How did Han Solo learn to speak Wookie?

In Legends, Han learned Shyriiwook from Dewlannamapia, also known as "Dewlanna", a widowed Wookiee who took him in and raised him as her adoptive son. While Dewlannamapia's life would eventually come to a tragic end, her legacy would live on in Han.
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How is Han Solo able to understand Chewbacca?

A non-canon answer points to a nine-year-old Solo actually learning the language straight from female Wookiee Dewlannamapia, a cook aboard Shrike's ship, Trader's Luck. During his tenure with Shrike, Han met Dewlannamapia, who raised him as her own and even taught him Shyriiwook, a language he'd never forget.
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Is it possible for a Wookie to speak basic?

Language. The most common Wookiee language is Shyriiwook. However, other dialects used by Wookiees from Kashyyyk are Thykarann and Xaczik. Wookiees are capable of understanding Galactic Basic, but generally none are able to speak it because of the structure of Wookiee vocal cords.
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Can you learn to speak Wookiee?

The language consisted of growling and howls, and thus was difficult for anyone not a Wookiee to speak or learn and was also rough on their throat.
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Can humans speak Shyriiwook?

The unique shape of the Wookiee throat made Shyriiwook a very difficult, even impossible language to speak for most non-Wookiees; presumably the word Shyriiwook itself, as well as other Wookiee words or names, were transliterations of the original Wookiee sounds into a form more easily pronounced by others.
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How to Speak Wookiee with Chewbacca Actor Joonas Suotamo

Why can't Chewbacca talk?

In conclusion, Chewbacca speaks Shyriiwook, a language made up of animal sounds and digital manipulation. Every phrase sounds the same because the sounds that make up the language are not possible for humans to produce.
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Why can everyone understand Chewbacca?

Now Chewbacca can only speak Wookiee languages, but he understands Basic. This is true to basically every alien in the Star wars universe, as most of them lack the mouth and vocal cords to speak basic, but know it enough to understand it when it is spoken.
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Could a Wookie be a Jedi?

Although a rare phenomenon, Force-sensitive Wookiees were possible, and some joined the ranks of the Jedi, becoming a source of great pride for their people. Such Wookiees included the Jedi Master Arkoff, Jedi Knight Burryaga Agaburry, and the youngling Gungi.
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Who is the most feared Wookiee?

Black Krrsantan is a fierce Wookiee bounty hunter and former gladiator. He has worked for notorious individuals in the galaxy such as Jabba the Hutt, Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra. Later, he is hired as a bodyguard by the Hutt Twins to kill Boba Fett, his old partner, but is eventually employed by Fett.
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Has a Wookie ever been a Jedi?

Kirlocca was a renowned Wookiee male Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order as an instructor of lightsaber technique during the last decades of the Galactic Republic.
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What is the lifespan of Chewbacca?

Chewbacca's age remains the guideline, but since he's in his prime during all of his appearances, the species' average lifespan is a little trickier to determine. The 2015 canon reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know pegs their average life at approximately 400 years.
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What is the lifespan of a Wookie?

A Wookiee has a standard lifetime of 400 years. So as Chewie only aged 30 years between Episode VI and Episode VII. He is still approximately the mid life of his species. Now, some humans do start to gray before they hit the middle of their lifespans, but it's possible that Wookies don't share that aging feature.
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Are Wookie Jedi rare?

The Wookiee Jedi you're referring to is Gungi. Wookiee Jedi are indeed quite rare in Star Wars. In one episode of TCW where Gungi appears, they mention how rare it is for someone of his kind to be a Jedi.
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What happened to Chewbacca after Han Solo died?

After Solo's death, Chewbacca often served as the sole pilot of the Falcon, including piloting the ship to aid the Resistance during the Battle of Crait.
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What did Chewbacca do after Han Solo died?

During a Rebel assault on Starkiller Base, Han was killed by his son, Kylo Ren. After helping to destroy the base, Chewbacca accompanied Rey to the planet Ahch-To, where she received a limited amount of training from Luke, who had been living in exile.
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Why is Chewbacca so loyal to Han Solo?

Chewbacca with Han Solo. In 10 BBY, Chewbacca met Han, the latter who saved him from imprisonment. Chewbacca was so grateful for Han's intervention that he proclaimed a life debt to him; the two have been best friends since then, as Han gave him the nickname "Chewie".
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Is an ewok a Wookie?

His answer was to create a new race called Ewoks, which is "Wookiee" with the syllables reversed and altered to resemble the name of a Native American people, the Miwok.
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Is there a Wookiee Sith?

There are no Wookiee Sith. If you read the “Behind the Scenes” section of the page, you will note that Lucas decreed that there would be no more Wookiee force users introduced after 2003 unless he approved.
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Was there ever an Ewok Jedi?

In one of the rarely trodden paths of Star Wars canon that has now become "Star Wars Legends," there was once an Ewok who was force-sensitive and wielded a lightsaber of their own, though much of their origins remain a mystery to the galaxy and fans of the diminutive and seemingly cuddly warriors.
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Was there a Wookie Mandalorian?

A male Wookiee Mandalorian was the Huntmaster of the third Great Hunt during the Cold War, a time of heated tension between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He won the third hunt, which happened during the Great Galactic War.
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Was there a Tusken Jedi?

In Legends, Dark Horse Comics had two human Jedi who were adopted by a Tusken Raider clan. They were the Jedi Knight Sharad Hett and his son A'Sharad Hett, who lived during the last decades of the Old Republic and the Clone Wars. Technically, they were not Tuskens but they adopted Tusken clothing, culture and habits.
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Did Chewbacca know Yoda?

As Wookiees had good relations with Yoda, they welcomed the Jedi Master and clone troopers to Kashyyyk, their homeworld. During one of the Clone Wars' final battles, Chewbacca fought against Separatist droids alongside Republic forces -- until the execution of Order 66.
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Who has a crush on Chewbacca?

Maz Kanata Biography Gallery

The ancient smuggler queen was eager to see her boyfriend Chewbacca – and curious what favor Han needed this time. When Han asked her for help getting BB-8 to the Resistance, Maz said the journey wasn't hers to take – it was Han who had to return to Leia Organa after their long years apart.
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Why doesn t Chewbacca wear clothes?

In his initial designs for Chewbacca, McQuarrie drew clothes on, including a flak jacket and shorts. Lucas always took them out, because he wanted his hero au naturel.
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