Yoda, the revered Jedi master who instructed Luke Skywalker, depicted smoking marijuana.
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What did US soldiers smoke in ww2?

During World War II and until 1976 a mini-pack of either three or four Old Gold, Chesterfield, Lucky Strike, or Camel cigarettes, along with a fold of waterproof paper matches, was included in the rations issued to our fighting troops.
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What do actors smoke for fake cigarettes?

Unlike real cigarettes, prop cigarettes are entirely tobacco-free. Instead, they're made from herbal blends, often containing marshmallow root, red clover flowers, rose petals, honey, and fruit juices.
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Who smoked in Star Trek?

Meet Leonard N. Leonard Nimoy started smoking cigarettes as a teenager because he thought they were “cool.” The American actor best known for his iconic role as Spock on the popular television and film series, Star Trek, smoked for 37 years.
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Why is Picard so grumpy?

Instead, it may be something to do with the Captains own psychology — specifically that the man was bitter. Some fans are quick to say that this stern, brash, controlling personality was who Picard initially was, and that his character changed as he got to know his crew, changing him for the better.
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Why did Cisco hate Picard?

As seen in the pilot episode "Emissary", Sisko harbored a deep resentment towards Captain Jean-Luc Picard for years because it was Picard, as Locutus of Borg, who led the Borg attack against the Federation at the Battle of Wolf 359.
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Is Al Pacino a smoker in real life?

Pacino began smoking and drinking at age nine, and used marijuana casually at age 13, but he abstained from hard drugs. His two closest friends died from drug abuse at the ages of 19 and 30. Growing up in the South Bronx, Pacino got into occasional fights and was considered somewhat of a troublemaker at school.
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Who smokes in Hollywood?

6 celebrities you didn't know were smokers, from Jennifer Lawrence, Barack Obama and Dua Lipa, to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jenna Ortega and even wellness guru Gwyneth Paltrow. Is smoking cool again? Hollywood certainly seems to think so.
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Did they really smoke in Peaky Blinders?

The show's commitment to historical accuracy meant that characters were frequently seen smoking, mirroring the societal norms of the 1920s. It was revealed that the cast smoked approximately 3,000 fake cigarettes per season, totaling a staggering 18,000 across all six seasons.
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Do they smoke on submarines?

Everybody is aware that smoking is a legal, if harmful, stress reliever. So the Navy banned smoking aboard submarines not with the stated purpose of curing the smokers, but of protecting nonsmoking submarine crew members from the threat of heart and lung disease from secondhand smoke.
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Does the army still give out cigarettes?

With the scientific data about the health risks of smoking and information about the effect of smoking on troop readiness, in 1975, the United States Department of Defense discontinued the inclusion of cigarettes in K-rations and C-rations.
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Do Navy SEALs smoke cigarettes?

SEALs have a lower prevalence of cigarette smoking 7 versus 39 than that of the general Navy population Conway, Trent, and Conway, 1989. However, SEALs have a significantly greater use of smokeless tobacco 33 versus 17. This occurs despite the relatively high fitness orientation of this group.
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What was Jabba the Hutt smoking?

Jabba's Hookah: Jabba the Hutt, the notorious gangster and crime lord, is often seen smoking from his hookah pipe, which is filled with a substance that appears to have a similar effect to marijuana. Jabba is depicted as sluggish, slow-moving, and generally out of it.
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Why does Yoda talk so weird?

Thus, Yoda's bizarre way of speaking was designed to highlight what he was saying. Yet it was also designed to make sure that viewers weren't stuck reading subtitles the whole time. That way, Yoda could sound like an alien while still technically speaking English.
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What race is Yoda?

The Jedi Master Yoda was the best-known member of a species whose true name is not recorded. Known in some sources simply as Yoda's species, this species of small carnivorous humanoids produced several well-known members of the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic.
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Is smoking still allowed on cruise ships?

Can you smoke on a cruise ship? You may smoke on a cruise ship, but only in designated smoking areas. On most ships operated by U.S. cruise lines, all indoor public spaces are off-limits with the exceptions being the casino (or part of the casino), a cigar lounge (if the ship has one) and one or two other lounges.
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Do any cruise ships allow smoking?

All cruise ships allow smoking in certain areas, which are typically designated in outdoor smoking zones and sometimes in casinos, nightclubs, cigar lounges and cabin balconies (depending on the cruise line). The rest of the ship is firmly nonsmoking, however, and that includes all staterooms, restaurants and theaters.
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Can you smoke on the balcony of a ship?

Generally, cruise ships do allow smoking onboard. However, in most cases, you are only allowed to smoke onboard in a few designated areas. For instance, you can't smoke in cruise ship restaurants or cabins, and smoking on balconies is a definite no due to the fire hazard.
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Is George Clooney a cigarette smoker?

A decision he regrets and has discussed in numerous interviews. He finally decided to quit when his favorite Uncle died after a long battle with lung cancer. Clooney's parents were non-smokers, although many of his Aunts and Uncles smoked.
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