Does Dudley ever apologize to Harry?

He also expressed remorse for his earlier treatment of Harry and the two shook hands before the Dursleys left. After the Second Wizarding War, Dudley later became a cousin-in-law to Harry's wife Ginevra Weasley and a first cousin once removed to Harry and Ginny's children, James, Albus, and Lily Potter.
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Do Harry and Dudley ever reconcile?

Dudley and Harry eventually reconciled as adults, remaining on "Christmas card terms" and visiting each other occasionally.
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Was Dudley ever nice to Harry?

Harry and his cousin had a complex relationship, particularly in the books. They had a rough start when they were children; much of this was due to Dudley's upbringing. However, as they grew up, their relationship improved.
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Did Harry ever forgive the Dursleys?

Before the Second Wizarding War, Rowling shared that Dudley went on to marry and had two children. Harry was supposedly on amicable terms with the Dursley family, claiming they were on his Christmas card list.
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What were Dudley's last words to Harry?

His last words in the movie are, "I still don't understand why we have to leave." But he also has a deleted film scene where he has a final conversation with Harry, and his last line is, "I don't think you're a waste of space." In the final book, Dudley's last line is simply, "See you, Harry."
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The Dursleys Departing (Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Extended Scene)

Did Dudley ever thank Harry?

When Dudley was attacked by the Dementors he saw himself, for the first time, as he really was. This was an extremely painful but ultimately salutary lesson and began the transformation in him. He shook Harry's hand and thanked him for saving his life.
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Did Petunia ever apologize?

She was in complete denial about how she treated Harry and never had a moment in which she realized she had been wrong and felt remorse. Instead, Harry only subtly realized how Petunia felt and never said anything to her about it or took the time to forgive her.
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Was Petunia sad when Lily died?

She would not admit it, but deep inside her, Petunia still cared for Lily, sending her sister a vase (however horrible in Lily's opinion) one Christmas and was in all probability devastated when her sister was murdered.
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Who was the worst Dursley?

Harry Potter author, J.K Rowling, confirmed in an interview that Uncle Vernon was her least favorite character in the story. Fans of the series share this opinion, making Vernon Dursley one of the most hated characters in the Harry Potter franchise.
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Did Aunt Petunia love Harry?

Petunia never showed any love and affection at all towards Harry because he reminded her of Lily and the wizarding world. She treated him as a waste of space, giving him the cupboard under the stairs at first and making him do all the chores. She, along with Vernon, ignored most of Harry's birthdays.
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Did Dudley become a good person?

Since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Dudley has had a change of heart about Harry. The cousins shake hands, and it's a perfect ending for Dudley. He's becoming better, rather than worse as a person. Dudley manages to leave his life in Private Drive having made some amends for his poor behavior toward Harry.
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Why did Petunia keep Harry's blanket?

6 The Dursleys Kept Harry's Baby Blanket

Dudley found it in Aunt Petunia's belongings after she passed away and sent it to Harry. This insinuates that Petunia held onto it for years, in spite of her resentment toward the Wizarding World and Harry, because it was another piece of Lily.
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Did Dudley say goodbye to Harry?

Harry affirms this and replies that the Dursleys have always seen him as a waste of space. Dudley, ignoring his father's calls, goes to Harry and says he doesn't think he's a waste of space. The two shake hands as a farewell and as Dudley walks away Harry smiles and says “see you Big D”.
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Did Harry ever see Petunia again?

Dudley went on to get married and have two Muggle children of his own, who occasionally saw Harry's children. While the cousins remained in touch, it seems that Harry never got to see his Uncle and Aunt ever again. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child revealed that Petunia died due to unknown reasons sometime before 2020.
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Who did Cho Chang marry?

She survived the war and eventually married a muggle Mr. Campbell and had a daughter named Erin. Even though Cho seemed very innocent and kind, she still couldn't get over the fact that Cedric Diggory was dead and Harry Potter, her new crush, had been right beside Cedric when he died.
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Could Dudley have a magical child?

Dudley's genotypes: • If Dudley inherited S allele from both parents, he cannot have kids with magical ability.
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Does Dudley beat up Harry?

The Dursleys were abusive in essentially every conceivable way towards Harry. He was beaten by Dudley, often on Vernon's orders, and sometimes by his uncle himself. He was often denied food, and was given the bare minimum to keep alive.
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When did Harry stop going to the Dursleys?

When he reached the age of seventeen, he left the house for good. It is unknown if he ever visited after the end of the Second Wizarding War, although he never lived there again.
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Did Vernon ever beat Harry?

Vernon does treat Harry badly but it's better than many people think. The idea that he often beats him is fanon. Harry does not seem to be physically afraid of Vernon, even as a child.
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What is Aunt Petunia's secret?

One of Petunia Dursley's biggest secrets was the promise she made to Albus Dumbledore. When James and Lily were killed at the hand of Voldemort and Harry was dropped off on the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive, there was a letter accompanying him.
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What did Dumbledore write to Petunia?

Dear Mrs. Petunia Dursley, Your only sister and brother-in-law have been brutally murdered by an insane serial killer. You now have to take it their one year old son Harry who is much more special than you, your husband and your own son could ever dream to be.
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What does Petunia call Dudley?

'Ickle Diddykins' His nicknames were as sickly as a Weasleys' Puking Pastille. You have to feel a bit of pity for the poor lad considering the names his mother called him. Here's just a small selection of the terrible nicknames Petunia inflicted on her son…
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Did Petunia ever love Lily?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows revealed that despite all the horrible things Harry's aunt had said about her sister, Lily and Petunia had once been very close. In fact, Petunia had been so desperate to be with her sister that she wrote Albus Dumbledore begging to be allowed to attend Hogwarts as well.
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Did Petunia know how Lily died?

Petunia learned that Lily died by a note and a baby on her doorstep. How incredibly cruel of Dumbledore. The sisters may have been estranged, but they were still sisters. Dumbledore also dumped a baby on her without asking if it was okay, and then seemed to blackmail her into keeping Harry.
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Who blows up Aunt Petunia?

Marge's insults to the memory of both Harry Potter's parents, James and Lily Potter, got the thirteen-year-old wizard upset, and he lost control of his magic, unintentionally casting the Inflating Charm on his aunt, making her blow up like a balloon and float about the room.
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