Does Darth Vader have a prosthetic arm?

Now known as Darth Vader, the Dark Lord was given an upgraded prosthetic arm which was heavier, but even more powerful than the last. A month later, this arm was severed by Jedi Master Tsui Choi when Vader confronted several Jedi in the Conclave on Kessel. It was replaced with another artificial arm.
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Does Darth Vader have prosthetic limbs?

Vader had four artificial limbs as a result of his injuries on Mustafar and at the hand of Dooku on Geonosis. The apparatus of Vader's mask was designed to support his breathing.
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Does Anakin have a prosthetic arm?

Mechno-arms were cybernetic replacements to hands and arms lost in a variety of situations, but more often than not by lightsaber blades. After Count Dooku severed the right arm of Anakin Skywalker in the opening battle of the Clone War, a mechno-arm was grafted to what was left.
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Does Darth Vader only have one arm?

After turning to the dark side of the Force, Skywalker severed Mace Windu's right hand to save Darth Sidious when Windu tried to kill the latter. Darth Vader lost his left arm and both legs when Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated him on Mustafar.
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Does Darth Vader have robotic arms?

Vader's Suit

The suit and Vader's robotic arms and legs are bulky and heavy, severely restricting his movement. Because of his cybernetics, Vader cannot tap into his full Force potential. He has never been able to produce Sith lightning and even if he could, his mechanics would conduct the electricity and kill him.
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Why Palpatine Made Vader's Mask Massively INSULTING to Him (ANCIENT SITH)

Is Darth Vader technically a cyborg?

He is lured to the dark side of the Force by Chancellor Palpatine, and becomes the Sith Lord Darth Vader. After being severely wounded in a lightsaber battle, he is transformed into a cyborg. He is the husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, and the grandfather of Ben Solo.
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Did Darth Vader have a fake hand?

The loss of his hand and other physical injuries were a result of his fall to the dark side, rather than the cause of it. While his prosthetic hand symbolizes his physical and emotional transformation, it did not determine his moral choices.
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Is Darth Vader's suit painful?

Inside his suit and mask, Vader has a series of needles in his skin. Unfortunately, these needles, which transmit neurological data throughout his body and allow him to control his limbs, also cause him constant pain.
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Who scratched Anakin's eye?

Anakin Got His Scar From Dooku's Apprentice, Asajj Ventress

Ventress, one of Dooku's deadliest assassins, seeks to kill Vos for his actions; however, she is unable to get to him. Instead, she settles for a Jedi she can find: Anakin Skywalker.
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What is Anakin's hand made of?

Anakin's metal mechno-arm was an advanced version, featuring golden, electrostatic fingertips that simulated a sense of touch.
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Why did Dooku cut off Anakin's arm?

Count Dooku was not sad after cutting off Anakin's arm in Episode II: Attack of the Clones (AOTC). He was ready to kill Anakin, and only the entrance of Yoda spared the Jedi's life.
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Why is Vader's suit weak to lightning?

Could be any number of reasons ranging from faulty surge protection anodes, to Starkiller and Palpatine having vastly different current frequencies and voltages in their force lightening.
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Why does Kylo Ren wear a mask?

The helmet was designed to look sinister; as a Knight of Ren, Ren was part of an enclave of dark side warriors who wore masks to induce fear in their prey. Ren's helmet was a symbolic reminder of his lineage as Darth Vader's grandson, serving no practical use in his life.
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Is Darth Vader's suit lightsaber proof?

Darth Vader's Armor Can Resist Enemy Attacks - And Even Lightsabers.
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What made Vader weak?

Age, his suit and his de-limbing lower his strength, but obviously his pain, anger and hate connect him to the dark side and make him more powerful. It's hard to quantify his power at the end without those dark side variables.
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What does Vader hate?

For years, Vader has loathed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he makes no secret of his blazing hatred for his Sith master Darth Sidious.
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Does Darth Vader ever eat?

Consuming food orally was the way he preferred eating. During his tiresome runs throughout the galaxy hunting Jedi, and dealing with the rebellion, Lord Vader had very little time to consume food orally. Vader's suit took care of most of his need, which also included food.
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Can Darth Vader cry?

Behind his mask, he squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to hold back the tears that he was physically unable to wipe away. But no tears came. He didn't know whether the surgical droids had altered or removed his tear ducts, and he was beyond caring.
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Who does Darth Vader hate?

Summary. Darth Vader's intense hatred extends beyond Obi-Wan Kenobi and himself to Emperor Palpatine, as revealed in Star Wars: Darth Vader #39. Vader had to tap into his deep-rooted hatred for Palpatine to overcome a deadly Scourge and destroy a Clone Wars-era droid.
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How tall was Darth Vader?

His signature heavy breathing is the result of injuries sustained in his near-death battle with Obi-Wan, and one of the most recognizable sounds in the trilogy. Darth Vader, portrayed by David Prowse in Star Wars, is 6 foot 8 inches (2.03 m) tall.
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How old is Darth Vader?

1 Darth Vader Was 45 When He Died In Return Of The Jedi

Luke's faith in his father leads to his redemption, with Anakin turning against Palpatine at last. The greatest hero of Star Wars is redeemed when he is just 45 years old, finding peace in the Force at last.
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