Does Batman ever find Joe Chill?

In that issue, Batman discovers that Joe Chill, the small-time crime boss he is investigating, is none other than the man who killed his parents. Batman confronts him and reveals his secret identity. The frightened Chill flees, seeks out his cohorts, explains the encounter, and begs for their protection.
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What episode does Batman find Joe Chill?

"Chill of the Night!" is episode 37 of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. The plot follows Batman as he comes closer to confronting Joe Chill, the man who killed his parents. Unbeknownst to him, his decision on how to handle Chill will not only determine the criminal's fate but his own.
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Did Bruce Wayne ever find Joe Chill?

After the death of the Criminal Joker and the surrender of the Comedian Joker who was revealed to be the original Joker, Bruce Wayne visits Joe Chill on his death bed as Bruce shakes his hand. Joe Chill peacefully dies, and Bruce Wayne finally finds closure over his parents' killer.
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What happens to Joe Chill in Batman Begins?

After the hearing despite the GCPD's presence, Chill was killed by one of Falcone's assassins, who posed as a reporter as he left the courtroom. It was later discovered that Falcone had bribed Judge Faden of Chill's case to make the hearing public and to bring Chill out into the open.
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Why didn t Joe Chill shoot Bruce?

Why did the mugger who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne let Bruce live? While it largely depends on which telling of the story you're seeing, the most common answer is that Joe Chill didn't want to shoot a kid. He wanted money and jewelry from the Waynes, but the shooting was just panic.
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Charlie Wilson - Charlie, Last Name, Wilson

Does Joe Chill regret killing the Waynes?

Batman learns that Chill had been trying to express his guilt and regret for killing the Waynes for years. And Batman, as Bruce Wayne, is there to comfort Chill when Chill, an old sick man filled with remorse, finally passes away.
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Does Bruce Wayne forgive Joe Chill?

In Frank Miller's 1986 limited series Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Bruce Wayne finally finds it in himself to (at least partially) forgive Chill after he is mugged by street punks.
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Does Joe Chill become a villain?

Gotham Knights has found its Joe Chill. Doug Bradley, best known for playing Pinhead in the Hellraiser franchise, will take over as one of DC Comics' most infamous villains. Joe Chill irrevocably changed Gotham when he cruelly gunned down Bruce Wayne's parents.
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Who does Joe Chill turn into?

Joseph Chillton, also known as Joe Chill or just Joe, is a minor antagonist in the Batman franchise. He was a petty thug who was responsible for killing Bruce Wayne's parents, Thomas and Martha, resulting in him dedicating his life to waging war on crime and becoming the vigilante Batman.
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What is the Joker's real name?

Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton.
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Who was the only man Bruce Wayne was afraid of?

This raises the question as to why Batman was scared of Lex Luthor specifically. The reason Batman's other villains can't compare is that Lex Luthor is the literal foil to Bruce Wayne. Bruce's greatest fear is becoming the very evil he fights against every night, which explains Batman's no-kill rule.
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Was Joe Chill ever Joker?

No, Joker killing Thomas and Martha Wayne is only a thing in the Batman 1989 movie where his name was Jack Napier. In Comics, Joe Chill killed Martha and Thomas and he is not related to Joker. Joe Chill's full name is Joseph Chilton. In fact, Joe Chill has died in multiple timelines.
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Is Joe Chill in Joker?

This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the film Joker and is an adaptation of Joe Chill. The original character was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane and first appeared in Detective Comics #33.
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Does Joe Chill have powers?

Joe Chill experiences a natural progression of his character beyond being only the man who created Batman by killing his parents—he gets super powers.
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What villain is Joe Chill?

Joe Chill is a minor yet pivotal antagonist in DC Comics. In both New Earth and Prime Earth continuities, he was the mugger who shot Thomas and Martha Wayne. This event would be a major catalyst for Bruce Wayne becoming Batman. He was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.
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Is Thomas Wayne Joker's father?

Later, Arthur goes to Arkham State Hospital and steals his mother's records, and finds out that he was in fact adopted, and that Thomas Wayne is not his father and that Penny is not his true mother.
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Is the Joker Batman's Brother?

No, Batman and Joker are not related.

Official confirmation will be required before we can consider Todd Phillips' Joker to be the brother of the much younger Bruce Wayne. Until then, they aren't officially related. In other comic updates, check out what Pink Kryptonite does to Superman.
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Was Joe Chill hired by the Court of Owls?

Once they are face to face, Chill reveals the secret he'd kept for five decades and how he was the fall guy for the Court of Owls' plot to kill Thomas and Martha Wayne. According to Joe Chill, he had been hired to mug some rich couple and scare them.
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Who trained Batman?

Although most fans know of Batman being trained by Ra's al Ghul, there are plenty of other notable people who have shown the Caped Crusader how to beat criminals to a pulp. Bruce Wayne had to train his body to a high level, in order to keep pace with the baddies of Gotham, and all of DC.
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What if Batman's parents never died?

If Bruce Wayne's parents hadn't been murdered in front of him, Bruce would have been sent to college and medical school, and gone into the family trade.
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Why did Batman become Batman?

Batman's origin story features him swearing vengeance against criminals after witnessing the murder of his parents Thomas and Martha as a child, a vendetta tempered with the ideal of justice. He trains himself physically and intellectually, crafts a bat-inspired persona, and monitors the Gotham streets at night.
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Did Batman forgive the Joker?

Comedian Joker reveals this was his plan. Now that Batman has forgiven the man who killed his parents, there can be no villain that is Batman's greatest pain than Joker, the man who "healed" Batman's greatest wound.
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Who hired the hit on the Waynes?

Malone was contracted by The Lady, who put out the hit for Thomas and Martha Wayne when asked to by Hugo Strange under the alias "The Philosopher." While the Waynes were leaving a movie, a masked Malone murdered them after taking Thomas' wallet and Martha's pearl necklace; however, he left Bruce alive.
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Did Batman get revenge for his parents?

The main premise behind Batman is that he was seeking answers and justice for hi parents death. Being that his parents died while he was a child it's hard for him to exact any type of effective revenge on them and it doesn't seem to fit his motivation that he would want to.
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Who actually killed Bruce Wayne's parents in Gotham?

Matches Malone (Gotham)

As the show progresses, it is revealed that Matches Malone is actually the man who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. The show treats Matches less as a mobster and more as a gun for hire as it is revealed the Wayne murders were simply a job to him.
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