Does Cinderella forgive her stepsisters?

The stepsisters threw themselves at her feet and begged forgiveness for treating her so badly. Cinderella, who was as good as she was beautiful, forgave them at once and asked them to love her always.
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Did Cinderella forgive her stepsisters?

The stepsisters throw themselves at her feet and beg for forgiveness. Cinderella is as good as she is beautiful, so she gives them a pardon, as well as lodging at her castle and the hands of two lords after she marries the prince.
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What happens to the sisters at the end of Cinderella?

In the end, when Cinderella forgives her stepsisters, she takes them to the castle with her and helps them find husbands, rather than leave them behind to punish them.
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How are the stepsisters punished in Cinderella?

On their wedding day each of the stepsisters, wishing to stay in good graces, walked alongside Cinderella. However, two white pigeons sitting on Cinderella's shoulders pecked out their eyes, and they were punished with blindness for their cruelty.
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What happened to the stepsisters at Cinderella's wedding?

Kind Cinderella, about to be wed, allowed her horrible stepsisters to join the festivities, where the doves from the hazel bush pecked out their eyes so the stepsisters were blind for the rest of their lives.
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Lady Tremaine Scenes: Forgiven (12/12)

Why did Cinderella's stepsister beg her to forgive them?

Then her sisters knew she had been the beautiful lady they had seen at the ball. They threw themselves at her feet to beg her to forgive them for all the bad treatment she had received from them.
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Did Cinderella forgive her stepmother?

She can now forever turn her back on them without another word. And yet, before she leaves, she addresses her stepmother, the woman who has treated her so terribly, and says three simple but incredibly powerful words: “I forgive you.”
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What killed Cinderella's dad?

Despite this, at least in the 2015 live-action remake, it's stated that Cinderella's father didn't die due to Lady Tremaine's fault and rather contracted an illness and passed away.
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Why does Cinderella's stepmom hate her?

Lady Tremaine was animated by Frank Thomas. In the 2015 live-action remake of the 1950 animated film, Tremaine is portrayed by Cate Blanchett and is given a backstory where she hears Ella's father say that he loved his first wife more. This explains her hatred toward Cinderella.
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Why were stepsisters punished with blindness?

The Brothers Grimm concluded their account during Cinderella's wedding. Her stepsisters, walking down the aisle as bridesmaids, are attacked by birds which pluck out the two stepsisters' eyes, leaving them blind as a punishment for their cruelty towards Cinderella.
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What is Cinderella's happy ending?

Cinderella had hoped her step-family would love her always. Cinderella marries the prince and forgives her two stepsisters, then marrying them off to two wealthy noblemen of the court. They all lived happily ever after. The first moral of the story is that beauty is a treasure, but graciousness is priceless.
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What is the true story of Cinderella?

The earliest recorded tales is by Strabo a Greek who recorded the story of Rhodopis between 7 BCE and 23 CE. She was a young Greek courtesan who attracted the attention of the Pharaoh when an eagle flew off with her sandal and dropped it in his lap.
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Is Rapunzel Cinderella's stepmother?

In this season, Rapunzel is Lady Tremaine, the wicked stepmother to Cinderella.
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Who is Cinderella's evil stepsisters?

This week's Villain's Gallery focuses on three evil-doers from “Cinderella” – Lady Tremaine (Cinderella's stepmother), and her stepsisters Anastasia and Drizella.
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Does Cinderella have a bad ending?

In the oldest versions of the story, the slightly more sinister Cinderella actually kills her first stepmother so her father will marry the housekeeper instead. Guess she wasn't banking on the housekeeper's six daughters moving in or that never-ending chore list.
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What is the dark story of Cinderella?

Cinderella's mother dies and then her father marries her evil stepmother, adding her and Cinderella's evil stepsisters to the family. Lucky for Cinderella, her father doesn't die. Instead, he helps embarrass Cinderella along with her stepmother and stepsisters.
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Why did Rapunzel turn evil?

Rapunzel worked as a servant in her own house, feeling anger and jealousy towards Cecelia and resentment towards her own daughter Drizella for being more attached to Cecelia who raised her for six years, culminating in her using a poison mushroom that Gothel tempted her with to get rid of Cecelia, whose heart was now ...
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Who is the villain in Cinderella?

Lady Tremaine (also known as the Wicked Stepmother or Cinderella's stepmother) is the main villainess of the franchise.
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What did Cinderella's mom say to her before she died?

Have courage and be kind. These are Cinderella's gentle mother's last words to her daughter before she dies. This message is simple, direct, and at the heart of the movie.
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What is Cinderella's last name?

It is very likely that Cinderella's last name is Tremaine. It is possible that her father was a lord, thus causing her stepmother and stepsisters to take the family name, as her stepmother would gain the title of "lady" upon her marriage to Cinderella's father.
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Did Cinderella lose her father?

You're probably familiar with the age-old story — Cinderella's mother dies when she's a young child, leaving just her and her father. Sadly, while Cinderella is still a minor, her father dies after remarrying a woman with two children of her own. His estate is left to his widow.
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Who kissed Cinderella to wake her up?

In this tale, a princess named Zellandine falls in love with a man named Troylus. Her father sends him to perform tasks to prove himself worthy of her, and while he is gone, Zellandine falls into an enchanted sleep. Troylus finds her and rescues her after waking her up with a kiss.
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Does Cinderella 3 have a happy ending?

The Fairy Godmother offers to undo Lady Tremaine's change of events, but the couple decides to keep everything as it is, and the offer goes unheard of. Cinderella and the Prince proceed to re-live their wedding, living happily ever after all over again.
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Does Cinderella get locked up?

Lady Tremaine hears Cinderella humming the same song that had played at the ball and figures out Cinderella was the girl Prince Charming fell in love with. Cinderella is locked in the tower by her stepmother, who refuses to let her have the opportunity to try on the slipper, but her animal friends help her escape.
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