Who cries over Victor's death?

Just before the ship is set to head back to England, Victor dies. Several days later, Walton hears a strange sound coming from the room in which Victor's body lies. Investigating the noise, Walton is startled to find the monster, as hideous as Victor had described, weeping over his dead creator's body.
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Why does the monster cry over Victor's death?

Once he learns that Victor is dead, the creature feels that he no longer has a purpose. He both hates and pities Frankenstein and knows that ultimately he cannot live without his creator, no matter how much the two of them hated each other.
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How does the monster react to Victor's death?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Why is the creature saddened by Victor's death even though he swore revenge on him?

Despite the longstanding enmity between them, the creature laments Victor's death at the end of the novel. He feels remorse for all the pain he has caused his creator.
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What does Walton find after Victor dies?

Victor dies while on the ship, and the monster comes to pay his respects. Walton stumbles upon the monster, and the monster says that he is going to build a funeral pyre and complete suicide. Victor pursues the monster until he dies.
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What has just happened that makes Walton cry?

Just before the ship is set to head back to England, Victor dies. Several days later, Walton hears a strange sound coming from the room in which Victor's body lies. Investigating the noise, Walton is startled to find the monster, as hideous as Victor had described, weeping over his dead creator's body.
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What are Victor's last words to Walton before he dies?

Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed."
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Why does the monster cry over Victor?

The creature is surely feeling sorry for the death of Victor, both for himself and Victor. Later, when addressing Walton, the creature admits the reasons as to why he acted as he did.
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Does Frankenstein's monster get a wife?

The Bride Of Frankenstein is also known as the Monster's mate. Victor Frankenstein creates her to satisfy the monster's wish for companionship.
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Why is it ironic that Victor created a monster that kills?

Instead of freeing humanity from the terror of mortality, he delivers his family into early and violent deaths. Victor dreams of founding a new species that would bless him as a father and creator. Instead, his creature curses rather than blesses him for abandoning him to a lonely life.
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What were Frankenstein's last words?

I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed. These are Frankenstein's last words. Throughout his conversations with Walton, he has warned Walton about the dangers of ambition, but at the last moment he takes his warning back.
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Does the monster apologize to Victor?

Answer and Explanation: The creature seems to show no remorse for his actions and offers no apology to Victor through most of the book. When Captain Walton happens upon the creature mourning the death of Victor, the creature unburden himself to Walton, revealing his remorse and begging pardon from Victor's corpse.
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What are the creature's final words?

Ultimately, though, the Creature says that he will kill himself because he has no more reason to live. To Walton, he says, "soon . . . I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt.
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How did Victor's father try to cheer him up after Justine's death?

After Justine's execution, Victor becomes increasingly melancholy. He considers suicide but restrains himself by thinking of Elizabeth and his father. Alphonse, hoping to cheer up his son, takes his children on an excursion to the family home at Belrive. From there, Victor wanders alone toward the valley of Chamounix.
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Is Frankenstein's monster sad?

Even the death of his creator-turned-would-be-destroyer offers only bittersweet relief: joy because Victor has caused him so much suffering, sadness because Victor is the only person with whom he has had any sort of relationship.
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Does Victor regret creating the monster?

However, Victor creates a monster and ultimately regrets making him, and he wishes that he had not tried to rise above his station. He allows his hubris, or excessive pride, to get in the way of his life. Victor's monster feels rejected by his creator, so he seeks knowledge of his origins.
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Did Frankenstein's monster fall in love?

In the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's Monster does not have a specific love interest, although he does wish to love and be loved by someone. However, all humans seem to fear and hate him, so he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion, or wife, for him who is also a Monster.
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Is the bride of Frankenstein queer?

Considered to be his most queer film, The Bride of Frankenstein stands as the crown jewel of his filmography and a landmark within the genre. The queerness of the film is derived from multiple different aspects, such as the character of Frankenstein's Monster or The Monster (Boris Karloff).
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Did Frankenstein's monster love?

The monster wants companionship and love but is rejected at every turn, even by his maker. The monster carries out his dark promises, and Victor concludes his days in the same solitude he condemned his creation to, fueled like the monster by the desire for revenge.
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Is Victor more focused on life or death?

Final answer:

Victor Frankenstein is focused on both life and death as he investigates and creates his monster. He is fascinated by the concept of creating life and becomes obsessed with conquering death.
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Whose death is Frankenstein falsely accused of?

Frankenstein's brother, William Frankenstein, is killed, and the murder is blamed on Justine Moritz—a ward in the Frankenstein household. However, Frankenstein knows that the monster he created is responsible for William's death.
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Why did Frankenstein hate his monster?

While Victor initially created the creature to resolve the neglect he received as a child, his over-ambitiousness ultimately prevents him from empathizing with his creation, so he subsequently abandons it. Furthermore, Victor abandons his creation because of his realization of what the creature personifies.
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What are Victor's dying words?

Frankenstein's final words are: “Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquillity, and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.”
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What kills Victor's father?

Victor's father dies of sorrow after he hears about Elizabeth.
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What does Victor say on his deathbed?

On his deathbed, Victor also acknowledges that he is not just responsible for the creature but also responsible to him: “I … was bound towards him, to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well-being” (p. 181).
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