Does Deadpool have a pain tolerance?

His body restores, but he does endure pain as much as a regular human would upon a similar injury. Because his cells regenerate rapidly, his pain isn't long-lasting as his body gets restored to its former state before injury. That's the reason why he can walk into heavy gunfire and tolerate pain.
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What superhero has the highest pain tolerance?

  • Marvel's The Challenger.
  • Through Indian nerve-control training, the Challenger has gained the ability to render himself immune to pain at will.
  • As for DC, well we have Snowflame, the only comic character who gets his superpowers from cocaine. In his own words,
  • “I feel no pain.”
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What if Deadpool's head was cut off?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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How is Deadpool able to heal?

However, the cells Wolverine's healing factor attached itself to within Deadpool's body were cancerous. That means whenever Wade suffers an injury, Deadpool's body replaces those dead cells with dying cells, which - themselves - are perpetually being replaced by other dying cells in an unending cycle.
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Can Deadpool feel pain ?

Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Readers witnessed Wade Wilson's rapid regeneration abilities and Rogue's absorption powers work together at an unbelievable level, saving Rogue's life – and proving Deadpool can survive a nuclear blast.
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Who heals faster, Deadpool or Wolverine?

However, they are not identical. Deadpool has the superior healing factor, significantly. Professor X once stated that Wolverine could, most likely, be killed if he was decapitated. Deadpool can still move his body around normally even with a decapitated head.
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Why can't Deadpool be killed?

His power is so effective that it allows him to be immortal despite him carrying his cancer. But that doesn't mean he is unkillable. One way of killing him is to put a mutation-dampening collar on his neck. It will disable his regenerative ability and allow the cancer cells to grow, thus deteriorating his body.
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What animal is Deadpool afraid of?

Funny enough, Domino isn't the only one with a fear of a particular animal, as Deadpool tells her he's scared of cows while gaining the information from her.
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Do Deadpool have ADHD?

His emotions are often like a roller coaster ride without an operator and on full speed. He can be dependent and clingy to those who seem stable and strong. He also has a severe ADHD problem and finds it hard to focus on anything for an extended amount of time, similar to trying to talk to someone covered in bees.
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Why can't Deadpool fix his face?

This question is answered by the fact that Deadpool's cancer hasn't actually been cured but simply put on pause, meaning it is constantly battling with his healing factor, causing his severe disfigurement, which will assumedly still be in place when Deadpool joins the MCU in Phase 5.
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Can Deadpool bleed out?

However, to Deadpool's dismay, he's not healing and continues to bleed out as the issue ends. Alcaudón goes on to explain that Deadpool is being affected by "the most fascinating poison. One graze and it stops the blood from clotting. It shuts down the body's ability to heal.
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Why is Deadpool's mouth shut?

Given Deadpool's established need to speak incessantly despite the situation, he would have unleashed a swarm of locusts he'd be unable to control. However, with his mouth sewn shut, Deadpool can better regulate the disgusting ability.
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Which super hero can't feel pain?

Due to clinical experiments, the nerve endings connected to Darkman's skin have been severed, rendering him immune to pain, but unable to feel physical sensations.
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What superhero can't feel pain?

Mister Punch (Marvel Comics) was born with the mutant power to feel no pain.
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Who can resist more pain?

Differences were especially strong in pain tolerance—even though male participants had higher tolerance, female participants were less variable across visits. According to the researchers, this was the first study to measure gender differences in the test-retest reliability of pain sensitivity in humans.
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What disease does Deadpool have?

It has been revealed that at the time his healing ability was given to him, Deadpool suffered from some form of cancer; after the healing factor was given to him, it made his normal cells as well as his cancerous cells unable to die, giving him a heavily scarred appearance beneath his suit.
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What does Deadpool eat?

Here are seven examples of Deadpool's foodie passion.
  • He Has An Unhealthy Love Of Chimichangas.
  • He Loves Bingeing On Pancakes.
  • Sometimes He Just Needs A Pizza.
  • Tacos Are Everything.
  • He's An Emotional Eater.
  • He's Picky About Certain Foods.
  • Fans Love His Obsessions As Much As He Does.
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Can Deadpool beat Thanos?

There's not really much one can do when facing an opponent whose prime ability is to never perish. Hence, Thanos would have no chance against Deadpool if he was facing him without the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos can eradicate entire civilizations and wipe out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.
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Has Deadpool ever killed anyone?

Deadpool has killed a lot of people over his long career, easily between ten and fifteen thousand, and his healing factor lets him heal from the most grievous wounds, something his enemies can't do after fighting him.
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Can Deadpool heal his face?

Despite his remarkable healing powers, his skin does not seem to regain its original appearance, stubbornly retaining the scars. Wilson was free of such scarring before undergoing the experimental procedure that granted him his superhuman abilities. The disfigurement was a direct consequence of his newfound powers.
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Can Deadpool regrow his head?

Between lost limbs and even decapitation, Wade Wilson has managed to sprout back up. And in most cases, it seems that his head is the key to regeneration success, seeing as it often has to be attached back onto his body to actually heal decapitation.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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Does Hulk heal faster than Deadpool?

On multiple occasions, the Jade Giant has proven his healing factor is one of the best in the Marvel Universe, as he's been able to survive and quickly recover from some incredible dangerous attacks. But, unlike Deadpool, he can get better in an instant.
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