Does Darth Vader know he has twins?

Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence. "Sister," the Emperor taunted. "So... you have a twin sister.
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Does Anakin know the twins are alive?

In Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), Padme dies giving birth to twins, Luke and Leia. Luke is raised by Beru and Owen Lars on Tatooine. Leia is raised by Senator Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa on Alderaan. Anakin, who has since become the Sith Lord Darth Vader, is unaware of his children's birth.
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How Vader learns he has a son?

So, how did Darth Vader know that Luke was his son? Darth Vader found out that Luke was his son through Boba Fett, who revealed to him that the name of the Rebel that destroyed the Death Star was Luke Skywalker.
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Did Leia ever find out Darth Vader was her father?

That was until Luke Skywalker told her the truth - that he was the son of Darth Vader, and that she was his sister. "It won't be easy for you to hear it, but you must," Luke told Leia before he revealed his secrets to her.
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Did Anakin know Padme gave birth?

Padme was pregnant when Anakin killed her (or so he believes) -- he has no knowledge of her having given birth and as far as I can tell, he thinks she died before giving birth.
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Who Told Darth Vader That He Had Twins? [Star Wars Explained]

Does Vader know he killed Padme?

Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padmé. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.
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Why did Padme look pregnant at her funeral?

Her body was made to still look pregnant in order to keep Luke and Leia safe from their father, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith formerly known as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who fell to the dark side of the Force in a failed attempt to save his wife from dying.
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Does Anakin ever know Leia is his daughter?

Darth Vader only learned he had a daughter in Return of the Jedi - but there's no evidence he realized she was Leia before his death and redemption.
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How did Anakin not know Leia was his daughter?

Perhaps the strongest factor in Darth Vader's inability to sense his own daughter when she was standing right in front of him was denial. Darth Vader simply couldn't allow himself to believe that Anakin Skywalker's children had lived.
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Did Yoda know Luke was Anakin's son?

Returning to Dagobah to complete his training, an ailing Yoda told Luke the terrible truth that Vader was his father, Anakin Skywalker. Rather than destroy his father, Luke sought to bring him back into the light. At 900 years old, Yoda passed away, telling Luke that there was another Skywalker.
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Why didn't they change Luke's last name?

The two recognize Luke's similarities to Anakin and try to prevent him from sharing his father's fate, but they let him remain Luke Skywalker instead of having him go by Luke Lars out of respect for his grandmother, Shmi Skywalker.
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Is Luke more powerful than Vader?

Many fans declare that Luke won the confrontation because he nearly killed Vader, but that's technically not true. Vader was far more powerful than Luke and easily could have bested him. So, knowing that Vader wasn't allowed to kill Luke drastically changes the equation.
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Did Padme still love Anakin when she died?

Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed. During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it.
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When did Darth Vader realize Luke was his son?

In the post-2014 canon universe, the story that reveals Darth Vader discovering Luke Skywalker's identity (and thus the fact that the Death Star's destroyer is his son) is issue 6 of 2015's Star Wars comics by Marvel, which takes place sometime shortly after A New Hope.
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How was Anakin conceived without a father?

Emperor Palpatine is Anakin Skywalker's Real 'Father'

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker's womb, performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.
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Did Leia know Padme was her mother?

Leia Organa never knew her mother Padmé - but Star Wars comics have made Padmé's memory even more heartbreaking after Rise of Skywalker. Marvel's Star Wars comics have made Leia and Padmé's relationship even more tragic. Leia Organa never knew her mother, Padmé Amidala.
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Why can't Darth Vader sense Leia?

Leia was not using the Force or was currently Force-sensitive during her confrontation with Vader. She began training as a Jedi years later. All these reasons prove my point: Vader didn't know Leia was his daughter, and felt no presence of the Force in her, as she was not currently strong with the Force.
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What did Vader do to Leia?

Here, Vader employs mind-altering drugs and subliminal suggestion in his sessions with the princess, which make Leia believe that her skin is on fire and her flesh being torn apart, causing the same reaction the real thing would. An altered version was presented in the current Star Wars canon.
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Why did Luke and Leia kiss?

Ever since Return of the Jedi, Star Wars has reframed Luke and Leia's kiss as lacking real romantic intent - something Leia did solely to get a rise out of her real love interest, Han Solo.
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Did Darth Vader care about Luke?

Sure. Obviously he did, otherwise he wouldn't have saved him. Vader had still a good portion of Anakin inside of him Luke sensed it and Padme who is not Jedi felt it. Luke being alive renewed the hope of Vader he gave up any chance to rebel against Papaltine but his son did that.
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Did Vader ever visit Padme's grave?

Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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What were Padme's last words?

What he did not see, at the time at least, was that Padmé used her last breaths to tell Obi-Wan that she was certain that in regards to her husband, "there's still good in him." Now, those words are set to be revealed to someone other than Darth Vader himself.
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What was Padme holding when she died?

However, Kenobi did not understand the significance of her gesture, only understanding Amidala's basic feelings about it, and returned it to her. After her death, Amidala's body held the japor snippet during her funeral procession, and was buried alongside her body in a privately owned mausoleum.
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