Does Bell kiss the beast?

Belle kisses the Beast when she tells him she loves him. In the animated movie, the two don't kiss until after the Beast is transformed into a Prince, sealing the reversal of the enchantment over the castle. This time around, when Belle tells the Beast she loves him, she offers him a quick kiss on the lips.
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Do Belle and the Beast kiss in the musical?

A transformation occurs ("Transformation"), and the Beast is alive and human once more. Though Belle does not recognize him at first, she looks into his eyes and sees the Beast within, and they kiss.
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Does Bell fall in love with the Beast?

However, Belle breaks down and confesses her love for the Beast just in time to break the spell under which he had been placed by an enchantress as punishment for his selfish ways, and the Beast ultimately transforms back into a handsome prince.
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Did Belle fall in love with the Beast?

Indeed, he treats Belle like a queen, "It is I who should knee and take orders from you," said Beast when Belle kneeled in front of him to let her go for a while. In fact, his good heart is what makes Belle fall in love for him and breaks the spell which he has been the victim.
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Is there a kiss in Beauty and the Beast?

It's another groundbreaking moment for Beauty and the Beast - the film is to feature the first interracial kiss in a Disney live action film.
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Beauty and the Beast kiss

Is there lgbtq in Beauty and the Beast?

The movie's director, Bill Condon, announced in USA Today ahead of the film's release that his “Beauty and the Beast” would introduce Disney's first openly gay character.
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Is Beauty and the Beast LGBTQ?

Now focused more on both title characters instead of just Belle, the film's depiction of their love story also reflected the LGBT+ experience. Belle is "very different from the rest of us" and refuses to marry the strapping, conventionally macho man of the town.
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Did Gaston really love Belle?

Gaston pursues Belle, determined to marry her, as she is the most beautiful girl in the village and thus the only one good enough for him. He also finds her independence to be a thrilling challenge, and shows disdain for the Bimbettes who constantly fawn over him purely because of his appearance.
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What did Bell call the beast?

In any case, they are deferential to him: even when speaking about him among themselves, they call him "the master." Belle refers to him once as "the beast," in the scene with the magic mirror and the frightened townsfolk. It's unclear if she was adopting their phrasing, or if she considers him "a" beast.
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Why did Belle marry the beast?

Belle runs back to the forest to take his fathers penalty and the Beast immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him, every night she refuses, every night he insist. Belle chooses to take this to hand only because she refuses anything bad to happen to her father.
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Who is Bell's crush?

It's made pretty clear he's in love with Ais ever since he first laid eyes on her. The author has stated Ais x Bell is endgame so unless he changes his mind they'll end up together.
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How much older is the beast than Bell?

Beauty and the Beast

Belle is thought to be around the age of 17 in the film, with Prince Adam as the Beast being 21-years-old.
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Did Belle ever marry the beast?

The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy who tried to seduce him when he became an adult; when he refused, she transformed him into a beast. Only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together.
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Why did Belle kiss the beast?

Belle kisses the Beast when she tells him she loves him.

In the animated movie, the two don't kiss until after the Beast is transformed into a Prince, sealing the reversal of the enchantment over the castle. This time around, when Belle tells the Beast she loves him, she offers him a quick kiss on the lips.
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Who wants to marry Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

One of the most popular citizens, Gaston, has decided to marry Belle because she's the prettiest, "and that makes her the best." After sending his goofy friend, Lefou, to prepare for the wedding, Gaston tries to get a moment with his future bride. Belle cleverly avoids him and heads home.
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How did Belle end up with the beast?

Astonished by Belle's selflessness to take over her father's place as the Beast's prisoner, the Beast ultimately takes Belle as his prisoner, under the further condition that she remains in the castle forever.
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What is the famous line of Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

Belle: [singing] I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. / I want it more than I can tell. / And for once it might be grand / To have someone understand / I want so much more than they've got planned.
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Does Belle ever call the beast Adam?

Belle and the Beast fall in love and the Beast manages to break the curse and go back to his human form. The movie never mentions the real name of the Beast and is even credited as such, but it's believed by many that his name is Adam, and is listed as such on many sites dedicated to all things Disney.
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Did Belle know the beast was a man?

In the 2017 remake, she knows. The servants tell her everything except how the spell can be broken. In the original animated movie, though, there's no indication whatsoever that she knows he was once human.
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Who did Gaston marry?

Before "Me" in the Broadway version begins, Gaston mentions to the Silly Girls that their "rendezvouses" will continue after he marries Belle, suggesting that he would be unfaithful and that he is an adulterer. He is the first Disney villain to conspire to commit adultery, at least in a Disney musical.
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Why did Belle reject Gaston?

Gaston was Belle's greatest enemy. He wanted to marry her by any means necessary just because she was the most beautiful girl he laid eyes on. However, Belle strongly disliked Gaston for his snobbish, arrogant, and narcissistic personality and was the only girl in the village to not be infatuated with Gaston.
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Who did Gaston end up with?

In order to protect the kingdoms, Belle finally agrees reluctantly to marry Gaston. As stated above, he is later killed by Rumplestiltskin when he tried to rescue Belle from the Dark Castle. After his death, Gaston grew further villainous, as the circumstances of his death caused him to blame Belle for his death.
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Was LeFou in love with Gaston?

LeFou is given more development in this version, with the most notable example being LeFou's feelings toward Gaston are implied to be more-or-less romantic infatuation as opposed to just friendly admiration until the climax.
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What syndrome does Beauty and the Beast have?

The original Beauty of Beauty and the Beast did suffer from Stockholm syndrome. She developed feelings for the Beast under duress, alone and unsupported, rather than through genuine connection.
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Did Beauty sleep with the Beast?

Beauty finally agrees to sleep with the Beast and marry him in the original Villeneuve. The Beast then sleeps beside her during the night, although no other activities beyond Beauty's mysterious dreams are described.
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